“Are you okay?” His deep baritone makes me to look up, and our eyes meet through our reflection once again. It feels like a vision as I watch myself nod automatically.
He doesn’t seem convinced by my answer and grunts, frowning at me.
“Lock your hands behind my neck.” He instructs me and I obey with a smile. But I can see that it doesn’t fool him.
As soon as I have wrapped my hands around him, he lifts me up and spreads my legs. I throw my head back and scream in pleasure as he lowers me onto his cock slowly.
“Don’t look away, beautiful.” He speaks directly into my ear, and as he moves himself in and out of me, I raise my gaze with a gasp. “Look how fucking beautiful you are. How your pussy eats up my cock perfectly.”
“Oh, God!” I breathe out as he continues fucking me in his arms, myself opened perfectly for him. Keeping my eyes glued to our reflection, I come hard as I watch him pound into me with relish.
And I can’t remember ever seeing anything that made me so horny.
My dizzy state worsens after my orgasm, and I feel myself getting weaker. I try to tell myself that I just have to let him have his orgasm until I can ask him to move to the bedroom. But I’m obviously ignoring the fact that his stamina will give me at least one more incredible high, and I don’t know how I will react to it.
As I’m lost in thought, I don’t notice how his expression darkens, until he stops moving.
“That’s enough.” Arawn growls, lifting me off him.
I stare at his reflection in confusion as I cling to his arms as he makes me stand on my wobbly legs.
“Did I do-” I don’t even get to finish the sentence before my knees buckle beneath me and my vision goes black.
By the moment I open my eyes back up, I look directly into his eyes. My chest squeezes as he looks at me discontentedly before lifting me up into his arms.
“Wait. What are you doing?” I squeal as he carries me out of the bathroom princess style.
How more embarrassing can you get, Nerthus?!
After dropping me rather ungently onto a large white leather couch sitting in front of a fireplace, he gets on top of me carefully. My vision begins to focus, as he props himself up with his hands next to my head.
“Did I do something wrong?” I ask in a whisper, getting an annoyed growl in return.
“Shut up and breathe.”
Turning my head to the side, I look at my hand that lies next to my head.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper again, before taking a deep breath.
“Do your job, woman. You need to get rid of these quirks of yours.”
“Quirks?” I look at him wide eyed, and he shakes his head.
“The flinching and the apologies.” He sounds so annoyed that I could cry.
Gulping down another sorry that wants to escape my lips, I nod slowly. “Yes, boss!”
He stays in the same position for what seems like an eternity while he watches me regain a healthy breathing pattern.
“Better?” He asks seemingly bothered by me and I nod again.
“Yes, thank you.” I answer quietly, still feeling a bit lightheaded.
Clicking his tongue, he moves his hand to grab my chin gently. “What the fuck were you trying to do?”
“Huh?” I lift my eyebrows, as I got distracted momentarily by his lips moving so close to mine.
“You passed out in my arms. Why didn’t you tell me that you felt uncomfortable?”
I shrug, smiling at him exhaustedly. “I didn’t feel uncomfortable, and I didn’t want to bother you.”
“Yeah. Because a woman passing out in my arms while I fuck her isn’t a bother, or what?” He scoffs, making me roll my eyes.
“You wouldn’t be the first to not care about something like that.”
“Okay.” He snarls, pushing himself off me.
As he starts pacing around in the huge living room, I slowly get up to follow him with my eyes. He leaves the room for a moment before coming back, looking agitated.
“I’m not the scum you used to work for! What the fuck would I be doing fucking an unconscious woman, are you insane?”
I stare at him agape as he raises his voice at me for the first time. “No, I… I just underestimated the impact of the steam on my body during the orgasms. I’m so… I just didn’t want to interrupt what we were doing.”
Getting onto my knees, I grip the back of the couch. “Honestly, I was enjoying it too much to stop you.”
He halts in his tracks and passes a hand through his hair. My dizzy state makes it more difficult to concentrate on our conversation as I watch his muscles flex at his movements. “Why do you keep feeding me bullshit? I’m not paying you for that!”
“Would you please calm down and come back to me?” I sigh, sitting down on my heels.
He stands there for a second looking at me before he says, “Maybe it’s better if you get dressed and leave.”
“What? No. Look, I’m already feeling better.” I reply, not really convinced that this is the reason that he wanted me to leave in the first place. “And you will hardly sleep well if I leave like this.”
Or call for another woman.
“This is getting ridiculous.” He grumbles and I squint my eyes at him.
“Why do you say that?”
Of course I don’t get an answer to that, just another glare.
Tapping the couch softly, I try to make another move. “Come on. It’s getting cold, would you mind warming me up a little bit?”
His lips twitch and even if he passes his hand over his face with an exhausted sigh, he walks back to me. I smile like a girl meeting Santa Claus as he sits down next to me.
“Nerthus.” He says, clenching his jaw.
“Yes, boss?” I whisper, tilting my head.
He scoffs as he turns his head towards me. “Stop mentioning my sleep.”
“OK.” I nod, and he reaches out to grab the back of my head, pulling me close. As he claims my lips, I melt against him. Moaning softly, I feel his smile even as his lips are devouring mine hungrily.
With a quick movement, he has me pinned beneath him. My brain barely registers the comfort of the furry material lying on the floor, caressing my back.
“Better?” He asks huskily after breaking the kiss.
I’m still savoring the feeling of his lips on mine with my eyes closed as I hum, “Much better.”
My heart squeezes as he chuckles and starts to nibble at my skin on his way to my breasts. I moan, enjoying the sensation to the fullest.
As I open my eyes, I spot a dark spot on the ceiling and jerk up uncomfortably.
“Arawn, is that a camera?” I ask panically, trying to push him off me.
“Hm-mhm.” He simply utters, continuing to taste my skin unbothered.
“Arawn, please.”
Stopping, just to look at me annoyed, he clicks his tongue. “What is it?”
“Are there people who are watching the feed right now?”
“Why?” He tilts his head, and his sly smirk shows me how he loves to play with me.
“Why what? Are there or not?” My tone gets a little angrier as I cover my breasts, making him growl.
I lower my arms back down with a groan, laying back down. “Would I have to pay an extra fee if there were people watching?”
Closing my eyes, I try to block out my discomfort and concentrate on him kissing my breasts gently.
“No. There is no extra fee you could pay for that. I don’t want any audience.” I say confidently.
He hums, making me arch my back as he bites into my nipple. “So, you’ve never had any videos recorded of you?”
“No.” I laugh, pushing him off of me lightly. “I’ve never done porn.”
“Why not?” He grins, and I shake my head.
“You are such an idiot. There is no one sitting there right now, is there?”
“Of course not.” He answers, getting back on top of me and pulling me even closer. “You are only mine.”
A loud moan falls from my lips as he pushes into me as he says the hottest phrase that I have ever heard him say.
“Oh, God.” I breathe out, as he moves in and out of me, lifting my leg to penetrate me even deeper.
He looks gorgeous as he clenches his jaw and looks at me with his dark, lustful eyes.
“But I wouldn’t mind having a tape just for me.”