Chapter 156

Book:The Mafia King’s Toy Published:2025-2-8

I’m clasping my cup as I stare at the TV spellbound.
The news anchor’s voice keeps fading out as I follow the huge letters of the breaking news running along the bottom of the big screen.
The news channel switches on to the live feed of Feds coming out of the main offices of the Goldman Group, carrying boxes filled with documents and technical appliances.
It took a few days until we saw the first effects rolling out from when the hackers had started working. But when it started showing, I couldn’t get through the day gasping enthusiastically at least once every hour.
It was just perfect, and my malicious joy was having a field day.
After they got into his systems and could ravage through his files as well as the client records, they planted fake documents perfectly.
It didn’t take much longer to have them unfold their destructive potential as they got anonymously leaked to the closest business partners of Goldman, making them believe that they fell for a so-called Ponzi scheme as they entered into business with his asset management.
An elaborately constructed fraud that lures in investors with promises of pay-outs in the form of conspicuous amounts of money and paying out earlier investors with the funds of more recent investors. While the biggest profit goes towards the luxurious lifestyle of the scammer himself.
I drown my petty smile by taking a sip off my cup as I see Goldman getting escorted out of the building by the investigating authorities.
This entire setup led to a few disgruntled employees being happy to accept a generous sum and act as whistleblowers dragging his name further through the mud in public.
Soon enough, bribed politicians came forward, scared of the impending public naming and shaming, and swiftly changed sites, claiming they were victims of this elaborate fraud as well as Goldman just convinced them of his honest character by deceiving them as well.
And we couldn’t believe our fucking luck!
As Goldman started losing more allies, it didn’t take Arawn much longer to generate real rats between Goldman staff and cadre, leading to him getting even more dirty details and more secret information.
I sigh happily, looking forward to everything that will happen next while I love seeing Arawn getting control over his territory back.
Walking past the ladies cleaning the large living room, I settle at the small table in the kitchen, Elia following me to stand at the door.
I hum as I pull the newspaper towards me, reading the big-ass headline on the front page with a smile.
My gaze gets caught by a second newspaper, lying beneath the one I just wanted to start reading.
It is rather sketchy and seems to be already a few days old. Furrowing my brows, I inspect it, noticing that it isn’t the typical newspaper that you would find in the City.
Also, I recognize the title from somewhere.
“Where is Arawn, by the way?” I ask him, opening the newspaper and looking up at him.
“Out,” he answers dryly, making me roll my eyes.
At least everyone still keeps their priorities straight if it comes to not talking too much. “Out where?”
He shrugs and I take a sip of my coffee, only to risk choking on the delicious brew as I take the first proper look at the strange newspaper.
A huge picture of my uncle and my aunt is printed on the first page and my vision focuses and blurs a few times before I can actually breathe again while I feel my stomach churn.
The hell…
And why is it here?
I read the article twice and still have to reread it again before my brain actually starts functioning after having recovered from the shock and has me register the words properly.
Apparently, there was a strange robbery in the house I grew up in and my uncle was murdered brutally on the spot. My aunt seems to have died in hospital several hours later as they couldn’t save her from overdosing on the pills she took.
Probably out of shock, as the newspaper eloquently reports.
Good grief.
I scoff as I read the words ‘mob-related crime’ and ‘mafia-like execution’ and how the community was shocked about how such an atrocious thing could have happened to their pastor, who was such a good man, and in that lovely city, where everybody helps each other.
As the little ant I am in comparison to Elia’s huge frame, I hold up the article up to him and he bends down to see what I’m pointing at with a bored expression.
“What does that mean?” He lifts his brows as he tilts his head to read the part of the article calmly. “Does that mean something?”
“Mani mozzate, [Hands chopped off],” he answers nonchalantly. “He took something that wasn’t his. Without permission.”
He straightens his spine unimpressed and I point out another part. “And this then?”
He actually chuckles at that before he regains his cold expression. “Slept with a woman that wasn’t his. Another man’s wife.”
“Is there some international code for it?”
He clicks his tongue. “I guess someone started and we follow what we know.”
“Oh, my goodness,” I breathe out, putting my hand on my chest.
“You normally find them on the beach. They let them choke on the sand. Someone must have been very determined to leave a message to bring into the house in some one-horse town.”
Hearing him say that with his Italian accent is rather funny.
Only that it shouldn’t be.
“You have to be fucking kidding me,” I laugh, earning a questioning look as if he must be thinking that I have lost my mind.
Shaking my head, I continue to enjoy my coffee as I re-read the article about the death of my aunt and uncle in relish.
Maybe I should frame it.
The day passes excruciatingly slowly and I try to make time go faster by reading a book or going to the gym.
But it’s useless.
I can’t concentrate on anything.
Blowing into my cheeks, I twirl strands of my hair around my index and middle finger as I look up to the clock absentmindedly.
It’s already past 7 pm.
Where the hell are they?
I have barely finished my thoughts, making it seem like I manifested them as I hear the front door open and close.
Danny’s voice echoes through the penthouse as he is telling Arawn something in an excited tone.
Skyrocketing to my feet, I run past Elia, pointing a finger into his face.
“I want you out,” I whisper, making him look at me confused. “And take all the other gorillas with you.”
Reaching the foyer, I arrive just to see Arawn getting out of his coat and Danny still wearing his puffy down jacket as he gesticulates wildly, underlining his storytelling.
How they ever got to make him believe that he is fully Welsh and not even a little bit Italian is beyond me.
Arawn looks incredibly exhausted, and I love how he keeps listening to him talking like this even if he surely would love to cut his own ears off at that point.
“Danny!” I call for him, making him jerk up and look at me expectantly.
But I just pull his down jacket up to have it sit properly on his shoulders and turn him around to push him out of the door Elia just walked out through with a few men in black suits.
He turns back around, looking at me wide-eyed as I push a few hundred-dollar bills into his hand. He looks down at his hand before looking up at me lost.
“Go make yourself an awesome night, please,” I say, and my heart would break if I wasn’t so desperate to be alone with Arawn. “Elia will come with you, in case something happens. Right, Elly?”
Elia grunts, and I flash him a smile before closing the door into their faces.
Turning towards Arawn, he is already looking at me with a grin. “Something tells me you finally found the newspaper.”
“You are such an idiot. How long have you been waiting for me to find it?” I ask as I lean against the door.
“Way too long,” he answers, rolling his eyes as he walks to me, and kisses me, lifting me up to press me against the door.