Ansell applied a brake in front of his house. On our way back home, he knowingly put on the music and played the same song but I didn’t react.
“Go inside without trying anything funny” he warned me.
Ansell had a habit of threatening me like this, suggesting punishments he had in store might be painful for me but entertaining for him.
“I will be a bit late, but make sure to have dinner and take your medicines on time because you will need the energy tonight” he said with a wink.
I stared at him in disbelief.
“Don’t give me that look! Now that I have granted you some quality time with your brother, don’t you think I also deserve your attention?”
I shuddered as the shiver ran down my spine while listening to his words. I calmed myself down by saying that I would be at least free from his presence for a few hours, which could give me a chance to find out the truth.
Without saying anything, I just stepped out the car and went inside the house, not sparing a single look back at him. I had a strong feeling that he waited until he saw me safely inside before driving away.
Inside the house, I was met with a scene that made my blood boil. There was Desy, sitting comfortably, sipping her evening tea and nibbling on snacks as if someone hadn’t slept starving for many nights just because of her.
I still don’t get how she could remain so composed and enjoy her life after causing so much pain to someone she knew was innocent.
My mind raced back to my first night of being here when she burst into the hall, shouting and wreaking havoc. At that time, I was thankful to her because I got saved from Ansell but now that I think that is wall all a drama, it just makes me enrage myself even more. I couldn’t believe that I sympathised with her that day.
The anger and frustration I had suppressed for so long began to resurface as I contemplated the web of secret and lies that seemed to surround me from the first day I was here and I still don’t know how many more secrets are yet to be revealed.
“Nara” Grace, the only person in the house who truly cares for me, came running to me and asked, “How are you feeling now? I was so scared to know that you had a panic attack and had been out for a day. I was really concerned for you. How are you?” She asked me.
“I am fine, Grace. I have your blessings, after all. With that, nothing can harm me”
“You are so sweet. I don’t want you to get hurt. I just pray that you get all the happiness you deserve ” she blessed me.
I nodded.
“Come, let’s have tea” she offered.
“Uhh! I just had coffee”
“Ohhh” she exclaimed.
As Grace went about her business, my gaze fixated on her phone, which typically lay unattended and uncared for. She had a habit of leaving it around the house, sometimes even forgetting where she left it. Until now, I had never considered using it, but I knew that if I were to uncover the truth, I would need that phone.
Summoning up a plan, I decided to act.
“Grace, I am feeling a bit hungry. Could you please prepare something light for me? I’ll back in a few minutes after changing my clothes” I said, using this excuse to buy some time to excute my plan.
“Of course, dear” she replied with a warm smile.
Desy’s followed me as I passed her. I am sure she was suspecting me and I could have to take every step very cautiously.
Coming back to the room, I went straight to the cupboard. When Ansell allowed me to stay with my parents for a week, I brought my contact diary with me because he may have allowed me the phone but all the contacts were deleted from it except my parents.
It had been challenge to keep it hidden and secure inside the cupboard because Ansell’s eyes were everywhere and he was cunning more than I thought.
As I don’t have phone and contact numbers I thought it was best alternative just in case I need it in an emergency and I don’t think that I need this more than now.
I flipped through the pages until I found the name and contact number I was searching for, Jonathan.
He was a teammate and someone I knew could trust. He likes me and I am sure he would help me out in this situation.
He is very nice person but I always ignored him because of Ansell, and now I regret it.
I felt conflicted, not wanting to take advantage of his feelings, but I knew I had no other choice at this moment. I needed help, and Jonathan was the only person I could turn to in this desperate situation.
His father is an influential personality and among the cabinets of the country so he could help me without getting into trouble.
Once I was sure that is number was there in the contract diary it was my time to excute the plan. I quickly changed my clothes before stepping out so as not to raise any suspicions.
When I came out Desy was nowhere to be seen which was a positive sign for me. I went straight to the kitchen and found Grace making snacks for me.
“It is almost ready” she smiled.
I couldn’t wait for her to serve it on the plate.
“Thank you, I will have it in my room” I chirped, eager to put my plan into action.
As I turned around I knowingly nudged the empathy plate with my elbow which resulted in it falling on the floor and shattering into pieces just the way I wanted.
“Oh no!” I exclaimed, making a show of my surprise, and I was about to bend down to help when Grace stopped me.
“Enjoy your snacks, dear , leave this to me. I will clean it up” she offered kindly.
“Thank you so much ” I smiled, feeling a pang guilt for causing her extra work, but this was a crucial part of my plan.
With grace occupied with cleaning, there was a god chance she wouldn’t be checking her phone. This would give me the time I needed to contact Jonathan.
Leaving the kitchen, I quickly surveyed my surroundings to ensure no one was watching, and then I discreetly picked up Grace’s phone, concealing it beneath the snack plate before making my way back to my room.
Placing the plate aside, I quickly dialed the number and thankfully he picked up the phone in a few rings.
“Hello” came his voice from the other side of the phone.
“Hello, Jo, it’s me, Leonara” I said quickly, as the time was limited.
“Nara?” His voice dropped to a concerned tone. “Where are you? How are you? How could you leave work so suddenly without telling anyone? You know how worried I am about you. I tried calling you, but your number was out of reach. You weren’t at home. Where exactly are you?” He fired off a barrage of questions all at tone.
“I am okay, Jonathan, but I really need your help. Listen carefully”
He fell silent, listening to the urgency in my voice.
“I need you to file an FIR” I told him urgently.
“F. I. R?” Jonathan seemed puzzled.
“Yes, and F. I. R. against Desy Queena Orion for falsely accusing my brother, Wiliam, of rape” I explained.
“What? But I thought your brother had passed away ” he said, clearly confused.
“No, Jo, he is alive, but he is being held hostage ” I revealed.
“What are you saying Nara?” He asked. ” Just tell me where are you. I will come and..”
“Jo, I can’t tell you that” Leonara interrupted.
“Please, just listen. It took a lot for me to make this call. You are the only person I can trust. After this call, delete this number and never contact or message me on it again. I need you to file that F. I. R. you’ll find all the details about Wiliam in a blue file on my desk. Be extra cautious, no one should come to know about it. You have to keep your identity hidden. Take the help of your father’s security, because it could be dangerous for you. The first thing you need to do in the morning is file that F. I. R. and make a case against her so that the legal team can look for the evidence. I am counting on you, Jo. Will you help me?’
“I will, Nara. I will do anything in my power to help you, just make me sure that you are fine” he asked, concerned audible in his voice.
“I am completely fine, but I am stuck in a different situation, and I can’t get out of it without your help” I admitted, my voice filled with urgency.
“Alright, I will help you” he assured me.
“Goodbye Jo, and please remember not to call or message this number” I emphasized.
“Okay ”
I hung up and immediately delete the call details from the phone.
After eating half a snack I walked out and placed the phone in its previous place. Grace was busy preparing dinner, so I joined her in the kitchen, helping her just as I usually did, not wanting to raise any suspicions.
I hour passed and dinner was almost ready. Grace forced me to have my medicined and I took them without protesting because I needed to be fit to fight the evil.
I was expecting Ansell to be late, as he told me earlier but I was a bit surprised when I heard his car’s honk.
Within minutes, he stormed into the house, and before I could get hold of the situation, he grabbed my arm in a painful grip and whirled me around, taking me by surprise.
“Out!” He ordered Grace, who flinched at his sudden anger. I was also taken aback by his sudden outburst.
I couldn’t understand what had triggered this rage. He had left in a seemingly good mood earlier.
“Dinner.. “she muttered.
Even when he is shouting at her, she is still concerned about him but this devil is never grateful for that.
“I said, just GET OUT!” He shouted at her once again before forcibly dragging me along.
“I want this house empty! And Desy, lock yourself inside” he barked.
My heart raced as goosebumps prickled my skin. Everyone began complying with his orders, and soon the house was empty while I trembled on the inside.
Today his demeanour was really scary. More terrifying than the day he caught me escaping him.
Had he somehow found out what I had done behind his back?
If he had, then today, not even God could save me from his wrath.
When the house was empty and Desy locked herself inside, pin-drop silence engulfed us which started pricking my ear.
The silence and the stillness scared me to death and confirmed to me that it was just silence before the storm.