There was a part of him that knew who it must be and another part of him that denied the knowledge. It couldn’t be, surely.
He stood up and walked to the door with his stomach doing flips, feelings of dread and excitement mixing in equal measure. He opened the door, and there she was. She looked even better close up. He hadn’t got a clear look at her face before – he had been more focused on her body – but now, close up, he could see that she really was beautiful.
She had piercing blue eyes that seemed to stare right through him, right into his soul. She had full lips that she slowly licked as she looked at him and he saw the dampness on them and wondered what it would feel like to kiss them. And at the periphery of his vision, he could see her breasts straining at the dress. It took all of his willpower to keep his eyes on her face – as captivating as it was, he really wanted to be looking at the rest of her body now that he had it close up like this.
“Oh,” he said when he saw her, “Hi.”
“Hi,” she said, smiling, “I’m Sophie. I’ve just moved in next door. But I guess you know that,” she laughed lightly then, a musical noise, and although he felt awkward at the mention of it he couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m Pete,” he said. She held out her hand to him and he shook it. As he went to pull his hand back she seemed to hold on for just a bit longer and he felt her finger slide across the skin of his palm.
“Pleased to meet you, Pete,” she said, “So like I say, I’ve just moved in next door. And… well, I’m at a bit of a loss at the moment. You see I live all alone
and the removal men just put all the furniture in the house but it’s not really where I want it to be. I was thinking that I was going to have to hire someone to come and do the heavy lifting for me, but then I saw you and… well, you look like a fit young man. At least, from what I saw. Which I think was plenty.”
Now he really felt embarrassed.
“So anyway,” she continued, apparently not noticing him blushing, “I wondered if you’d be free to come round and help a damsel in distress and maybe help move some of my furniture around for me? It won’t be anything too strenuous, I promise, and I’m happy to pay.” Every atom of his being was telling him to say no, to just stay here in his comfort zone playing video games. But then something inside him stirred in protest against that.
What would it mean? Another afternoon all alone with nothing but his fantasies about what he wanted to do to this woman? Sure, it was pretty much a certainty that nothing would happen, but if he stayed home alone then it was an absolute certainty. He told himself that he had to go for it.
“Sure,” he said, “I’d be happy to help.”
“Great! Well, come over whenever you’re ready and we can get started.” “I’m ready now if you want?”
“Perfect. Let’s go.”
She turned and started to walk back down the garden path. He could see her ass moving like a dream, shifting from side to side and he wanted to know how it would feel to hold it as it moved, feel her perfect round buttocks moving under his touch. He had no choice but to follow her.
He walked after her – down the garden path, out onto the sidewalk, onto her path, and then they were there – at her front door.
She opened it and turned back to him with a knowing smile and then stepped inside. And then he did, and there they were. In her house.
He had never been in the house when it had belonged to its previous occupants – he supposed that was because of his mother falling out with them – so this was all new to him. It was a strange feeling for him to suddenly be in the inside of this house which he had lived next door to for all these years. But then, there were a lot of things that felt strange to him at that moment.
It was obvious straight away that this house had only just been moved into. There were boxes everywhere and the furniture looked out of place – armchairs dumped unceremoniously in the center of the room, dining chairs not matched up with the dining table they belonged to.
Pete looked around and let out a whistle.
“Yeah,” Sophie said, letting out a laugh, “There’s quite a lot of work to do. You sure that you’re up to it?”
Yeah, sure,” he said, “Why not, eh?”
“That’s the spirit,” she said, “OK, then, where to begin?” And she looked around, trying to decide what to get him to do first.
She began instructing him about what to move and where to put it. It was hard work, but not too bad.
He felt his muscles working, felt them tense, and push at the material of his T-shirt. He felt good about it. He had spent time getting used to working out. At first, he had hated it. He had found himself feeling exhausted and hot and bothered, questioning the point of it all. But as time had gone by he had grown to enjoy it. He had started to see the benefits and now he was demonstrating those benefits.
As he lifted one armchair he grunted slightly at the effort. He knew that Sophie was watching him. She could have just given him his instructions and headed off to do her own thing, yet here she was – watching him.
At first, he felt self-conscious about it, but the more he tried and the more he felt his muscles working the better he felt. He focused on the job at hand.
He felt beads of sweat on his back. He was breathing heavily now, working hard. He looked over to Sophie and she could see just how intently she was watching him.
“Not getting too hot, are you?” she asked at one point.
“No, I think I’m OK for now, thanks.”
“OK. Well, you can always take your shirt off if you get too hot.”
“Sure. Thanks.”
She watched him for a while longer, then she suddenly moved and left the room without a word. He wondered if he had done something wrong.
He looked around at his work. The room was really starting to shape up at last. He was feeling pretty content with his work.
He bent down to pick up a crate when suddenly something shocked him. Something cold and wet slid down his back.
“What the hell was that?” he cried out, almost involuntarily as he shot up, dropping the box he had just taken hold of. He reached back, clawing at his back, pushing his T-shirt up. He heard laughter behind him and turned to see Sophie standing there with a glass full of ice cubes.
“Well, I had to find some way to get you out of that shirt, didn’t I?” she said as she leaned forward and pulled it all the rest of the way over his head.
Her eyes lit up at the sight of his tanned, gleaming body. The droplets of sweat stood out on the muscles of his chest. She licked her lips again. Just the sight of that was enough to drive him crazy.
But he could see the look on her face and see that he was having a similar effect on her. His head was spinning. Was this real? Was this about to
happen? He barely knew this woman, and she barely knew him. But maybe that was a good thing. Maybe that was just how they needed it to be. He imagined that they didn’t even know each others’ names. They were, after all, strangers. Just two strangers who wanted the same thing. Who wanted each other.
He felt that they were coming together, coming together fast – but still, he waited, letting her take the lead.
She stepped close to him – she was tall, but he was taller still and she had to turn her face upwards to look at him. She smiled up at him and then bent down. She seemed to sniff his chest, smelling the sweat on him, and then she did something he never would have imagined she would do.
She licked his chest, tasting him. He shuddered involuntarily. He raised one hand behind her head, instinctively wanting to hold her head in his hand, stroke her hair, do something. But he lowered his hand. He was still letting her show him what to do. This was all new to him and he didn’t know what he was supposed to do. On one level he was terrified of doing the wrong thing. This all seemed so alien to him that he was sure that it couldn’t be real.
And maybe, he thought fearfully, maybe she was just messing with him somehow.
But she turned her face back to look at him, licking her lips once again – and he could see in her eyes that she wasn’t messing with him and that this wasn’t just a game to her. Whatever it was, whatever was happening, it was as real to her as it was to him.
“Well,” she said, softly.
“Well?” he murmured.
“Aren’t you going to kiss me?”
And then he did it. He leaned down and it seemed to be happening in slow motion. He reached up with one hand and stroked her face as he felt her warm breath on his face. And then they were kissing.
She had one hand on his chest as he felt those lips he had been staring at close on his and then push apart as her tongue came through and met his.
He let instinct take over now as his hands moved to her waist and felt her body moving below the material of her dress. This was it, he thought, that figure that he had gazed at from his window was now in his hands and he could scarcely believe it.
He pulled her even closer to him so that their bodies were touching. Her hand that had been stroking his chest moved down – for just a moment he tensed, wondering just where it was going and just how far down it would go as it ran down his chest, his abdomen – but then, she moved it to his side. Her other hand was in his hair, holding it tight. She pulled at it and he felt a slight, sharp pain but it wasn’t an unpleasant sensation at all.
With one last tug, her hand ran down his back. It slipped through the thin sheen of sweat that had built on his back, combined with the melted water of the ice cube that she had dropped down there. That seemed like a long time ago now, however, as she stroked his back as her hand moved down to take hold of his ass.