I got into the car, knowing that if I didn’t move move now, the owner of the car Kylee stole would soon come out of the convenience store and Christian would have gotten the location, and he would not be happy.
I got into the passenger seat belt.
“What is happening?” I asked her.
“We’re taking time off”
“Christian is becoming what I feared”
She spared me a glance but kept shut.
“What was the argument about, the both of you were shouting the heavens away”
“I’ll tell you later, when we have settled ”
She drove to a motel, not fancy but not shabby either. There were two beds in the room.
“How long are we supposed to be here?”
“Enough time… Enough time to keep his thoughts and let them torture him. Until he comes to his senses because he doesn’t seem to understand what he’s done is… Bad”
“What did he do?”
She turned away from me as if she couldn’t keep looking at my face and she muttered something under her breath.
“I’m hungry ” she said matter of factly.
“Yeah, me too. I’m starving ”
She picked her pocket and pulled out some bills.
“Wait here, don’t open the door for anyone, not even me”
I was filled with confusion.
“Not even you?”
“Yes, I will take the key and if I ask you to open the door, it means one of Christian’s men has gotten hold on me and they want access into he room. I’ll open it myself ”
I nodded my head and brushed my hand over my arm, trying to keep that terrifying cold that something really dangerous was coming to get me. Christian was not dangerous, I know this but… He was not dangerous to me, to others he was lethal.
“Stay safe. I’ll be back”
I sat in the motel, staring straight at its coffee brown wall. Anytime a car pulled up in front, I would run to the window and peek behind the curtain, expecting to see Kylee, or Christian.
The door swung open and I jumped from the bed.
“It’s me” Kylee said softly.
He warmness had returned, her face was no longer pale and her eyes burned with interest.
It was as if while she was out, she had recollected everything that happened and was surprised by her bold and callous actions.
She set some food on the table.
“I got it from a fast food. It’s no fancy restaurant shit but right now, I don’t mind”
I picked up a bottle of water and I downed the entire thing. Kaylee stared at me with her mouth half open in shock.
“Sorry, I was thirsty. Did you need to drink from it too?”
“No, don’t worry. I bought plenty but I’m not sure it’s enough. Don’t worry, I’ll get another set later”
I nodded my thanks and I started eating. My phone buzzed in the pocket of my cargo pants.
“What’s that?” Kaylee asked with shock.
“My phone” I said wondering if she was always this paranoid.
“Shit!” She yelled and stood up.
She pulled the phone from my hand and glanced at the screen.
“He has been texting and calling you” Kylee said.
I nodded my head.
“I put it on DND”
“Didn’t it cross your mind that he can be tracking you!” She yelled.
“I had it on me while I left the house ”
“You didn’t think to tell me?”
“Calm down Kylee, you’re freaking me out. What is so wrong, you’re the one that brought me here in the first place, o thought I’d just take you to the back of the house to cool off but you insisted on running, I don’t know what is going on”
She ran her fingers through her hair and shut the phone off.
“What?” I asked seeing that she froze.
She ran to the window and crouched low, two fingers were outstretching, moving the curtain a little so she could see outside.
It was already let evening and from where I sat, everything was quiet.
“He found us!” Kylee said and jumped away from the away as if it was an electric fence and she pulled my hand and pushed me into the bathroom.
She was sweating and panicking, and I knew that the decision to run was a bad idea.
“Window” she said and she moved towards the toilet and climbed onto the seater. She opened the window. “It’s wide, we can jump through”
Holy fuck.
I went to meet her.
I heard our door being hanged on, then bi heard Christian’s voice, calm and still.
“Kaylee, whatever you’re thinking right now. Don’t ” he said. “Jenna, Baby…. I’m sorry. Open the door and we’ll talk it out”
When we were quiet, he proceeded break the door down. I heard it tear into pieces as if it was a piece of clothing. He saw that the room was empty.
“Check the bathroom ” Christian ordered someone.
“Now” Kylee said and she lifted my hand, pulled me into the seater with her and she helped me through the window. I landed on the grassy earth and I rolled.
I held back a small cry and I looked up to see Kylee leap down like a ninja.
I ran to God knows where and when I sighted that silver car, I opened the door and jumped in, Kylee was just behind me, with lightning speed, she dashed inside and hot wired it.
It scattered into the street as she drove out. I turned back to see Christian’s fast cars chasing after us. Theirs were meant for speed, ours were just loose and meant solely for transportation.
“They’re Cathing up” I cried, tears stained my cheeks. I looked again, saw how close they were, we were literally side by side now.
“Give up Kylee, pull over” I cried some more.
The car beside me tried to keep the distance, and I knew that it could drive past us easily. It slowed down to meet us.
“Fuck!!” Kaylee yelled under her breath, that was all it took to acknowledge defeat.