“Wake up Baby. Wake up” my eyes didn’t flutter open like I was in a romance manga, they snapped open as if I was in horror sci-fi.
“You’ve been sleeping for hours. It’s twelve thirteen AM”
“What?” I asked looking away from his eyes to the direction of the window.
“I’ve checked your breathing and pulse for almost a billion times now” he said, his voice was holding humour.
I sat up and scratched my eyes with the back of my hand.
He leaned in to kiss me but I fished him, I was surprised that I succeeded because he was always fast but today, I was faster.
I climbed down from the bed and walked to the bedroom.
“Morning breath” I shouted to him, it was no use because he was following me.
“Did you just saw me to the side because of morning breath. You think I care?” He asked with raised brows.
I shrugged and picked up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I was brushing and humming, acting as if he wasn’t there.
He spanked my ass, it was harder than a playful spank and I was guessing it was my punishment.
I gasped, almost swallowing then foam from the toothpastes and almost choking on it. I lurched forward and spat it into the sink.
“Christian!” I yelled and he laughed.
“Nothing would give me greater pleasure than see my fingers mark etched on your skin in red” he said.
I raised my chin in the air.
“I’m sure it’s as flawless as when I woke up ten seconds ago” I claimed.
He frowned but a smile was on his lips.
“I’ll have to see for myself”
I tried to struggle out of his hold but he trapped me on the sink and raised my night dress with one hand, I was not wearing any pantie, I regretted not wearing any because it was way to easy and I wanted him to at least have a hard time.
“Ah.. yes” he said after my nightdress was folded above my abdomen. He was looking down at my butt cheeks and the sound he just made was like moaning.
I stopped fighting because I was certain that he had seen the marks from his hard spank.
“I’m going to turn you around so you can set it in the mirror ” he instructed as if he was a ballet teacher.
“I don’t want to see it” I told him through gritted teeth.
“Is that anger I hear?” He asked, his voice took on a more amused tone.
“Yes” I answered.
“Then it’ll be more fun. You just made me happier, Jenna ”
I groaned and he turned me around.
“This isn’t for your pleasure Baby, it’s for mine. Be a good girl and make Daddy happy” he whispered in a husky way.
My butt was facing the mirror while my mouth was pressed on his chest and my forehead was pressing on his collarbone.
“Look” he ordered me.
I turned around and there it was, five red lines.
“I value my morning kisses very much… Next time, don’t deny me from having you, understood?” He asked me.
I was quiet, not because I was angry. I was no longer angry, my annoyance had been long forgotten. This time I had closed my eyes and basked in the moment of it all. I was savouring this side of Christian that was all about dominating me. His serious tone showing he meant business, his deep voice that made my belly churn, his muscular body that intimidated and turned me on at the same time.
What had made him so authoritative and possessive. Oh, I know, it was the engagement, the fact that I said yes and now I’ll all his.
“Answer me or I’ll lie you across my knee and spank you till my hand goes limp”
“Yes” I said sharply.
“Good” he said.
I couldn’t meet his eyes in the reflection, this was too intense and I was more scared of him than I’ve ever been, I turned my face away from the mirror and he massaged my butt. He kissed the side of my head.
And his hand squeezed my ass again.
“Shower and get dress. I’m going downstairs to catch up on work. When you come down, we’re going to the jewelry store to design a more convenient ring, I already booked a session with the jeweler”
He gave my ass one more squeeze and he groaned.
“And later we’ll do something about this”
He held my hand and brought it to his cock, it was hard.
He spread my palm as if I was not in control of my hands and he rubbed across his hard on and groaned again.
With that he left.
I almost fell, I clutched to the sink and when I steadied myself, I looked at the mirror and grinned at my reflection like an idiot.
I showered and opened my luggage, to my surprise, it were empty. I had not emptied it yet. I went to the second one and it was empty too.
I almost freaked out, where had all my clothes gone?!
There was a closet but I presumed it was empty, since Christian’s luggage was also laying at the corner of the room.
I went to the closet to see new clothes, in my size. Most were gown, beautiful and lush gowns, eccentric and old money type of dresses. I pulled one and checked for the price tag.
“No way” I gasped and shook my head.
I picked the prettiest one, considering the way it would hug my curves and show off my sexy leg.
It had a very low cut but not low enough to show off my boobs, it was in no way sexually provocative and I could not stop myself from picturing Christian supervising each and every one of them. I did my hair and make up, taking a final look at myself in the mirror, I was blown away.
I went downstairs to meet him, I didn’t know exactly where and as I went around looking for him, I found out that the house was bigger than I expected.
I stopped in front of a big brown door, I pushed it open without waiting and I stumbled into Christian sitting at what I supposed was the head of the table and about twelve more men and women, dressed formally in suits sitting around him.
All their head turned to me as I stood frozen in the door. Some of them looked from me to him back to me again, expecting an introduction.