Chapter 40

Book:The Mafia King’s Toy Published:2025-2-8


“He is gay.” I scoff. “That’s what makes him special. Men usually give me the ick.”
“Me too?” Our eyes meet again, and it suddenly seems like there isn’t enough air in the room.
I clear my throat and press my tongue to my teeth. “What do you think?”
“I think you are pretty itching for me.”
“Agh, is the spray still having that much effect? By giving you hallucinations, I mean.”
He chuckles again, leaning closer to me. And I hate how my skin yearns for his touch, making me think ‘finally.’
“See.” He just whispers, as if he was able to look into my soul. My eyes follow him slowly as he presses his warm lips against my cold skin. And even if I would like nothing more than to wipe off this smug grin of his, it makes my heart beat faster.
Stupid thing.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“So, you are repulsed by me. And would like to go on entertaining other men. And when you are busy, you want me to take another woman.”
The way my body reacts to this has me questioning my sanity. I have to fight down the urge to scream into his face that he shouldn’t even consider any other woman if all he wanted was me.
This is bad.
But I guess I could fight all I wanted, if he could read me like a book anyway.
“Do you prefer to lie to me and have others touch you while you wish the one touching you was me?”
His deep voice grows husky as he lowers it temptingly. “Lie to me again, and I’ll have you watch while I pleasure another woman. Let me see how you will react to it truthfully.”
I gulp, trying to stay standing on my now weak legs, and he presses a kiss below my ear.
“Do you want me to take another woman when you are busy?” He asks smokily before he moves back, having our eyes meet again.
With my heart in my throat, I shake my head slowly and a smile reappears on his lips.
“Good.” He whispers, pushing himself off the dryer. “Now let me get my clothes. I have places to be.”
I move out of his way silently, hugging my frame while I watch him dress himself. I’m still staring into the void as I suddenly feel a soft but heavy fabric weight on my shoulders. As I look up, I see Arawn putting his jacket on me, and I blink to return to reality. “Let’s get you inside.”
He lets me pass him and step into the warm cabin first. Only as the heated air wraps around my naked frame I feel how cold it actually was in the garage.
“I’m still waiting for you to tell me his name.” My hands clench the leather of his jacket as I shake my head.
“I told you I’m not telling you.”
“Wanna bet?” He grins and I sigh.
“You can do whatever you want to do. But I’m not telling you.”
“Fine.” He starts collecting his things that I put onto a sideboard, but instead of being pissed he seems amused. Challenged even.
“Let’s see how long you will last.”
“What do you mean?”
He turns around grinning. “No other clients, Nerthus! I’ll book you when you give me his name.”
“Don’t hold your breath for too long, big boy.”
He chuckles as he starts walking to the door, with me following automatically. “You will be paid when you get booked again.”
“Oh, but you still owe me for tonight. And don’t forget the extra rounds! So, I guess I’ll be fine for a while!”
Turning around with a sly smirk, he makes my blood boil.
Such an entitled asshole.
“Good luck with trying to satisfy your desire for me with yet a bigger vibrator.”
I gasp, stepping forward, raising my voice slightly. “And good luck to you sleeping after stroking yourself to sleep.”
He breaks out into laughter as he steps out, slamming the door close behind him.
I run to the door and open it swiftly. “Hey, your jacket!”
But he just shakes his head as he gets into his SUV and drives away.
I should be used to be ignored by now.
As I retreat back into the cabin and close the door, I climb into bed lazily. Slumping down, I groan as I wrap myself into the sheets. I bury myself further in his jacket, getting entangled in his mouthwatering cologne. I can’t even make out if it is clinging more to the sheets or the jacket, but I don’t care. Closing my eyes with a deep sigh, I get to spend the day in bed.
Like I had planned to, right?
Feeding myself off popcorn and watching some corny soaps on TV, the day passes leisurely but rather peacefully. As my body finally got myself to get up to go to the bathroom, I spotted his gun on the counter in the kitchen. He must have left it there on purpose as the last time I saw it, I had put it on the sideboard with his things.
Even if I normally make a huge bow around these kind of things, and unfortunately was always on the side of the threatened, this weapon seems to sing to me like my personal siren. By the third time that I passed that damn thing, I was already holding it in my hand, absorbed in thought. It is heavy, but I knew that already as I carried it around yesterday. Still, I remember the small thing Francis was carrying around to frighten me and this is an entire other dimension.
Just another proof of how they both are of all other calibers.
I wouldn’t even dare to think that Francis would be considered low in Arawn’s hierarchy. And this makes me smile immensely as a feeling of malicious joy streams through my body. The thought of Arawn crushing him like a small insect passes my mind, making me flinch, and I put down the gun.
Better not go there.
For dinner, I stay true to my unhealthy eating habits of the day and warm up a cup of Ramen that I had bought at the store. Settling back under the covers, I spend my evening with an action movie before I fall asleep. There weren’t any strange noises around the house today, and I’m glad that I can find some peace.
Also, the jacket Arawn left me seems to cuddle me to sleep gently.
Stupid thing.