Gabrielle waited until Julia’s cab disappeared in the traffic before reaching into her purse and taking out the note she had hidden there. Feeling as if every passerby was watching her, she unfolded it and read the hasty scribble.
“If you are really curious about my charms,” the note read, “I finish up at four-thirty. Maybe we can have a drink and discuss it.”
The note also had what Gabrielle took to be a cell phone number.
The thirty-seven year old had to laugh. Imagine, getting propositioned by a woman that had to be ten years younger than her at the least. It had to be a joke. Then again, that young man up at the college had been even younger than Callista and he certainly didn’t think it was a joke.
Gabrielle thought about it a few minutes more then made what she was sure was the right decision. Crumpling the note into a ball, she tossed it into the nearest trash can.
“Some things, I guess,” she told herself, “might be better off staying as fantasies.”
Leaving her chance for adventure behind, Gabrielle headed down Second Avenue to check out a few of her favorite stores. As she shopped, the idea began to slip further and further from her mind as she found herself wrapped in the latest in summer wear.
“Thank you very much,” the older man said as he handed Gabrielle back her credit card and the two boxes that contained the new dresses she had just bought. “and do have a good evening.”
The statement made the redhead realize she had shopped the last of the afternoon away. Checking her watch, she saw that it was already quarter
of five. Heading to Penn Station now was going to put her into the middle of rush hour.
Putting her wallet back in her purse, Gabrielle took out her cell phone to call home and leave a message for her daughter that she’d be home later than she originally thought. She was about to put her phone away when she inexplicably found herself trying to remember the phone number that was on the note.
Wondering if it was even a real number, she began to dial out of curiosity. The phone rang a few times and Gabrielle was just about to disconnect when a voice came online.
“Hello?” the woman said.
Gabrielle’s first instinct was to hand up and her finger was already reaching for the red end button. It never reached it as she found herself saying hello instead.
“Callista?” Gabrielle asked.
“Speaking,” the voice on the other end said. “Who’s this?”
“Gabrielle,” the redhead said as she realized that she couldn’t remember actually giving the younger woman her name. “I’m the woman who was at your table this afternoon that you left a note with and …”
“Where are you?” Callista interrupted.
Looking up at the street signs above her, Gabrielle read off her location. She did so in an automatic response to the question without thinking about it.
“Wait there, I’ll meet you in five minutes,” the dark-haired girl said as she cut off the call before Gabrielle could say otherwise.
“What do I do now?” Gabrielle asked herself, wondering if grabbing a cab and heading for the train station might be the best thing she could do.
It turned out to be closer to three minutes when Gabrielle saw the dark- haired woman heading down the street toward her. Callista had changed from her uniform to a short sleeve yellow pullover and dark jeans. Her ponytail was now undone and her hair hung free across her shoulders.
“Hi there,” Callista said as she stepped up to Gabrielle.
“Hello,” Gabrielle replied, the touch of nervousness evident in her voice.
“I was surprised you called,” the younger woman said. “When four- thirty came and went I thought that was it.”
“I think I was a little surprised myself,” Gabrielle said, not being able to think what else to answer.
“Another few minutes and I would’ve been out the door,” Callista said. “You’re not going to believe this but I only live a block and a half from here.”
“Oh, if you were going out I wouldn’t want to keep you,” Gabrielle quickly said, seeing a quick out.
“Not at all,” Callista replied. “I was just going to do a little shopping. It looks like you were doing more than a little of that yourself.” she added as she took note of the boxes at Gabrielle’s feet.
“A little,” the older woman said, still trying to think of what to say.
If you still want to have that drink, we can go to Demarco’s just up the block,” Callista said. “It’s not a lez bar or anything like that if you’re worried about it.”
“That hadn’t even entered my mind,” Gabrielle said, wondering if it should’ve. “But now that you mention it, I think I really could use a drink.”
Callista’s response was a broad wide smile.
It was still early and they had no trouble getting a small table in the back of the bar. This time, Gabrielle ordered a drink a lot stronger that the one she’d had with lunch. She surprised even herself when she quickly downed it and ordered another.
“I’ve never done anything like this before,” Gabrielle said as she took a much smaller sip of her second drink.
“You’ve never had drinks in a bar before?” Callista asked, a smile on her face.
“No, I’ve never been picked up by a woman before,” the redhead corrected.
“Oh, is that what I’m doing?” the brunette asked innocently. “And here I thought we were just having a few drinks and discussing our taste in jewelry.”
“Oh, I thought …” Gabrielle started to say, then realized that Callista wasn’t serious.
“Maybe we should just lay our cards on the table,” Callista said. “I thought you were really cute this afternoon and felt that maybe something passed between us. Normally I don’t go around trying to pick strange women up, but I had the feeling that you might’ve felt it too and we might have a little fun together. I’ll be honest and admit that women like you turn me on. So I left you my number. If I was wrong then I apologize. We’ll just call it a big misunderstanding and leave it at that.”
Gabrielle took a deep breath and then a good swallow of her drink before responding. Her answer surprised even herself.
“You weren’t wrong,” she said. “I was staring at your breasts and thinking dirty thoughts.”
“I know,” Callista smiled knowingly.
“It feels good to finally say that,” Gabrielle admitted.
“Then shall we go?” Callista asked.
“Go where?” Gabrielle asked.
“My apartment, silly,” Callista said as she got up from her seat. “Unless you’d like to try and do it right here in the ladies room?”
“I don’t even know your name,” Gabrielle said as she also stood up.
“Callista Theodoropulas,” the younger woman replied.
“That’s certainly a mouthful,” Gabrielle remarked.
“My name isn’t the only thing that’s a mouthful,” the olive skinned woman laughed softly as she turned and headed for the entrance to the bar.
Gabrielle paused for a brief moment more, then followed the long- haired woman out. Part of her, the rational, logical part, told her that she wasn’t thinking clearly. That she should back off and take the time to carefully consider what she was doing. Then another part of her exerted itself, echoing the same words she had used when she had gone to bed with that grad student. “Fuck it, you only live once.”
Callista’s home was only a block away, the front apartment of a four- story walk-up. Moderately furnished, it was a single room studio with a
small bathroom. It only took a few moments for Gabrielle to take it all in as Callista closed the door behind them.
“You have a lovely apartment,” Gabrielle said as she stepped inside.
“Thanks,” Callista replied as she motioned for her guest to have a seat on the couch. “It’s small but it’s home.”
Callista walked over to the small kitchenette and opened the refrigerator door, asking as she did, “Can I get you a beer?”
“A beer would be fine,” Gabrielle said, all too aware she had passed her normal alcoholic intake for a day some time ago.
As Callista took two bottles of beer from the refrigerator, Gabrielle noticed a photograph on the small table behind the couch. The picture showed Callista and a blond haired girl about the same age in Central Park, their arms over each other’s shoulders.
“That’s me and my roommate, Lana,” Callista answered in reply to Gabrielle’s unasked question, holding out one of the beers as she did. “She’s doesn’t get home from work until about eight.”
“Oh,” Gabrielle simply said as she took a long pull on the bottle of cold beer. “A roommate in an apartment as small as this could also be a lover, but that wasn’t a subject Gabrielle wanted to consider at the moment.”
Callisita took a long drink of her own before setting herself down on the couch next to Gabrielle. A second drink followed before she put the bottle down next to Lana’s photograph.
“Why don’t you take off your jacket and get comfortable?” she said as she reached over to help Gabrielle take it off.