“Don’t you think we should tell Christian first?” I asked her.
“You’re just gonna excort me and I’m going to have small talk in the parking lot” she winked at me and I didn’t understand what she meant.
Small talk, did she mean small talk or was it metaphorical? Did she mean shoving her tongue down someone’s throat or jerking someone off in the parking lot.
I shrugged and we both exited the main building, the we went out the door.
We were walking towards the parking lot when we saw a flash light pointing our way. We didn’t mind it but it continued. We had to get suspicious at a point.
“Who the fuck is that?” Blue asked under her breath.
I shrugged, we continued walking. The entire place was quiet.
“Who is this person you’re going to talk to?” I asked her but she was focused on the figure approaching us.
“It’s not flashlight, the flash is from their phone” she said suspiciously.
“Let’s just go back, the person is approaching fast”
“Great idea” Blue said and we turned around.
“Where are you ladies heading to?” It was Mr Harrison.
I bit my bottom lip and turned around. The man looked bigger than before.
“Mr Harrison, we were heading inside ” Blue said formally. She didn’t call him mister when they spoke earlier.
He sighed.
“What’s with the clipped tone, eh?” Mr Harrison asked huskily.
Blue turned to me, trying to figure out how I felt about it. Suspicious and irritated.
“We’re leaving ” she told me the man and we turned around but he grabbed Blue.
“Hey!” She yelled in shock and surprise.
“Stop walking away from me you little pussy”
“Mr Harrison, I see that you’re drunk but please, can you just let Blue go and we’ll be out of your hair ” I said diplomatically.
He chuckled… His eyes were dilated and he looked drunk but no quite.
“Blue and I have unfinished business. Run away to your boyfriend ” he said in an intimidating time. He wanted to scare me away. “This doesn’t concern you” he added.
Blue was still fighting.
I balled my fist and swinged my arm, aiming to hit his jaw but instead I hit his temple. I caused him to stagger backwards and let go of Blue for some seconds. My knuckles were on fire, it hurt so bad.
I pulled back her hand and we were making our way back to the main building. No one was outside, everyone had gone in to enjoy the party.
Blue turned back and she yelled. I turned back to see Mr Harrison and another man chasing us.
“Oh my god, oh my god” Blue was crying. They caught up to us and carried us even though we fought them and they threw us into a white Mercedes.
“What the fuck, Harrison!” The other man yelled. They shut the door and we could hear none of their arguments.
“I know that man, he’s Mr Greene, he has a reputation on preying on going girls”
“How the hell did you mingle with someone like Mr Harrison?” I asked wide eyed.
“Jenna, that’s not the situation at hand… We’re locked inside this car”
“I told you that we should tell Christian where we were going!” I scolded.
The corners of her lips bent downwards.
“It’s my fault, I’ll find a way to get us out of this ”
I hugged her for reassurance.
Mr Greene entered into the car and sat on the driver’s seat.
“Let us go, please ” I said.
“Why do you think you’re here in the first place, what did you see?”
“See , we didn’t see anything”
The buttons of his shirt was no longer in place, on his cheeks were red marks of lipstick, his hair was tousled in a way that showed he had just struggled and his eyes were mean and cold.
Blue tapped my laps, I turned to her. Slightly, she nodded to the window. I turned to Mr Greene and although he was watching, I was curious to see what Blue was showing me.
I turned to the window and I saw Mr Harrison hauling a motionless girl into the trunk of a car.
I gasped, I turned to Mr Greene sharply.
“Well now you’ve seen something and… I can’t go to jail. So I have to shut every loose ends”
The car started and drove out of the venue, I was dumbfounded. I was in the back seat of an unknown vehicle and Blue was beside me.
“I’m going to find a way” she said partly to herself and partly to me.
I held her hand and gave it a squeeze. I looked behind us to see Mr Harrison was driving the other car and following closely.
The car stopped at red light, Mr Greene balled his fingers into a fist and smashed it against his steering wheel. It honked loudly and he said something under his breath, cussing the driving in front of him.
The car started moving again and I took notice on all the stops we had taken.
“Jenna, I don’t know where they’re taking us” Blue said.
“Hey girl, now is not the time to get weak, I’m so scared but focus on finding a way” I squeezed her hand, I had not released it since.
Mr Greene drove into a very large compounds that had a large gate. The security men closed the gate after Mr Harrison drove in.
“Get down!!” Mr Greene yelled as he opened the door.
Blue and I climbed down together and Mr Greene pushed the both of us into the house. I turned back to see that Mr Harrison was carrying the girl.
To my relief she was still alive but barely moving. They took all of us to a bedroom and locked the door afterwards.
“We need to find a way out” blue said Trying to push the window up.
“Even if we get out of the window, did you see those scary security men?” I asked her.
She groaned in frustration because the window did not want to budge.
“Are you alright?” I asked the girl laying limp on the bed.
She was either falling asleep or slipping out of consciousness. I tapped her cheeks and her eyelids flew open, just to close once again.
“She’s sedated” Blue said grimly.
“She was drugged”