Over the weekend, I try to call June, but she doesn’t respond. I send Winston to her apartment, and it is empty. She isn’t at Rhea’s either, and it keeps me worried. I know I am wrong, but I can’t help myself. I am stressed. It is still news to me that my father is gone, and I haven’t yet acknowledged it. I need her, but she isn’t responding, so I spend the whole weekend trying to get high to make me forget the pain, but it never works.
This morning, I wake up with a terrible headache from all the alcohol I had the previous night. I have class, and I badly don’t want to attend, but June will be there. I need to see her, and I already feel she has something up her sleeves for me. That is typical June. I push myself out of bed, pop a pill, and hit the shower, then I head to school.
On getting to class, I spot her sitting in front, scribbling in her notebook. I walk to the lectern and set down my briefcase. Then she glances at me. I examine her for a moment to see if she is properly clothed. Her nipples aren’t hanging out, and she has trousers on. My chest tightens as the thought of her no longer caring swells in it.
“I wonder why he is staring at me. Is he trying to let the entire class know about the both of us? God, what have I gotten myself into?” I hear her thoughts.
I try to ignore them, but they continue.
“You know what, June? He isn’t even that attractive, and there are other men out there who will love you fully and not treat you like property. Let’s hope Cillian keeps his big mouth shut, and once I escape this week without getting called in by the panel, then I am done. I will never see him.”
Her lips aren’t moving, but her thoughts feel like a knife being plunged into my chest. She glances at me.
“Who am I kidding? He is attractive as hell, but I can do this. You got over Cillian, so this shouldn’t be so difficult. You just need to focus, and you can move on.”
Move on. That word is the final crucifixion for me. I can’t lose her, but I don’t know what to do. The thoughts in my mind begin to swirl badly in ways I can’t control, and before I can stop myself, her name slips from my mouth.
“June!” She looks up at once, her chest rising, and I can tell she is scared, but at this point, I can’t control what I feel.
I feel my wolf taking over with thoughts of losing its mate clawing at me.
“Yes, Professor,” she answers in that small voice, which does nothing but annoy me at the moment.
“I want you to remind me of the last thing we studied in class.” I try to fight off the urge to do something irrational.
“Stand when you speak to me!” I command, and she gets to her feet at once, fumbling with the ends of her shirt.
“You taught us about the theories of colours,” she says, and I keep watching her with the anger in me burning raw.
“You seem to have quite the memory, Ms. Miles,” I say to her, stepping away from the lectern to her desk. “Then why the hell have you been acting like we didn’t just have sex two days ago?” I ask, and the entire class gasps.
June freezes, her face paling, and I can see the tremor in her hands as she stands stiffly in front of me. Her eyes widen, and for a moment, the entire room feels frozen in time. Then, like a dam breaking, the whispers and murmurs of the class erupt all around us, filling the air with chaos.
I don’t know what hurts more-the look of betrayal on her face or the way she turns on her heel without a word, grabbing her bag and rushing out of the room.
The murmurs grow louder.
“She actually slept with him?”
“I knew something was going on!”
“Is this even allowed?”
Their words grate on my nerves, causing me to slam my hand down on the desk, the sharp sound reverberating through the room.
“Shut up!” I growl, my voice cutting through the noise like a blade. The room falls silent immediately, with every pair of eyes locked on me. The weight of their judgment is there, but I do not care.
“This class is dismissed,” I announce, then I grab my briefcase and walk away.
I don’t follow June. Instead, I make my way to my office. The moment I shut the door behind me, I let out a shaky breath and drop into my chair, running my hands through my hair.
What the hell have I done?
The memory of her thoughts swirls around. Move on… I will never see him again. It keeps playing in my mind on repeat. My wolf growls in frustration, pacing within me like a caged animal. It wants me to chase her, to fix this, but I can’t. I am weak, and I know my actions at the moment will only break her.
I lean back in my chair, closing my eyes as the weight of everything crashes down on me.
Shortly after, my phone rings, and I pull it out to see an unknown number. Even before I pick it up, I know what is about to happen.
“We would like to see you right away, Mr. Howler.”
The panel room is somber and formal, with a long table stretching across the center. At one end of the room sits the Dean, a sharp-eyed man in his sixties whose presence commands attention. Flanking him are five other members, which include an HR representative and a legal advisor.
I step into the room, keeping my head high even as my chest feels like a storm is raging inside it. Adjusting my suit jacket, I walk to the single chair placed at the opposite end of the table and sit, meeting the Dean’s calculating gaze.
The Dean clears his throat, flipping open a folder in front of him.
“Mr. Hiram Howler,” he begins in a formal tone, “before we address the primary reason for this meeting, allow me to extend our condolences on the passing of your father. He was a respected figure, not only in the school’s management but also in the community. His loss is deeply felt.”
A flicker of pain cuts through me, but I suppress it, giving a curt nod. “Thank you.”
There is a moment of silence before the Dean continues.
“Now, onto the matter at hand. You are here today because of an incident reported from your class. Several students have come forward, corroborating what was said. It is clear a boundary has been crossed, and we must address it for the sake of the institution’s integrity.”
I keep my expression neutral.
“To maintain the school’s reputation,” the Dean continues, “we must take decisive action. As such, we are prepared to impose disciplinary measures.”
I lean forward, raising a hand to stop him.
“There will be no need for that,” I say in a firm voice. “I am resigning, effective immediately. You can frame it however you like. Claim it was misconduct, whatever the school needs to save face. But I am done here.”
The room goes silent; the panel exchanging surprised glances.
“Mr. Howler, this is-” one of the faculty members starts, but I don’t let him finish.
“And there’s one more thing,” I say. “Cillian Ainsworth. I want him expelled.”
The Dean arches a brow, clearly surprised. “Expelled? On what grounds?”
“Repeated harassment of Juniper Miles. He’s made lewd comments, followed her around campus, cornered her on multiple occasions, and stalked her using dangerous men outside campus. If you need proof, check the security footage from the east wing last month. He’s a predator, and he doesn’t belong here.”
The HR representative scribbles furiously on her notepad while the others exchange wary glances.
The Dean adjusts his glasses. “And Juniper… Miles. Your… mate.” The word hangs heavy in the room.
My jaw tightens.
“Yes. She is my mate. That bond doesn’t excuse my actions, but it does explain them. What happened between us was consensual, but I understand.” I glance at each of them. “Announce my dismissal as misconduct, if you must. Label it as a violation. I’ll take full responsibility. But leave her scholarship intact. She’s a brilliant student who deserves better than this mess.”
Another tense silence falls over the room with their gazes locked on me.
The Dean removes his glasses, setting them on the table. “You understand what you’re asking for, don’t you, Hiram?”
“I’m doing what’s best for her and for myself. I can’t abandon her. Not for this, not for anything-but leaving will make her feel safe. She won’t have to look over her shoulder, waiting for when you might strip away her scholarship.”
I rise.
“You have my resignation. Do with it as you please.”
As I turn to leave, the Dean’s voice stops me. “You’re walking away from everything you’ve built here for her. Does your family know about this? Is this really worth it?”
I pause, gripping the door handle. I glance over my shoulder.
“A mate bond isn’t as easy as you humans think. You will never understand it, so stick to your work, Dean.”
With that, I walk out of the room.