Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

I thought he was about to reward Quinn for all her oral entertainment but both he and she had other ideas.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked her.
“Yeah, I am. I want you to tear her pussy up.” She grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me to the middle of the bed while Massimo gently rolled Phaedra to the side. She spread my legs for him and held them open as he positioned himself in between them.
“Girl, I promised you a good time. Massimo is about to blow your back out. Back-to-back orgasms? How about triple instead?”
She gave my clit a couple of swirls with her tongue and then licked her way from my crotch to my breasts. She tugged at my nipples gently with her teeth before bashing her tongue against them. She reversed course and licked her way back down my belly until her mouth was met by Massimo’s waiting cock.
He grabbed her by her hair and shoved himself into her mouth. She accepted the big dong with ease. He thrust a few times and pulled out. He then smashed her face into my cunt. She swept her tongue through my snatch before he yanked her head up. He shoved his cock into her mouth again but this time, he left it there.
“Yeah,” he exhaled. “Suck me good, Honey. Get me ready for your friend.” Quinn didn’t need the encouragement but she responded to it well. She cupped his balls and launched her mouth up and down his petrified pecker. It was messy and unladylike. Spittle was escaping her mouth and dripping off of him. He was so lathered up with her saliva that his manhood was glistening and shining. It was the picture-perfect definition of polishing the knob.
Massimo’s last venture into Quinn’s face hole was a hard plunge deep into her throat. Her eyes bulged as she choked a bit. Still, she managed to roll her tongue around his massive manhood. The outline was visible in her cheeks. She placed her hand around the base of his schlong and slowly pulled it out like a sword swallower pulling out the long, menacing weapon. It sounded like a champagne bottle being uncorked.
She plugged him into me like prongs being inserted into a socket. He pushed himself all the way in and the feeling was electric indeed. She aided him further by spreading my legs open into a full split. She instructed me to maintain that position and she got out of the way. She knew what was coming next and she didn’t want to be in the line of fire.
Massimo rocked his cocked from side to side as if to prepare my hole for the oncoming assault. He was stretching me open, making a wider and wetter target. He slowly drew himself out of me until his tip was dangling over my hole. With a villainous smirk, he slammed himself into my bottom. He repeated this beastly act a few more times.
Confident that I could now withstand his delivery, Massimo proceeded to hammer away inside of me. He fucked me like a rag doll. I couldn’t understand how something so brutal could feel so amazing. I had been screwing for nearly three decades and I couldn’t remember it ever being this animalistic.
It wasn’t just because his cock was so enormous. He had learned how to weaponize it. He wasn’t using it for adverse purposes. He was using it to dispense sexual satisfaction to any woman who would dare take him on. He was a pro at this and I was sure that we were now members of a long list of women to have benefited from his extraordinary skill set.
He was nailing me so fast and so ferociously that I couldn’t hold my legs open anymore. He caught them as soon as I let them crumble around him. He flung them over his shoulders and pressed down on me until both my legs were inches away from my face. That’s when he really began to lay into me as if what he had already done was small potatoes.
Quinn had been to the side of us. Now and then, she would try to slip her tongue onto my breasts. Massimo’s last maneuver had made that impossible. Quinn looked as if she was searching for a way to join the action. Suddenly, her eyes rolled back in her head. Phaedra had finally recovered from her colossal climax. She had slipped herself under Quinn and was eating her out.
That caused Quinn to forget all about Massimo and me. She had served the three of us well and she was now beginning to get her due. She leaned back to sit straight up onto Phaedra’s face. Massimo was pummeling me so voraciously that everything was a blur. Still, I could make out Phaedra’s tongue whipping up into Quinn and the blissful expression on Quinn’s face. What captured my attention most were Quinn’s big, beautiful breasts jiggling as she rode Phaedra’s tongue. They were dazzling. I was being hypnotized by them. I wanted to touch them, to suck them, and to make
love to them with my mouth. Her nipples were beckoning me but I would have to wait to answer them.
I had all that I could handle taking Massimo’s powerful pumps and pounds. He didn’t even seem phased. He had barely worked up a sweat and it seemed every single hair was still in place. My previous theory was being confirmed: he had just stepped off the wings of angels. Being dispensed this glorious dicking down by such a heavenly specimen was borderline supernatural.
The resulting orgasm was just as out of this world as the pussy pummeling that caused it. I shook, quaked, and kicked my legs as the stupendous climax ripped through the entirety of my body. I dug my nails deep into his ass and held on until the show-stopping surge ceased. Massimo eased himself out of me leaving me in a puddle of my warm juices.
“I’m just getting started ladies!” he exclaimed as he planted himself in between Phaedra’s legs. He yanked her to the edge of the bed and flipped her over. Quinn had been relishing riding Phaedra’s face but seemed unbothered by the interruption. She began masturbating as she watched Massimo commence with another round of cunt conquering.
Massimo spread Phaedra’s ample ass cheeks and rocketed his daunting dick in her pussy hole. Her face said everything. She had always claimed that size didn’t matter. She was learning right now, in this very moment that it did. He stretched her twat to ready her in the same manner as he had readied me. His hips were rocking in the same motion.
I wanted to see if her reaction to his next set of moves would coincide with mine. They did. She was equally shocked and stupefied by his range of churning, throttling, and screwing tactics. Her eyes closed as she absorbed each thundering blow. She was being dick-matized and I was front row to witness her euphoric experience.
In just one encounter, Massimo had given me the most memorable sex of my life and I was sure Phaedra would agree once he finished her off. I was becoming concerned about Quinn. She was the mastermind of this evening but had barely reaped any benefits. I was going to change that. I crawled closer to her and gently pried her hand away from her crotch.
I cradled her bottom towards my face and ran my fingers through her fleshy layers. I knew that I was nowhere close to being the pussy eater she was. I hadn’t done it in years but I was going to give it the old college try. I might
not be able to make her cum but I could render her super soaking wet for Massimo as she had so thoughtfully done for me.
I angled us over just a bit so that I would be able to peek at Massimo wailing away into Phaedra. I dunked my tongue into Quinn. I started right below her clit and I whisked around it. I tickled at the tip of it before whisking my tongue around it several more times. Once it began to twitch, I relieved it of its wanting.
I surrounded it gently with my lips, rolling it in between them in a massage inspired motion. I was delicate initially then I slowly began to apply more pressure. I added in some light flickering with my tongue before rushing t through and around her intricately pussy lips. I returned to her clit and repeated the same acts with increased intensity.
It was all coming back to me. I sucked her clit into my mouth and slobbered on it passionately.