I hurry to collect my things and follow Arawn into the car without making a scene.
As I get into the car, my heart is already beating into my throat.
Arawn starts the car as soon as I have settled in and drives off the property while clasping the steering wheel.
“What is happening, Arawn?” I finally ask as we are already on the road for several minutes.
He shakes his head, scoffing, “I don’t know. But I have to go back to the City to check on something. If he plays like this, he is already deeper into my organization than we previously thought. This is bad, Nerthus.”
I look at him lost as panic expands in my chest as he sighs, “I also don’t like that he is checking you out! I have to see who gave him such information when my men weren’t able to find who your father could be.”
“Wasn’t it clear that he would look into everything that concerned me as you didn’t correct him when he kept calling me your wife?”
He shrugs, avoiding looking at me, “Sure, but I didn’t think he would go that far.”
“You told me he was trying to get into your business, and that more and more rats appeared. How could you not think he would go that far? Did you even see his sleazy grin? God!” I let myself fall back into my seat and turn my head to look at him.
The streetlights dance on his worried face as we pass them, and he clenches his jaw, not answering me.
Taking a deep breath, I ask him lowly, “What is the Di Mattei family, Arawn?”
“They are one of the five families that control the West Coast. They are known to be extremely ruthless. It’s a huge family, always staying among themselves,” he explains calmly as if he was simply stating a fact that wasn’t supposed to freak me out.
I bite my bottom lip, pressing myself into the comfy leather of the passenger seat. “So… My mum dated a mafia boss?”
“Looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” he says with a tired grin, making me chuckle, even though I wouldn’t feel like it. “Do you have her eyes?”
“No.” I sigh, averting my eyes to look out of the window. “My mom had dark eyes. She always used to tell me that she loved mine because they were so special. I guess that if I have my father’s eyes and she loved him… Maybe that’s also why she loved my eyes.”
We keep silent for what seems to be an eternity. I watch the scenery pass my window, my thoughts racing through my head.
Maybe I have an entire family somewhere?
“He supposedly wasn’t the boss though,” Arawn says lowly, making me turn my head to look at him. He flashes me a sad look before concentrating back on the street. “He might have been the brother who eventually would have gotten the throne, but the old boss is still in charge. I heard that he is still fit enough to reign and too paranoic to let even his sons take over.”
“My grandfather?” I ask, the words feeling horribly wrong on my tongue.
Arawn nods. “Do you want me to contact them?”
“Are you insane?” I scoff, crossing my arms on my chest. “Do you even know what that could trigger?! And you know exactly how people treat bastards.”
He scoffs, and he moves his hand to squeeze my leg, my heart jumping at the contact it was craving. “Yeah, I know. But I thought it might be better to do it before Goldman does it.”
“Let him!” I say confidently. “Let him do the dirty job and let them come for me. We aren’t falling for his little games. We don’t get scared that easily, do we?”
His laugh makes my heart flip in my chest, relieving a bit of the weight pressing onto my stomach. “Of course we don’t!”
“If it is true, they would have surely found out already and have reached out to me before some moneybag had to contact them about an illegitimate daughter in his break between a polo match and a caviar aperitif at the country club.”
Finally, his eyes light up as he cracks up, and he takes my hand to kiss my knuckles. “God, you are perfect!”
Arrived at my building, it takes me a long time to get out of the car.
And this even though he has business to do, and I’m possibly the best-protected asset in the country.
A gorilla is already opening my door as he is still grabbing the back of my neck to pull me close for a kiss. “I have several men standing outside and around the building, and Alex will follow you inside.”
“I don’t want any of them in my apartment,” I chuckle, making him frown.
“Just for tonight, babe. Do me this little favor,” he says, making me roll my eyes.
“Okay. But send someone I already know,” I sigh, wiggling out of his grip. “And Danny.”
Pressing a swift kiss onto his lips, I jump out of my car. “And I’ll ask for help if I need to. Promised.”
“Good girl,” he grins at me, making me blush before I slam the car door closed.
Seeing the situation I’m in, I ride the elevator up to my apartment in an awkwardly good mood.
While I leave Alex at my door, I go in and change into something more comfortable. After opening a bottle of wine, I shoot Jenna and Emily a text just in time to open my door to a playful knocking.
Walking to the door with a big smile, I open it to find Danny with his arms already spread wide to welcome me and a frowning Giulio. Another man is standing behind Giulio, with a threatening demeanor which at the moment has a rather soothing effect on me.
“Hello, boys! So nice you made it to the party.” I laugh, letting them in.
As I’m getting everyone something to drink, the hulk is introduced to me as Aleksei, and I might remember him from the night I was summoned to make a video. I smile, shaking his hand. “So nice to meet you, Aleksei. I hope you guys aren’t hungry, because my fridge is empty. But you can make yourself feel at home while I’m going to crush.”
“What?” Danny gasps, letting his shoulder slump. “But I thought we would have a bit of fun.”
“Fun?” Giulio scoffs. “It’s four in the morning. Where the hell should we still have fun?!”
Danny grins, making me mirror him. “I know a place.”
“Don’t even fucking think about it.” Giulio barks while Aleksei observes the interaction quietly sipping his water. “Boss said we have to stay inside to keep the woman safe. So, we are doing just that.”
“But we are like trapped mice in here. Let’s get to my neighborhood. What can they even do? They won’t certainly attack us out of the blue, will they? And with all of us, she can move around safely without getting hurt.”
I scrunch up my nose, feeling tired. “I don’t know. I’m sure that Arawn wouldn’t approve.”
“Yes,” Giulio hisses. “And I gladly remind you that everybody except the red-haired princess risks getting their throat cut.”
“Hey,” I protest against his clearly offensive description, making Aleksei chuckle.
“But if we say that it’s her that wanted to go… We can’t say no to the princess,” Aleksei says in a joking tone, making Giulio pass his hand over his face.
“You youngsters are going to be the death of me.”