Book:LOST IN LUST {erotic short stories} Published:2025-2-8

Her body quaked and her heart raced as Gabrielle enjoyed her first orgasm with another woman. It was all she had imagined it might be and more.
Gabrielle finally caught her breath as Callista rose from the floor and kissed her with all the passion of her just ended orgasm. Both reached out with extended tongues as Gabrielle tasted the fruits of her climax in the Callista’s mouth.
“Your turn, lover,” Callista purred as she broke their embrace.
Gabrielle couldn’t contain her excitement as she and Callista reversed the positions they had just held. From her position on the floor, the thirty- seven year old pulled off the red lace panties that covered her prize with enthusiasm, exposing a carefully shaved pussy.
“Oh my,” the redhead said as she softly ran her fingers across the baby smooth skin around Callista’s pussy.
Fueled by desire, Gabrielle shed the last of her inhibitions and pressed deep into her young lover’s sex with all the passion of a recent convert. Her first taste of another woman filled her as Callista’s body quickly responded to her attentions.
“Oh yeah, baby, right there,” Callista moaned as she helped guide her novice lover. “Oh that’s it, right there.”
Gabrielle might’ve been an amateur when it came to lesbian lovemaking, but she knew exactly what she liked someone to do to her. It was quickly turning out that Callista liked many of the same things.
Keep it up, baby,” Callista cried out as she held the back of Gabrielle’s head, “We’re almost there.”
True to Callista’s prediction, it didn’t take much longer at all. The orgasm that suddenly gripped her wasn’t near as forceful as those brought on by more skillful lovers, but at the same time it had the advantage of being further energized by the knowledge that it was Gabrielle’s first time. Callista had always had such a weakness for first timers, especially older women.
“Gabrielle, baby, that was really great,” Callista said as she lifted the no longer virgin back onto the couch and kissed her one last time. “Really great.”
“I don’t think great really covers it,” Gabrielle said as she tried to take it all in. “I’m not sure what words really do.”
“Well sometimes what you feel is a lot more important than what you say,” Callista said as she stretched her arms across the length of the couch.
“Well I feel wonderful too,” the older woman said as she pressed her head between Callista’s breasts.
“I think we better get dressed,” Callista said as she glanced at the clock on the wall, her voice now containing just a touch of urgency.
“When can I see you again?” Gabrielle asked, paying no attention to Callista’s suggestion.
“That might not be a good idea,” the brunette said as she got up from the couch and began to pick up Gabrielle’s clothes from the floor.
It took a few moments for what Callista was saying to sink in, but as Gabrielle realized the dark-haired woman was looking not at her, but over her shoulder, it all made sense. Before reaching out to take the pile of clothes that Callista had picked up, the redhead turned her head just enough to look once again at the photograph on the small table behind the
couch. The question she hadn’t wanted to think about earlier had just been answered.
“I guess I should be going,” a disappointed Gabrielle said as she accepted her clothes and began to put them back on.
“Look, Gabrielle, I really don’t do this that often and …” Callista started to explain, but was stopped as the taller woman raised her hand to stop her.
“Let’s just leave it as we had a good time,” Gabrielle said. “A really good time, and leave it at that.”
Silence then filled the room as Gabrielle quickly finished dressing. She wished she could take a shower before heading back out on the streets but was pretty sure that wasn’t an option. The idea of stopping over at Julia and Roger’s before heading home presented itself as an idea for a few seconds, but then was dismissed when she considered that her friend would be all too curious as to why she needed a shower in the first place.
“I think I’ve got everything,” Gabrielle said out loud as she checked her appearance as best she could.
“For what it’s worth, you were really fantastic,” Callista offered.
“Thank you,” Gabrielle said, deciding that the waitress really meant it.
Opening the door, Callista was careful to stand behind it least one of her neighbors be in the hall and catch sight of her in the nude. They kissed a last time, this one brief and soft. Gabrielle was about to step outside into the hall when Callista stopped her by placing a hand on her arm.
Removing her hand, she then reached for the small gold necklace she had worn all during their lovemaking, taking it off. To Gabrielle’s surprise, she held it out to her.
“I want you to have this,” she said.
“I couldn’t,” Gabrielle said.
“Please, it’s not like it’s real gold or anything like that,” Callista insisted, “but it would at least be a memento of your first time … and maybe of me too.”
“Okay,” Gabrielle finally relented as she took the offering. “I’ll keep it as a memento then,”
As she watched the door to Callista’s apartment close behind her, Gabrielle could still taste the fruits of their mutual orgasms in her mouth. It was a nectar that would stay in her memory a long, long time.
An hour later, on the railroad heading home, Gabrielle took the small necklace out of her purse and looked at it once more. On careful inspection, it really was a cheap little thing. Still, she wouldn’t have traded it, or what it represented, for any other piece of jewelry she owned. From now on, this was going to be her lucky charm.