“Seriously Marcell you think I’m going to hurt Jenna?” Christian said looking extremely hurt, finally something had gotten to him, it was hard to find his weakness.
He had only one… Me?
It can’t be.
“I’m changing the security password in case you decide to sneak into the house” Marcellino said picking Richard from his seat.
They walked past me and I held the door open for them.
“Come on mum, let’s get you up to your bed” I told my mum walking over to her.
“Don’t touch me” she snapped.
“What did I do?” I asked her in defeat.
“You laughed at this and you wanted to leave, why don’t just leave now” she said.
“Mum, I didn’t laugh.. I did but you wouldn’t understand why”
“You don’t care about this family, stop pretending you care about me now” her words hurt like a police baton to the head.
I turned away and started leaving, I heard footsteps behind me. I knew who it would belong to. Yet I did not turn back.
“You’re angry ” he said, I turned to look at him and I rested my back on the car.
“I don’t think I want to talk to you” I told him looking up at the stars.
“Why because I almost shot that guy, he doesn’t mean anything to you, I mean something to you ”
“What is your point?”
“You can’t get angry at me, you love me and you can’t ignore me because of an insignificant person ”
“That doesn’t make any sense ” I said.
He shrugged.
“Forgive me?” He asked.
“No. You scared the shit out of everybody, hell, you even scared me. No, I will not forgive you, you want too extreme ”
“What, you expected me to just sit there while they talk about my girlfriend getting hitched with another guy… Do you know the images I saw when my brother said the two of you were getting acquainted, do you know the pictures that forged in my head as Marcellino talked about you getting married to Richard, it had me panting, how do you expect me to control my anger”
“It was not like I was getting married to him anyways, it’s just what my stepdad thinks is best for himself, because he likes Richard very much, not because I like him”
“Why were you stating at him then, why?!”
“Because he had dimples and I kind of like dimples.. this conversation is getting us no where, I really just need a drink ” I said and I turned around only to feel Christian’s grip on both my hands.
“What are you doing?” I asked him, he opened the back seat and put me inside, I opened the door at the opposite side and ran out.
He took off his top and my eyes scanned his abs.
“What are you doing?” I asked him again, this time more shocked than the first, he put my hands together and tied them. He lifted me from the ground and put me in the back.
He locked the doors and drove out.
“You tied my hands together… Seriously?”
“You want to be petty, I’ll show you what petty is, I’ll fuck you till you get his dimples out of your head”
I swallowed hard, his voice had completed changed, I sat in the back like a tiny lamb that was taken to be slain.
“It’s just dimples” I found myself muttering.
“Well it’s his dimples and you’re breaking my rules, I told you that you can’t look at any other man but me and there you were staring at him as if he was the most handsome man you ever saw..”
I batted my eyelashes.
“You’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen” I admitted , he turned to me briefly then kept his eyes back on the roared.
“Really?” He asked me after a while, I had almost forgot what I said the last time.
“Yes, you are ” I told him.
His shoulders relaxed and he pulled up at the house I had met him on our first date.
“I remembered this one” I said moving to the side to look out the window.
Christian stepped out of the car and opened the door for me to walk through, I thought I was going to walk but then he swatted me from the seat and put me over his shoulder, reminding me how tiny I was in size compared to him.
He carried me upstairs to his bedroom and dropped me on the bed. He kissed my brows then kiss my lips.
“I was thinking about punishing you for being a bad girl but… I can’t stay angry at you” he said pulling the knotted shirt off my wrist, I was finally free.
“Just don’t stare at anyone like that ever again, okay… Unless I’ll really kill them without thinking twice” he said digging his fingers into my hair and pulling me to kiss him.
I groaned when he pulled away from me, I was disappointed.
“Baby… What’s wrong?” He asked me crouching to get a good eye level with me.
I bit my bottom lip.
“You want me?” He asked tucking some loose strands of hair behind my ear but it was just an excuse to feel my skin.
“Yes” I said.
“I thought you were angry at me for being… Extremely violent ” he said with a teasing smirk.
“No” I mumbled.
“What did you say?” He asked me.
“Not any more” I said louder.
He chuckled.
“I knew you can’t stay angry at me for long” he said standing on his feet. “Why don’t you just lie down and let daddy take care of you” he said pulling me further into his bed.
“I have to make up for scaring you today, so I’m going to touch you…” He said rubbing my foot, his words and his fingers burned. Holy fuck!” . “I’m going to kiss you and I’m going to fuck you”
He kissed at the sensitive spot behind my ear.
“Baby, it’s going to be slow Sensual kissing and hot sweaty fucking. You like that?” He whispered roughly in my ear.
“Yes” I managed to mumble through the lump in my throat.
I put my hand forward, desperate to see how hard he was for me, I touched the bulge in his trousers and I almost screamed.
“Uhhh” I moaned as he unexpectedly started sucking my earlobe.
Slowly, I ran my hand over his hard cock that was wrapped behind his trousers and begging to be free, begging to fuck me.
His hand slide under my dress and he gripped my tighs, he said his hand up and down, from my knee to my upper tighs, down to my knees again.
I put my hand into his pants and started stroking his cock from his boxers. He felt the them of my dress and with one pull, I was lying in front of him, my breast bare and only a silk pantie covering my dripping wet pussy.