87. Planning and blackmailing

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

My breath caught in my throat when I thought that she was going to take my name. I don’t want her to reveal that I reached her because I am not sure what and how he is going to react to the fact that, at his back, I escaped again. I am sure he would not like that fact and this will so not let Desy accept her deeds.
I let out a shuddering breath when her eyes flicked to Desy.
“Desy told me” she answered, drooping a bombshell that left Ansell stunned.
His body language was telling that the last name that he was supposing to be involved in was that of Desy. He always thought of her as an innocent doll.
William looked at me but I kept my lips sealed, neither uttering anything nor giving any reaction. William is unaware of all this as much as I am.
When Ansell was away with his father for two weeks, I took it as an opportunity to look after the truth.
By the way, Desy reacted and pleaded with me not to tell anything to Ansell. For the first time, I could see the truth in her eyes. Her eyes were as helpless as mine and I was sure tga at this point she wasn’t lying. She was also in deep trouble. This was the reason I didn’t tell anything to her brother, because, like Ansell, I didn’t want to take action by making assumptions. I first wanted to reach the root of the case.
So the first thing I did was accept my defeat in front of Ansell so that he could believe that he had actually broken my spirit and that I would never go against him. I did that because I understood that if I wanted to win over him, I would have to play along with him. Openly fighting is not going to help. I would have to defeat him in mind games first and for that, I would have to earn his trust.
I was looking for an opportunity to find the truth when Ansell has to go away with his father.
Both of them were out of the station and for me, it was the best chance, which i didn’t want to let go of.
I spent the first five days in his studies, learning everything about his business and this is when I got to know about the secret door behind a huge painting. It wasn’t gaurded, which assured me that no one knew about it except Ansell.
That door was the biggest hope for me.
I was sensing suspicious behaviour from Desy and to my luck, one day she went out. I knew that I would not get any better opportunity than this. I used that secret door to follow Desy, making sure that she was not catching me, which led me to an old, almost broken house in a deserted place that was hard to find as it was covered with trees from all sides.
I couldn’t get inside it because it was heavily guarded. Walking behind the house, I found a small window that allowed me to peer inside and I saw an old lady crying while talking to Desy.
I don’t know how she went there or for how many years she was held captive. O current situation but I was sure about one thing, only she could save so many lives. I saw her as key to my brother’s freedom.
I got to see only a part of her face and that too for but somewhere it solved the case for me and I decided to try my luck.
I came into the streets and arranged paper and pens.
I wrote about how I need her help and what my brother and I rage going through because of Ansell, wrapped it around a stone and threw it inside.
Since then, I was just hoping to get her help to appear anyhow but she never losing it with every passing day with no news of her.
I didn’t expect to get free from Ansell but all I wanted was for my brother to be free from all the fake allegations before he was liberated so that he could lead a normal life.
Getting intimate with Ansell was also part of my plan to make him believe that I had actually given up and accepted him the way he is.
I know at that point in time I used my body but it seems like the only option.
Ansell could also known the truth if he hadn’t trusted Desy blindly. He failed to see the truth in her eyes because he believed what she said.
There is no doubt that, from the beginning, relationship were his weakness and this is what has led to all this.
“Desy?” Ansell inquired, rising from his position beside his mother to stand next to his sister. “I don’t understand”
Desy kept her gaze down as Ansell approached her, hid voice holding both confusion and a sense of dread.
I could see two personalities in his eyes, one seemed to be shaped by the influence of his father, while the other reflected the teachings and values imparted by his mother.
Maybe this is he has a bipolar personality because, since childhood, he has been given two teachings that are completely opposite to each other.
They say a child is molded the way parents want and the desires of hid parents were completely opposite, which are now being reflected in him. He has to pay for it.
“Desy, you knew that mother was alive?” Ansell asked in a calm tone but it held so much dread that a tear escaped her eyes. She was practically shivering and might be afraid of her brother’s outburst.
“Desy, tell me”
Ansell’s voice grew more insistent as he grabbed her arm, but she remained silent. Her tear-filled eyes remained fixed on the floor, each droplet falling one after the other. It was the first time that I saw Ansell treat his sister in such a way. I can’t imagine the level of anger he must be feeling at the moment.
This was first time William also stared at her intently, equally eager to uncover the truth, as it was now connected to all of us. We needed to understand why Desy had William through all this torment, causing us all to suffer needlessly.
After finding their mother in that old house somewhere, I already knew what happened but I also wanted to listen to it from Desy’s mouth.
“I am asking you something” his voice became louder when she didn’t say anything and his grip on her arm became visibly tighter.
“Desy!” He shouted so loudly that his voice reverberated throughout the whole hall and Desy flinched at her place.
I could see that now he was losing his patience. He would have delivered a blow only if there was someone else besides Desy.
“Ansell” his attention drew to his mother when she called him.
She shook her head slightly, asking to keep his anger under control and he released a breath all of a sudden. I could see the deep impact she still has on him. His beast needed to be tamed, which his mother knew how to do.
He again turned to his sister before asking the same question.
“I am asking you for the last time. Just tell me, why didn’t you inform me about my mother?? You know that I have other ways to find out as well” this timehe threatened her in a calm and soft tone.
A low sob escaped Desy’s lips and now she knew that she had to open her mouth.
“I am sorry, brother” she said, still not lifting her eyes from the ground.
“I don’t want your apology” Ansell stated firmly, drawing deep breath and trying to control his anger. “I just want the truth”
“I was blackmailed” she finally said.
“Blackmailed?” Ansell’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “By whom?”
“Father.. father” she whispered.
Ansell drew a deep breath as his hands dropped to his side, his palms fisted tightly in anger. Now he knows that the person who is responsible for all this havoc in his life I’d his own father, not anyone else.
Desy looked up, her eyes filled with tears, her lips quivering, and her hands shaking. She was clearly afraid of her brother.
And who wouldn’t be?
I had already experienced his wrath, and I had no doubt she had as well. She understood that when Ansell lost control, he transformed into a beast, unleashing his rage on anyone who happened to be in his path. In such moments, his rationality seemed to vanish, demons took control over him and he regretted his move the next day.
Ansell remained silent, granting her the time she needed to complete herself and share the whole truth that he had been waiting for.
She wiped her tears from the back of her palm and sniffed, getting herself ready to tell everything because she didn’t have any other option. But the way she was shivering, I was afraid that she might lose her consciousness in between.
“One day, I got a call from father when you were not at home” she began, her voice shaky.
Her eyes were glistening with tears as she started telling story, which not only I wanted to know but also wanted Ansell to hear.