Talia must be bluffing!
Maybe she stole his phone, I wanted to think everything but reject the fact that Christian would be with her.
I checked to see the last message from Christian. I didn’t need to zoom the photo, I could see it clearly.
Christian was sitting on chair and holding a fork and knife. He was unaware that the photo was being taken.
He was eating and it was a fancy restaurant, I could see the people sitting in the background dressed elegantly.
He was wearing a pale blue chunky knit sweater, I could see that he was wearing Khaki pants and casual walking shoes… At first I take my time to admire him in casuals, he never dresses like this often, it’s rare to see him in anything but formal business suits. Hew as handsome, breath taking even.
Then my mind returned back to reality. He was having lunch with his ex submissive. He’s having lunch so sudden, my hands froze and the phone slipped from my grip. I felt to the ground and I heard it shatter but it looked fine. It had no protective case.
The screen was facing the ground, I couldn’t be sure if it would survive the fall. When I picked it up, my phone’s screen was broken into pieces and some spots were coloured with dark ink… It was like mosaic.
I cried because Christian had betrayed me, what if he’s having sex with that woman. So it’s true, he had fallen out love with me, was he even in love with me at first?
My heart was thumping in my chest, I laid down on the couch and cried some . When I tried to turn on the phone, it failed.
I picked up my car keys and drove away. I found myself pulling up at my parents house. They wouldn’t even be home by turned Jay down.
I tried the passcode and I found that my parents had changed, it. Without informing me, I didn’t even know the new code. I tried some more numbers that I thought would be the combination but it failed.
I stepped away from the door.
“Something the problem?”
I turned around swiftly.
“Jenna, what happened to your face?!” He shouted as ran over to me. He held my face in his hands and he observed every inch.
I tried to pull away from him but he frowned hard at me.
“Who did this?” He asked.
“Jay, it’s… I got into an accident”
“Your parents said you have a boyfriend that you haven’t introduced to them, was it him?”
I shook my head.
“Talk to me Jenna”
Everything came crashing down that moment, when I thought that I should be stronger, my tears fell like it was bursting from a dam.
I fell into his arms and my shoulders were shaking as I cried.
“Oh Baby” he said caressing my hair.
He stood there, under the scorching sun, holding me till I quited down.
I sniffed and pulled away from him.
“Thank you Jay”
“For what. Don’t thank me Jenna, I’m your friend”
I hugged myself.
“Are you going to tell me what happened to you?” He asked.
I wondered how to go around the story without telling a lie.
I looked behind me at my parents house.
“You came to see your mum today?” I asked him.
“Yeah, she and I are going on vacation this evening. Do you want to come?”
I stared into his eyes.
“Jay, I don’t think so. I don’t want to be a bother to you or your mum”
“Jenna, just come. Do you think about it”
I stared into his beautiful eyes and I closed mine because I was swooning, he was attractive, too attractive.
I breathed in and I took in the scent of him, that early wooden scent. I laughed.
“I’m coming. I need time off to think” I said.
A big smile was spread on his face instantly.
“You won’t regret it” he said reassuringly.
I cocked my head to the side, remembering that he did it whenever he was confused or embarrassed or shy and was confused or embarrassed or shy and anytime I did it, it always cracked him up.
But this time he didn’t throw his head back in laughter, he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. It sent a wave of shivers down my spine.
“Come, tell me everything that happened” and just those words uncaged my tongue.
We sat in his house and I told him everything, but I didn’t tell him who the mystery boyfriend was.
He led me to his mother’s house. I had been there many times, I knew my way around.
“Mrs Rollins” I said trying to get her attention. She turned to me, her brows shot together but her lips stretched in a smile.
“Jenna, what a surprise”
“Good afternoon, Mrs Rollins’
“Mum, I brought the woolen blanket you asked for” Jay said pulling out a grey blanket from his fancy plastic bag.
“Thank you Jay ” she said adoringly.
I smiled at the sight of both of them.
“Mum, Jenna is coming with us to the vacation ” Jay said turning from his mum to me, he was flashing a million dollar smile.
Her brows raised up and her smile stretched wider.
“Really. Wait, are you guys a pair now?”
“No mum!” Jay said in irritation.
He turned to me and shot me an apology look.
I shook my head at him, telling him that he didn’t need to apologize and he nodded, we understood ourselves without words.
“Come Jenna, I made lunch today ” Mrs Rollins said proudly.
“You did?” Jay asked as if it was an alien thing to do, as if his mother never used the kitchen and telling from the number of house staffs they had, I presumed she never did.
“Of course, I did. I wanted to make lunch for my dearest only son”
“You’re being spoilt with unconditional love” I said bumping him in his shoulders and he laughed , a deep hearty laugh.
We sat and talked the whole time we ate.
“Can you give me a pen and paper. I’d like to scribble a note to my parents so they’ll see it when they get back”
“What about your phone, you could just call them” Mrs Rollins said.
“Oh my phone got spoilt earlier this noon” I explained.
Jay stood up and returned with a pen and paper.