Her hand settled on his chest and stroked lazily down his body as he lay back and watched her. Over his stomach and along his hip. Down his thigh and back up as he watched her, anticipating. She straddled his legs again, and his hands came up to rest on her hips. His head arched back into the bed as her mouth closed over on one of his flat nipples. She swirled her tongue over it, teasing the sensitive skin with her lips and teeth as well.
She looked up at his face as she suckled on him and grinned when he moaned, pushing his hips up at her. She let herself slide gracefully down his body, her tongue trailing over his skin to his stomach. She dipped her tongue into his navel and he bucked his hips up, inhaling through clenched teeth. She looked up at him and giggled mischievously, her hand closing around his cock again. She licked her lips, wetting them, and leaned closer to his cock.
She ran the sensitive head over her closed lips, watching his face as she did. He propped himself up on his elbow to watch her, shoving a pillow behind his back to recline on. He loved watching her go down on him. She always showed such enthusiasm, her mouth teasing him with promises of what it would like later to be buried in the wet heat of her pussy. She flicked her tongue over the head as he watched her, dipping the tip of her tongue into the slit on the head of his cock before closing her lips around him and sucking gently.
Her tongue circled the head of his cock and he groaned, pushing his head back against the pillow behind him and brushing her hair away from her face so he could see better. His hand rested on the back of her neck, urging her to continue.
She closed her eyes, sucking on him slightly harder as she took him deeper into her mouth. Stroking her mouth over him, each downstroke took him
deeper into the wet heat of her mouth. “Yes baby,” he moaned under his breath as she took him in. “Suck your cock baby.” She moaned at his words, the sound vibrating down his length. She shifted her body as the head of his cock brushed the back of her throat. Raising her body higher over his, she tilted her head and slowed her movements.