“Maybe, maybe not” I said with a shrug.
“Even if she said yes, I won’t let her go” I heard Christian say, he was angry and his dangerous look had returned.
I didn’t want that gaze to be directed at me.. hell, I didn’t even wish that his angry gaze would be directed at my enemies.
“She’s my daughter not yours” my stepdad said in bewilderment. “I don’t even understand why we are having this conversation ”
I bit my bottom lip praying to find the strength to intervene.
“You seriously can not keep saying shit like that, it makes me angry” Christian said icily.
“I’m changing my mind, Jenna get dressed, you’re going to that party, you cannot keep being a log of wood” my stepdad said.
I felt both insulted and amused because he called me a lot of wood.
Christian stood up, I ran and stood in between him and his brother.
“Please you two drama queens should pull yourselves together ” my stepdad raised a brow at me. “How can I just show up at a party that I was not invited in anyways?” I asked him.
“You were invited, David came over here earlier and asked us to Tel you to come”
“He did?” I asked in surprise.
We never spoke, why was he being friendly all of a sudden.
“Do you really want to go?” Christian asked me shaking me from my thoughts.
“No, I want to remain here in my room” I said walking to my bed and sitting.
“Is that a hickey?” My step dad asked me coming close.
“What the hell___” he didn’t finish his statement, he stepped back and his hand fell from the collar of my top.
My mum appeared at the door.
“What’s all the yelling about?” My mum asked looking at everyone.
Christian looked like he was ready to tell them everything, he looked as if he had planted the hickey there so that they would find it… He didn’t want to keep this a secret as much as I wanted to.
“It’s nothing” my stepdad said walking out of the room.
My mum followed behind.
“If you don’t leave now they’ll suspect something” I told him.
“I want them to” he replied, I looked up at him, he was not smiling.
“They need to know ” he said.
I shook my head.
“You promised to keep this a secret ” I said standing up.
“I didn’t promise that, I don’t want us to be secret, how long would we keep it for before it finally comes out” “So you want us tell everyone?”
“We can start from your parents, you don’t have to say anything, I’ll do the talking here”
I scoffed.
“What would happen to my mum, she might get divorced, she’d be heart broken, id she doesn’t get divorced then we’ll have to break up”
“I don’t care what would happen to them but we are never getting separated” he told me.
I thought of what everyone would say, it would be punished in the tabloids and gossip magazines. ‘The girl who beats co star with a pressing iron decides to fuck her step uncle ‘
I bounced on my bed and as if life couldn’t get shittier, I had completely forgotten that I kept the ice cream cup on my bed and now my back was coldly, I had popped it open.
I sat up quickly to see the pink strawberry stain on my bed.
I groaned, the sound of music from the opposite house was the only thing that kept me from screaming.
“I love that song” I told Christian and pulled the sheets.
I dragged them behind me to the laundry room, I walked past my parents bedroom.
“Marcel, how about you and Elisa drive to the place, I already made a reservation” I heard Christian say.
“We would love that ” my mum squealed, that was the last I heard, the sound of the washing machine was enough to block out all the external noises.
“They’re gone ” Christian said from the door.
“Ih huh?” I asked turning the machine off.
“Yeah.. I don’t think I want to have dinner with them”
“Why, you’re worried that the loch Ness monster would grab me if you leave me home alone?” I asked realising to that my sense of humour was slowly returning.
“You having a bad day equals to me having a bad day” he said fucking some strands of hair behind my ear.
“You know, your brother almost figured us out. I know what you’re saying about not keeping us a secret but how about we give ourselves time, in six months time.. if we last till six-months but in six months time publish our relationship status in the magazines if you want, even if I say no.. ignore me”
“You know I take everything you say seriously?” He asked me sexily, raising my top from the hem and pulling it over my head.
“You do?” I asked him.”In six months time, don’t be surprised to see our pictures everywhere because I will tell the world that Jenna is mine” he said slipping his hand through the band of my trouser.
His hand cupped my butt cheeks and he pulled my pantie aside and slipped one finger into my pussy.
“You’re wet but not as much as I want you to be” he whispered feeling every bit of me. “How about we change that” he said pulling his hand down and undoing my bra.
My nipples were out, he picked me from the ground and put me on the washing machine, he played with my tits and he kissed me, his fingers were rubbing around my tits in slow circles.
My pussy was throbbing with the want of him, I reached down and grabbed his cock, I gave it a squeeze he groaned and I undid his belt.
The kiss deepen, I undid his zipper and I slip my hand into the band of his trousers, I held his cock, it was not yet hard but it wasn’t soft either.
It was warm under my touch, I pulled it out of his boxers and started stroking his shaft.
“Do you like that?” I whispered in his ears as I pressed his shaft.
“Yes” he whispered roughly.
“Would you like me to take it on my mouth?” I asked him.
“Get on your knees”