35. Breaking up with my step uncle

Book:Sleeping With My Step Uncle Published:2025-2-8

Even though David had wanted to rape and manipulate me just some minutes ago, I would still save his life.
“I can’t let you do this” I said feeling the stinging tears leave my eyes
“Don’t try to stop me, nothing you say or do would make me spare him.
I swallowed hard, wondering if I was about to make the right choice here.
Was I truly going to risk my relationship with Christian to save the life of David.
“I can’t do this with you, we need to end this” I said taking some steps back. I saw the crumbled and shocked expression on his face the moment the words left my mouth. I felt so bad for him just thinking the amount of hurt he would be feeling right now.
I knew how much I mattered to him, more than I could ever even imagine and if he loved me enough, he would spare David’s life.
There was long stretched silence between me and Christian.
“Leave us..” he said and the men drove out of the compound leaving David still chained at the back of the SUV.
“Jenna I.. I don’t think I understand what you said but I don’t.. I don’t want to understand and I don’t want to hear it again, go inside ” he said gestures to his mansion.
“If you don’t release David I’m sorry but I would have to break up with you”
He had to choose one, release David or beat him up and loose me.
There was another wave of silence. The night sky was too dark, the only lights were coming from the massive light poles that was located at almost every corner of the compounds. I had not been to this particular house before, I wonder how Christian even keeps count of his houses.
“I’m sorry…” He apologized.
I could not meet his eyes because I knew that I would not be strong enough to follow through with the plan.
“Jenna, please look at me, I’m sorry” he said walking towards me trying to cover the gap between us.
I didn’t have any wirsi to say, my body was shaking and I was crying uncontrollably. Strong hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me into a tight embrace.
“Look how perfectly you fit in my arms baby, they were created to hold you” he whispered in my ears.
I shook my head.
“I have made up my mind, if you don’t release him this ends, right now” I told him cleaning my tears and snot on his expensive suit.
I sniffed and tried to pull of the hug, it was impossible.
“I’m never letting you go” he whispered. “I love you, please don’t do this to me, you’ll break me”
David made muffled noises at the back.
“I’ll release I’m, I’m letting him go now” Christian said pulling out of the hug and walking to his SUV.
He looked down at David but he didn’t say anything even when I knew he wanted to punch a hole a in David’s chest.
Chains clanked again each other and finally David was free and he was shaking, the bad boy had instantly transformed into a slice of baked potato.
Christian brought his hand to David’s neck and slammed him hard on the SUV, David cried outein pain and I gasped in horror.
“He’s fine baby, you’re fine aren’t you?”
“Yes I’m fine” David said looking from me to Christian and he was panting heavily.
“You don’t want to see me ever again in your entire life, you don’t want to see Jenna either” Christian said, I felt a chill climb my legs, if I was in David’s shoes, I would definitely obey.
Christian dropped David and he fell face flat to the ground, then he stood up shakily, he could not use his legs.
I stepped forward and he held him to keep him from falling.
“Put your hands around my shoulder for support” I told him.
“No, please stay away from me” he said running away from me and stumbling to the ground.
“Il call someone to take him alone” Christian said stepping away but not too far from me and David.
David was kneeling on the floor when the driver came. I watched the car drive off and I didn’t know what to fear.
“Are you still mad at me?”
“Leave me alone” I said with groan, I’ve said that word too many times these past few days.
“Did you really mean it?”
“Meant what?”
“Were you going to really break up with me or it was just the meanest threat you could come up with”
I wondered which he would bear better, the truth would hurt him, the lie would sting for weeks, maybe moths.
“I was really going to break up with you” I told him.
“That’s the coldest thing anyone has ever done to me and trust me, I’ve met evil people but I give you the crown, you’re the ice queen, you’ve utterly and completely shattered my world ”
There was a short Pause.
“Ate you that selfish?” He asked me.
I scoffed, what did he mean?
“I was being selfless”
He scoffed.
“You were going to pull my heart out and tear it into shreds and you call that being selfless?”
“I was trying to save David’s life. I was ready to throw my heart under the bus”
“You care about him more than me?”
“I can’t watch you hit someone again, it scares me!”
He was breathing heavily and roughly but when I said my truth he calmed.
“I’m sorry ”
“How can you hit them so bad and yet you don’t feel any remorse?” I asked remembering the way his fists smashed into Sean’s body.
“I’m not dangerous baby, you know me” he said gently rubbing his hand up down my arms.
This same hands that were weapons on some occasions were soothing and calm now, they were nothing but putty in my presence.
“Thanks for releasing David” I told him.
“Please don’t do that to me again”
I heard a phone buzzing, it wasn’t mine or Christian’s, it was coming from SU V, It was David’s.
I went for the phone and lifted it, on the screen was the word mum. I felt my heart snap behind my ribcage.