When I wake in the morning, Juniper is still asleep. Her face looks peaceful as she sleeps, but I know it is only surface deep. After everything that happened last night, I can’t blame her for being exhausted. Quietly, I push myself out of bed, grabbing my phone from the nightstand. The events keep replaying in my head-her trembling, the fear in her eyes, her refusal to describe her attacker. I don’t know why she won’t let me handle this, but I can’t let her be alone anymore. She might see it as controlling, but keeping her safe is the only thing I care about.
Then there’s Troy. Seeing him holding her and comforting her made my blood boil. But as much as I hate to admit it, I don’t want to think about what might’ve happened if he hadn’t been there.
I step into the living room, dialing Alex’s number. She picks up after the second ring, her voice sluggish and annoyed.
“What do you want, Howler?” she mutters.
“I need a favor from you. Can you send someone to the Smith’s bakery to find out about some Larry guy?”
She groans loudly. “Larry? At this ungodly hour? What kind of shady mess are you dragging me into, Hiram?”
“Hey, you owe me for life, Lex,” I remind her, and she groans further.
“Whatever,” she sighs. “I’ll find your guy. Can I go to sleep now? I’ve got a nasty hangover.”
Before I can respond, she ends the call. Typical Alex. Still, she’ll get it done. She always does.
With that settled, I head back to the bedroom. June is still curled up on the bed, her chest rising and falling softly. I let myself relax for a moment, leaning against the doorframe as I take in her beautiful form. But then, out of nowhere, she jerks awake with a sharp gasp, her eyes wide and panicked. She looks at me with her trembling hands gripping the blanket. I rush over to her at once.
My heart flips at how troubled she looks.
“What happened? Are you okay?” I reach for her hand, but she just sits there without words. I stroke her hand, brushing her hair out of her face, trying to calm her.
“It’s okay,” I whisper. “You’re safe. I’m right here. Just breathe, okay?”
Her lips part, but no words come out, so I pull her into my arms.
“Tell me what’s wrong, please.”
She shakes her head, glancing at me, then mutters, “It was just a dream. But it felt so real.”
My jaw tightens as my entire body itches to find whoever this man is.
“Give me a description, please, and-”
“It’s not the man.” She cuts me off, then pulls away from me, holding my gaze. “Do you think werewolves are real?” Her question slams into my guts, knocking the air out of my lungs.
For a moment, I struggle to compose myself.
“You think I am crazy.” My mouth remains shut as she says this. “God, I am crazy, but it feels so real, and I keep seeing this wolf chasing me in your house. It happened yesterday when the man came after me, and it caused me to stop.”
My throat feels dry as she says this, and I realize I need to do something.
“Babe, please say something,” she says, tugging at my hand.
“I do not think you are crazy.” Words finally leave my mouth. “You are just shaken, and that is all.” More words come out. Then I pull her to my chest, holding her, and stroking her hair.
The fear of losing her surges through me, causing me to tighten my grip around her. Fuck! I have to do something.
I try to change the topic.
“You can no longer live here, June.” She pulls away from me as the words fall from my mouth. “I am not trying to control you, but…” I pause as her brow furrows, then I cup her face.
“Do you see what happens when I look away for one moment?”
She lets out a sigh.
“Then where do I live? I have to go to school, and this place is closer to school, and…”
“I’ll take care of that.” She stops talking as I say this. “But I need things to be done my way, and please, I am not trying to control you, I swear. I am just bothered, and I do not want men like Troy coming to save my girlfriend when I can provide her with all she needs.” She opens her mouth to speak, but I beat her to it. “I know you do not need anything from me, but I am asking as your boyfriend. Let me take care of you.”
She takes a deep breath, grabbing my hand, and pulling it away from her face, then she sinks back into the sheets. I run a hand across my hair, moving in to hold her hand.
“Do you know what you are asking me to do, Hiram?” she asks, glaring at me. “We will leave for school from the same house. How long do you think it will take for people to discover about us? I already think people know we are together, and it scares me sometimes. I am on a scholarship, and I will literally kill myself if I lose it, and I know you could easily pay my tuition, but I do not want that.”
I bring the back of her palm to my lips, then I adjust closer on her bed, allowing me to run a thumb on her face.
“You do not have to move into my house,” I begin, and I watch her brows crease. “I can rent an apartment in town and get a driver. He will take you to school and back.”
“I am not really asking, June. You need to be protected, and the man you have refused to describe to me is out there on the streets. I will not always be here with you, so I want to keep you where I can be with you.” I lower my voice when I notice it is rising more than intended, then I croak out a “Please.”
“That means I cannot go wherever I want to, and I won’t get to drive, right?”
She scoffs when I do not say anything.
“How is this any different from being locked up?” she asks, then she pushes her feet off the bed. “This isn’t what I need right now, Hiram. I just want my boyfriend to be supportive and not try to control my life.” I reach for her hand before she takes a step, then I stand.
“Tell me what you want me to do to be supportive enough that will make you want to move away from here,” I say, then she sighs. “June, please. I will not be comfortable leaving here to know that you can still be in potential danger, so please.”
“I want my life the way it is, Hiram. If I should have a driver, then he will take me wherever I want to, and he will make himself scarce, so my friends do not feel awkward. Rhea can also visit,” she says, and I nod at her words.
“Yes, I will do all that,” I reply, and a smile spread across her lips.
“Good.” She gets on her tiptoe, pressing her lips on mine.
As Winston and I finalize arrangements for the new apartment, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Alex’s name flashes on the screen. I step away from Winston, signaling him to stay with June so I can answer the call.
“Alex,” I say sharply as I pick up the call.
“Well, good morning to you too, sunshine,” she replies with sarcasm laced in her voice. “I found your guy. Larry works at the East End Motors.”
“East End Motors?” I repeat, my hand tightening around the phone.
“Yeah, shady spot. I’d suggest you tread carefully, Howler. He claims to deal with motor parts, but I think it is more than that.”
“I’ll handle it. Thanks, Lex.”
She snorts. “Just don’t say I never did anything for you. Stay out of jail, yeah?”
The line goes dead before I can respond, but I don’t care. I return to June’s apartment.
“I need to rush into town briefly,” I say to her, and she frowns a bit. “I will not be long, and I will meet you guys at the apartment, hopefully?” she nods, and I kiss the corner of her cheeks, but she doesn’t let go.
She pulls me in, taking my lips briefly.
“I’ll see you soon,” I say to her, running a thumb on her lips, before looking over at Winston, who is boxing some of her kitchen utensils. “Please take care of her.”
“You can count on me,” he replies, then I leave to meet with Larry.