“No way.” I say, feeling his presence behind me.
“I’m not signing this. Even if I did, it wouldn’t be binding anyway.”
“Says who?” He asks in an annoyed tone as I shake my head.
“I’m saying this! This is-” I gasp as he slumps down into the seat next to me, pulling my chair between his legs. Sliding the paper across the table, he positions it right in front of me. He is so close that I can feel his warm breath fanning my skin.
“Do you want to call a lawyer?”
“I don’t need one! I’m not signing anything.”
“Didn’t you have a contract at your old workplace?”
I nod and he taps his finger on the paper. “This is just an agreement between you and me.”
I lay the pen down and watch him pick it up with a swirl.
“What bothers you?”
“You… I… This is too restrictive!” I finally exhale as I get to tear my eyes away from the pen between his fingers.
“Restrictive?” He hums, making me shudder.
“I’ll practically be your slave.”
He laughs, turning the contract as if he was reading it for the first time. “It doesn’t say that, does it?”
“Well, it says: Nerthus Hendricks will offer her services at the discretion of Arawn Rodberg exclusively and will arrange her schedule according to his needs. I’m not doing that.”
“You said that you didn’t want another client.” Judging by his tone of voice his patience is wearing thin.
“Yes. I still don’t, but that’s not what this says. It says that I can’t have a life anymore.”
“You can have a life. Just not when I need you.” His smirk makes me think I’m going crazy.
Clearing my throat, I read another passage from the contract. “And this: Should Nerthus Hendricks fail to perform her duties to Arawns Rodberg’s satisfaction, a punishment will be imposed. You must have bumped your head.”
He smirks, resting his cheek on his fist. “I thought of it myself. Do you want to know what the punishment is?”
“I already read it.” I say with a deep sigh and sink back into my chair.
“Let me hear it.”
“The punishment will be carried out in the conference room of Arawn Rodberg’s penthouse, situated in New York, and will consist of Nerthus Hendricks being tied to a chair. To be at the free disposal of Arawn Rodberg.” He chuckles as I shake my head again.
“You must have bumped your head really heard.”
Leaning in, he speaks directly into my ear, sending shivers down my spine. “This way, you would have to watch me while I lick you.”
He moves the piece of paper away from me slowly, causing me to automatically lower my head. My eyes widen as I see his leg touching mine through the clear glass of the table.
“I’ll sign it, if you give me something too.” I say, swallowing while he looks at me intrigued.
“Like what?”
“Don’t know. But not money. I want something too. I’m not being a slave for nothing.”
He opens his mouth, his finger touching his lips as he thinks of something.
“What if I could give you a nice contract? One you would die for?”
“What’s the catch?”
He smirks brighter, burying his hand into my hair.
“I’d need something in return.”
I sigh feeling exhausted. “Like a name?”
“Such a smart girl!”
“God, you are such an arrogant bas-”
“Ah, careful, beautiful. I’m quite tense, I haven’t slept well lately.”
“Didn’t you take another woman to satisfy your needs?”
As he shakes his head, I let out a breath of relief.
“Kyle, what?”
I shrug, causing his expression to darken. “I don’t know. He works for a friend of mine. And he is obsessed with me. But I never asked for his last name. He is a delivery guy.”
“Are you playing with me, woman?”
“No!” I sigh, diverting my gaze.
“You said he was a client!”
“I know.” Closing my eyes, I take another deep breath. “I lied. But please don’t hurt him. He is an asshole, but my friend loves him dearly. She has given him so many chances. I don’t want to see her heart break because of me.”
He grunts despairingly and seems to think about it before he says, “OK.”
I squeal as he picks me up, throws me over his shoulder and walks out of the door.
“Arawn! What are you doing?”
“I’m a caveman. Remember?” I actually have to laugh at that, even though his broad shoulder, cuts my air uncomfortably.
I notice that he isn’t going back to the bedroom but is walking down a long living room to the side of the penthouse that I have never seen.
He lets me down gently in a bathroom before he closes the door and starts undressing himself. “I have had a long day and need a shower. You’ll join me.”
“Sure, boss.”
He smirks, shaking his head and watches me as I quickly slip out of my flimsy dress.
“And I didn’t see you alright last time I had you all wet in a bathroom.”
My laughter echoes through the confined space and before I can realize it, he has slipped out of his pants and has picked me up to carry me to the large glass shower. He still holds me, his arm wrapped under my ass as he turns on the rain shower. I enjoy the warm water pouring down on me as he presses me against the cold stone tiles.
“Finally, I heard you call the right person your boss.”
“Such a jealous husband!” I joke and he doesn’t seem to mind as he starts savoring my breasts with his mouth. I’m already a moaning mess as he positions me perfectly for him against the wall before slowly thrusting into me.
“What can I do? In front of such a beautiful wife.” He growls, but I must be hallucinating his words as he fucks me against the wall. I enjoy his thrusts as I feel the warm water flow between our bodies and I wrap my legs around him, opening myself up to him even more. My moans echo off the tiled walls, heating up my body drastically and I risk losing my conscience as the hot steam makes my head feel lighter.
“Oh, my God! Arawn!” I try to grab the steel appliances on the wall as my orgasm ripples through me.
Mewling lowly, I let him glide out of me with a proud grin. “Are you okay, beautiful?”
I nod, my head feeling a little dizzy. “Yeah. And you?”
He looks gorgeous as he nods at me while towering over me. The water drops streaming down his chin.
God, I’m a goner.
“Turn around, I’ll soap you.”
I smile wearily, my senses floating. “Why do I get the feeling that’s not the only thing you are going to do?”
He groans as I wrap my hand around his thick cock, stroking it.
He pulls me closer, kissing me hungrily. The warm water pours onto our faces gently, flowing over our bodies entangling into each other. As my heart squeezes in my chest, I have to recognize that this is the moment when I realize that I have already fallen deep. I don’t even have time to curse myself out as I fill my lungs with his irresistible scent and wrap my arms tighter around his strong shoulders. It feels like he is my ultimate drug, and since it takes him forever to break our kiss, my addiction gets all the time it needs to change the chemistry in my brain.
Just so stupid.