My blood turned cold when I heard those three words from his mouth.
My body burned with desire, but every time his fingers brushed against my skin, I surrendered to his touch, losing control of myself and in the end, I was left with guilt and embarrassment, which only ate me from the inside.
I give into him so easily. I know that after what I have agreed on, there is no escape from this, but I still I cannot help with the afterward feelings that I have.
It was as if I had become a puppet in his hands, dancing to his every whim, unable to resist his magnetic pull.
But I couldn’t solely blame him for this torment. My own heart was complicit, having fallen for him at some in my life.
He was about to move forward when suddenly we could hear a loud pitter-patter against the window Pance which caught his attention and distracted hi.
“Let’s go’ he murmured.
In a flash of a second, he was standing on the floor, my wrist in his hold. I sat up and he immediately pulled me out of the room.
“The Rose Elegance cake is final” he informed the man with a sense of urgency, then swiftly propelled me out of the boutique . I had no choice but to follow, my heart racing.
I wanted to plead with him to slow down, but I knew he wouldn’t listen, and it seemed futile at that moment. So, I focused on keeping my balance and not tripping as we hurriedly made our way through the doors, his determined grip leading the way.
“It’s raining” I said, feeling the cool droplets against my skin.
“And that’s why we are here” he replied, turning to face me with a hint of nostalgia in hid eyes. “Do you remember our first rain?”
I remained silent, gazing deep into his eyes as he gently led me onto the empty street, where the rain began soak us both, bringing back those memories.
I do remember everything about him and I curse myself for that. I curse myself for still having a soft spot in my heart even after the things he has done tone. I curse myself for those days when I love him senselessly. I curse myself for not listening to my brother and maintaining a distance.
“Do you want to pick up where we left off that day?’ he inquired, slowly taking my hand in his.
By now, we were completely drenched. I didn’t respond but allowed him to guide me. He placed one of my palms on his shoulder and interviewed the other with his fingers, while his free hand rested on my waist.
“After that day, I have imagined dancing with you in the rain countless times ‘ he confessed. “Now that it’s raining and you are here with me, I can’t resist the temptation ”
I can vividly recall that rainy day when he was at our home. My love for dancing in the rain had been a constant since childhood, and I never missed an opportunity. Without anyone’s knowledge, I slipped onto our terrace and started to dance. At that time, I was carefree and lost in my own world, completely unaware that he had joined me.
He had come out f nowhere, and I didn’t even realize he had been watching me the whole time. That day, I could see the desire in his eyes to dance with me, but he didn’t budge from his spot because he knew he would soon be joined by William. There had been a time when he was afraid of William because he well aware of his strength and the things he could do to protect me.
We locked eyes, drenched by the rain, both of us yearning to embrace each other tightly, yet neither of us dared to make a move from our respective places.
Gathering much courage, he took a step forward and just in time, William came and, like the protective elder brother he was, asked me to go back to my room.
I still remember the jolts of electricity that passed through my body when I was accidentally. We were so close that I could even hear him take a deep, audible breath, as if he were equally affected by that touch.
But I had to leave the place before William could catch us and strangle us to death. Since then, the rain has become even more dear to my heart than it already was, becoming a reminder of the unspoken desires and forbidden connection that had blossomed between us.
As the memories of that rainy day flooded back, the raindrops around us intensified, as if nature itself was reliving that moment. And he started swinging his hip. I didn’t know when I also started moving in the same rhythm while thinking about our old times.
We didn’t need any music, as the pitter-patter of the rain was enough. The world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us and the soothing sound of the falling raindrops.
If things haven’t been twisted in a bitter way, then I am sure our must be the most beautiful love story the world could imagine.
We were lost in each other’s eyes as we danced together. There is no doubt why most of the girls from our college used to die for his one glance and why, in my teenage years, I was so infatuated by him.
He was undeniably drop-dead gorgeous, and the rain only added to his allure. His dark hair clung to his forehead, and raindrops traced a tantalising path down his chiseled jawline. Those mesmerising green eyes, the very first thing I had noticed about him now shone brighter than ever before. I could see the old Ansell in him which held sympathy and kindness within.
I would never have been able to keep my hands to myself if I didn’t know about the devil that lurks behind this handsome face.
After what I have learned, I understand that he is unaware of the whole truth. That’s why he reacted in such a harsh way to my brother. Maybe William would have reacted the same way if he was in hid situation but what he has done to me is no justified in any case.
As he took my finger and gently twirled me around danced on his fingertips. Our eyes remained locked, never straying from one another. Mine because I was afraid to lose sight of the softer side of Ansell, and his , because he feared I might disappear from his life once again.
With every turn, our bodies brushed together, igniting a passionate fire that had soldered for far too long. I could feel the same electric shock jolting through my body that I felt when our shoulders collided accidentally that day.
Suddenly, he stopped twirling Mr around and I landed on his chest. My ear pressed against his chest, just above where his heart was thumping. I gulped when I heard the intensity with which it was drumming and I couldn’t tell if it was his or my heartbeat to which I was listening.
My palms rested tightly against his chest as I looked up, finding him already gazing down at me. His arms encircled my waist, drawing me even closer to his body, if that were possible.
Droplets from his drenched hair fell onto my eyelids, causing me to lose my eyes and savor the moment. The scent of rain the warmth of hid embrace, the kindness in his eyes everything reminded me of the old Ansell, the one I had loved with all my heart.
I kept my eyes closed as I could feel the hot tears burning my eyes, missing him badly.
I didn’t come to know when one tear managed to slip from the corner of my eye, only to be met by his lips descending onto my skin, gently and sensually sucking away the tear.
My eyes slowly opened and what I saw was my Ans! The one who could see my tears even in the ocean, the one who used to understand my pain without telling him, the one who always wanted to keep me happy and bubbling.
He leaned forward and his hot breath washed over my face, and I could feel the anticipation in the way his chest rose and fell. He was giving me the chance to take the lead, waiting for me to make the choice.
For a few heart-pounding seconds, I hesitated, but just when it seemed he might give up , I lost control.
My fingers entangled themselves in his curls, pulling his head closer as I pressed my lips fervently against his. It was the first time I had willingly kissed him, driven by a desire that had always simmered beneath the surface.
This may be because I always wait for this side of his to ask me for things and I would have given him more than he could expect or imagine.
Our lips parted in unison, and our tongues engaged in a passionate dance, synchronized with the melody of the rain. Our eyes remained closed as we savored the moment, and this time allowed me to dominate the kiss.
My tongue explored every inch of his mouth, and he surrendered willingly. He gave me the time to kiss him, to set the pace, and I kissed him the way I had always yearned-full of desire, not dominance. My heart pounded wildly in my chest, like a frog leaving joyfully in the rain.
As our kids continued, I found myself running out of breath, and when I finally pulled back, I was met a gaze filled with love and desire, directed solely at me. His eyes were soft and calm, like a gentle storm.
“I want you badly, Tereso” he murmured softly against my lips. “Can I have you?”
His voice held a tenderness that melted my resolve, and I found myself nodding in approval.
In that moment, I didn’t think about what would come next or how I would feel afterward. I simply wanted to live in the present with my Ans because I wasn’t sure when I would get to see him again.