42. Selfish bastard

Book:Bought By My Brother's Best friend Published:2025-2-8

My breath caught in my throat as I saw my mother’s name flashing on his phone’s screen.
Confusion swirled within me as my mind raced to think about the possibility of my mother calling him.
“Please, pick it up” I requested when he was about to put it back in his pocket, “it could be urgent”
The solace that I got by coming to this garden was long time gone. I was worried and scared for the health of my parents. They are alone and this monster doesn’t let me even talk to them and then he expects me to accept him.
My heart pounded in my chest as my breath quickened. Giving it some thought, he decided to pick up the phone.
“Please put it on the speaker”
I wanted to hear what my mother had to say so that he wouldn’t manipulate the story. I know he was not in a mood to do as I said but still, he picked up the phone and put it on the speaker.
“Hello, Ansell”
My mother’s voice trembled through the speaker, and my heart clenched even tighter. Her tone was filled with concern and worry, evident even in the few words she spoke. I could almost visualise her with tears in her eyes. It hurt me to know she was going through something difficult and I couldn’t do anything, even if I couldn’t be with her, and at the same time, it scared me for what she was going to say next.
I kept my mouth shut and tried not to make any noise because I didn’t want my mother to know that I was staying with him.
“Yes” he replied and to my relief, he was ready to listen to her patiently.
“I know you have been deeply hurt by the sudden demise of William, that’s why you haven’t visited us since his death.” My mother’s words came out broken and in haste.
Oh, mother. He is anything but hurt by William’s death.
“But” she nodded, “Today I had to call you because I desperately need your help”
My eyes welled up as my heart clenched in my chest. Why is she crying? what happened to her? I just hope that everything is fine.
Ansell lifted his eyes and our gaze locked for a second. I am sure there is something damn serous that she has called him.
Since William has died, his father’s health is deteriorating day by day. Leonara sent us away and how she is not coming to meet us. She is not even picking up our phone. We are scared for her. Her.. her father is having chest pain and I am taking him to the hospital. I.. I don’t know what would happen there ” she cried, each word coming out of her mouth with difficulty.
My palm rose to cover my mouth and I pressed it tightly as not to make any sound.
“He… He is missing her a lot. Her phone is . Please, if you could, bring her to the hospital” she was almost begging. ” I don’t know anyone else and after what happened with William, I can’t trust anyone except you”
Mom, the man whom you have called with so much phone is also not worthy of trust.
“Please, do something; bring Leonara to the hospital. I will never forget your favor” she pleaded, her voice thick with tears.
“Okay, I will try my best” Ansell’s voice was surprisingly calm and steady, devoid of his usual arrogance, just the way he used to talk before.
“Thank you, Ansell” my mother’s voice trembled with gratitude before the call ended, leaving an eerie silence in the garden.
My mind raced with what I could do in this situation. I needed to be there and that was for sure. I am going there, no matter what it takes. The way my mother was crying, it was quite clear that my father’s condition was not very good. I will never be able to forgive myself if something happens to him because of me.
But first, I needed to change my clothes. Because they are very short and show all the cruelty that this man has shown me. This will make them worry even more. I need to cover myself properly.
“Where do you think you are going?” Ansell’s words snapped me into this world when I was ready to rush to the room to find something decent.
“You just heard my mother” I gulped as I fought with him. “My father’s condition is serious. He needs me”
“He needs medical help, not you” he stated.
He seemed unaffected by the urgency and seriousness of situation, and his response was as heartless as ever.
I was a bit taken aback by his response. But then, whom am I fooling? How could I forget that he is a heartless monster now?
“You can’t be serious, Ansell. My parents need me, and I am going there!” I insisted, my voice tinged with frustration and desperation.
I can’t imagine anything happening to my father. My mother won’t be able tolerate so much pain. She has just lost her son. She must be getting worried, as she is alone.
“If you are forgetting, then let me remind you that you cannot go anywhere without my permission” he said, crossing his arms to his chest and looking calm while I couldn’t even stand.
“You can’t keep me captive here forever, Ansell. My family needs me, and I am going to them” I declared. I was not going to listen to him at the moment.
“You need to give up this attitude” he stated, “And you know well that you cannot step out of this house without my permission”
“Please Ansell, let me go there ” I pleaded.
I know he wanted this but requesting it this time takes me to my parents, so let it be. My ego is not bigger than my parents.
“Hmmm, let me think about that” he rubbed his chin playfully.
“Please Ansell, I need to reach there as soon as possible ” I pleaded once again.
“Ok” a wave of relief washed over me momentarily, quickly replaced by a sense of dread as his next words sank in. “But what will I get in return?”
I knew that he would not permit me to meet my parents so easily. He will surely want something in return. He is a selfish bastard.
“What do you want?” I asked as all my hopes crashed down. All I wanted was to be by their side, to hold my mother’s hand, and to assure my father that I was there for him.
“Umm, I will have it once we return. But you have to promise that you will not show tantrums in giving it to me” he said.
“We? I don’t need you to accompany me. I will go there alone” I declared.
“Leonara, you have seen the world live in. It’s not safe for you out there on your own. I can’t guarantee your safety if you go alone” he said.
“It is not safe for me to be with you either ” I stated the fact.
“Time is of the essence and you are wasting it by indulging in an unnecessary argument” he reminded me. “Either you are going with me or not going at all”
“Ok” I nodded slightly.
“Hi and change your clothes ”
I didn’t waste even a second running inside the house and making my way directly to the room. My head spin and my legs trembled but I was careless. The only thought that was there in my head was that of my parents.
The rose that he tucked behind my ear fell and was crushed under my feet.
Frustration welled up in me as I couldn’t find an appropriate dress to wear. Panic threatened to take over as I realised that I didn’t have the strength or the mental clarity to choose an outfit. Just when I was on the verge of giving up, a dress appeared before me, as if out of thin air. My eyes followed the trail to find Ansell standing there, holding the dress. It was undoubtedly desy’s.
Without wasting any time, I took the dress from him and went inside the bathroom to change it. My hands were shaking but I remained focused. As I came out of the bathroom, I found him waiting for me.
“Let’s go”
For the first time, I was walking ahead of him while he was behind, moving at a slower pace compared to his usual confident stride. It seems like he was doing it knowingly. I reached his car and stood there, waiting for him to give instructions to the driver, but to my surprise, he took the keys himself.
As we hit the road, my anxiety mounted and my body rocked slightly with each movement of the car as I continuously prayed for the health of my father. Every second felt like an eternity, and my heart was heavy with worry.
“Please drive faster” I requested Ansell.
He glanced at me briefly before adjusting his grip on the steering wheel and shifting gears.
“What’s going to happen is going to happen. Your worry or my driving faster won’t change the outcome. I can’t risk both of our lives by speeding recklessly. This is the maximum speed at which I could drive”
I looked away as my eyes welled up with tears. I wanted to cry but I kept my emotions under control. The rest of the journey went silent.
After around one and a half hours, which felt like an eternity, we finally reached the hospital. I was about to step out of the car when he pushed the child lock, which halted my movement.
I turned to face him, my heart racing even faster as I met his intense gaze. His expression was grave, and the seriousness in his voice left me momentarily stunned.
“I may have brought you here but do not forget that one unnecessary word from your mouth I am not sure about the medical condition of your father but the will not be able to see the next sunrise “