“Christian.. wake up Baby”
My eyes snapped open. Jenna was hovering above me, she was wearing her dress already. I had slept off.
“You slept” she whispered.
“I’ll go and say bye to Marcellino and Elisa, so they wouldn’t suspect anything”
She chuckled and my eyes lightened, I reached for her face and stroked her chin to her jaw.
“What’s so funny?” I asked her
“Look outside” she said.
I raised a questioning brow at her but I didn’t say anything, I turned to the window to see that we were in my compound.
“I drove home, I didn’t say anything to them, I just drove away” she said resting her head on my shoulder and sitting on my lap. She called my house home. I swallowed hard savouring the moment of pure Bliss.
“They might ask questions…” I began saying.
“Shush” she said, bringing her finger to my lips.
“Did you just shush me?” I asked her parting my lips, she slipped her finger inside my mouth.
“I just did” she said raising her chin up, I bit in her finger softly, and I sucked on it.
“So you didn’t care if they asked questions?” I asked her.
She shook her head.
“How did you remember the way to my house?”
She smiled cunningly and shrugged without giving out anything.
“Let’s go inside” she said.
I looked down to see that she had zipped the fly of my trousers but my clothes were still beside me on the seat and also hers too.
I climbed down from the car after her and I held the pile of my clothes in my hand, her pantie and bra was amongst the pile.
She walked ahead of me and stopped, I pressed the code and the door opened, I held it open for her.
“Thank you” she said and she walked in.
I shut the door and locked it, she walked upstairs to my room and I walked behind her all the way.
“I’ll run the bath… Or are you too tired for a bath, we could just take a shower?” I asked her setting the clothes on one of the drawers.
“No, I’m not tired at all”
She didn’t look tired, her eyes were glimmering even, with questions. My mind fell back to the discussion we had before we got into the car, she wanted to talk more about it.
I nodded my head and went to run the bath, she entered shortly after, wearing nothing at all. I stood there frozen and spellbound, drinking in the image of her body, she chuckled and walked to the bathub. I held her hand as she climbed into the tub.
I took off my clothes and joined her sitting opposite her so that we were staring at each other.
“I love your eye colour” she said as if she was just realising.
I chuckled and searched for her leg in the water, when I finally did, I entangled our legs together.
“What was boarding school like?” She asked, her eyes were boring into mine, searching for expressions and answers.
“It wasn’t good, it wasn’t bad either. There, we were all troublesome kids, some were stronger than the others, some far more worse”
“What were you?” She asked begi could even finish my statement.
“I was not on any scale. I was not with them, but when the baddest and most notorious tried to pick a fight, I always won”
” So what does that make you?”
“A survivor?”
She laughed and threw her head back. I saw the hickey I had given her when I was falling asleep. I had sucked on her neck so hard the spot turned red.
“Does Marcellino know about your dad’s infidelity?”
“I told them, I told them what I saw. Not because I hated my dad for what he did the first time but because he didn’t stop”
“How did you know that he didn’t stop?”
“Because I saw him again, it was like a pattern, whenever my mum was out for a period of time, their bedroom became a porn studio ”
She was quiet, horrified even.
“Did Marcellino know?” She asked again.
“It turns out he did, even my mum knew. It’s disgusting that they chose to keep quiet about it”
“How old were you when you told them?”
“Seventeen. They did nothing, instead they hated me for taking. I wish I knew better. I left”
“You left, to where?” She asked her voice was filled with concern.
“I had just gotten an admission into college and my dad gave me a first semester fee, in cheque”
Her eyes wide open and I could remember the details of everything. It was hard time in my life, my family was wealthy but I was nothing… Nothing.
“I took the money and invested it in a business, all of it. The next week I was starving and homeless. I slept on my fiends couch for weeks. I didn’t have too many friends but I had enough to help me with some stuff, clothes, a place to bathe, one square meal at least. Sometimes I slept on the floor in their garage but I knew.. I knew where I was heading to so it didn’t bother me. They money multiplied over time and… I built everything I own now”
She was qui, her lips were still parted and she stared at em.
“You’re serious ” she whispered.
“Of course I’m serious”
“So everything you have now you built from scratch?”
I nodded my head.
“That’s impressive ” she said under her breath not meant for my ears but I heard it.
I was glad that I could give her at least an insight, she was asking why I’m they way I am… I’ve never been loved before and this is the first and only time it would happen.
I’m glad it didn’t happen when I was younger, I wouldn’t know what it was, I would take it for granted, but now I know how much I would give to keep this relationship I had, I would give everything I’ve ever worked for.
“I’m sorry ” she said, she true to hold back her tears but it sneaked past her eyes.
“Come here, why are you crying?”
I held her and pulled her to me, her back was pressed against my chest and I kissed her neck.
“I was just trying to put myself in your she’s, that’s all, it’s… It’s painful”
I pressed my nose to to her hair, loving the way it smelt.
“It’s nothing” I said.
She sniffed.
“So Marcellino… He just left his younger brother?”
“Marcell was pleasing my dad because he was his only source of income, Marcellino was chasing a second degree and things weren’t looking too good for him, I don’t blame him”
“What about your mum?”
” She was a stay at home mum, Jenna, my dad had them under his thins, he could throw her out the streets and she wouldn’t have anywhere else to go, so she turned a blind eye to me”
“I’m sorry ” Jenna said, bringing her legs up from the water and burying her face in her knee, I didn’t know whether she was comforting me or apologizing for crying.
“Is that one reason why you have a no cheating rule?” She asked and I’m suddenly tense.