“Yeah! Yeah! Just a moment!”
I hear Jenna’s annoyed scoff as her muffled yell reaches my ear, not keeping me from pounding at her door.
The door swings open, revealing an annoyed Jenna, whose expression morphs into worry immediately.
“Amber, are you OK?”
“I’m wired.” I whisper-shout, passing her with fast steps. “He has my apartment wired.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Yes. He just answered a question I asked my living room.”
“Oh, dear.” She sighs, making another knot into her bathrobe cordon.
“Could… Could I stay the night?”
“Sure.” She says in a high-pitched voice, and I sigh relieved.
“Thank you so much.”
“Don’t even mention it.”
Sitting down on the couch, she goes to make us two cups of coffee and I throw my bag onto the floor. “How was Thanksgiving with your parents?”
“Meh.” She answers, without turning to me. “It gets more difficult every time to hide my job, and I’m tired.”
She wrinkles her nose as she puts down the cup in front of me. “I should be old enough to do what I want.”
“Is that why you are back so early?” I ask, propping my head on my hand as I’m leaning against the backrest of her couch.
Humming, she concentrates on delivering the two cups onto the couch table. “Luckily, Connecticut is just around the corner. My mom was going on and on about my workplace. So, I made up a working appointment.”
“She must be sensing something.” I wrinkle my nose, and she laughs bitterly.
“Yeah. That’s what I thought too. My mom has always been very attentive, and her questions keep getting more difficult to answer.”
“I’m so sorry, babes.” Taking a sip of my cup, I feel the tension leaving my shoulders.
She sits down on the couch beside me and pulls in her legs beneath her. “A friend called me a few days ago. I went to college with him.”
Stopping to look at her nails, I tear her out of her thoughts. “What about him?”
“He is working at a museum in the city and offered me a job.” She says, seemingly sad.
“He did what?” I ask, nearly spitting my sip of coffee over her white furniture.
She sighs, clasping at her cup. “They are looking for a curator for their team, and he thought about me.”
“Oh my God, Jenna! This is amazing.” I squeeze her leg, and she wrinkles her nose.
Shrugging, she distorts her face. “I don’t know. I will probably earn well too, but I like my job. And also, the money that comes with it.”
“What did Dario say about this?” I ask and smile as she lights up.
As her smile grows on her lips, she shakes her head. “He is mad supportive. I could do whatever I want, he will tell me to go for it.”
“This is hella cute,” I say, watching her with love written all over her face. “I’m so happy for you, babes.”
Taking another sip from my coffee, I sigh. “What does your gut say?”
“Argh,” she lifts her head to look at the ceiling. “As he told me about the opportunity, it felt like a sign from heaven.”
I hum, agreeing with her as she takes a deep breath. “Go for it.”
She looks at me wide-eyed as I flash her what I think is an encouraging smile. “What?”
“Go for it!” I repeat with a chuckle. “You can always return to your job as an escort. Luciana loves you, so you will always have a place there. Just look at me. She couldn’t take me back soon enough. But this opportunity! I mean, curator! Babes, this is amazing.”
Her smile lights up her entire face as she speaks.
“And let’s be honest. It will surely benefit your relationship.” I caress her leg soothingly, and she grins, lifting her hands to her chest happily.
With a squeal she lifts them over her head, making me giggle. “Okay! You are right. I will accept it.”
“Congratulations, babe,” I say, taking another sip.
“Oh my God,” She gasps, putting her hands over her face. “I’m going to be a curator.”
I laugh, as she moves while sitting, doing a happy dance. As she stops moving, she pushes out a deep sigh. “I’m glad you are doing better, babes. How did you spend your Thanksgiving? Did you at least get your turkey from Rajid?”
“No, I hooked up with Arawn,” I say nonchalantly, and she spits out the sip she just took.
Wrinkling up my nose, I let my fingers glide over my cup. “We called it a festive hook-up.”
“Oh my God.” She stares at me incredulously, wiping her mouth with her fingers. “And now?”
I shrug, lowering my gaze. “Nothing. We fucked, and he brought me home. I’ll call Luciana tomorrow and ask her for my old job back. Maybe I can save some of my client base.”
“But…” She starts saying something out of worry, but I interrupt her.
“Nothing but. It was just a job, stop saying that it was more. I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
“I know,” she says worriedly. “I’m just scared for you.”
Taking a deep breath, I tap her knee gently. “Don’t be. I’ll be fine promise. Now, tell me about your new job, your new relationship, and how happy you are. I want to know all the details.”
We keep chatting leisurely as I finally manage to get the subject away from me. I decide not to tell her that Arawn offered me my job back as it would worry her, and now she has to put all her energies into turning her life upside down. My chest blooms with happiness as she gushes over Dario and her new employer.
After losing the concept of time, I’m rather thankful to fall into bed exhausted. We giggle, talking for a bit longer before we fall asleep.
And I’m glad that she keeps my thoughts off Arwan, even if my heart squeezes painfully, as he is the last thought I have before I fall asleep for good.