I do as I’m told, positioning my left leg up a higher shelf. As he steps behind me, he grabs my neck, pushing me forward to open my core fully to him. I suck a breath through my teeth as he sinks one of his fingers into me slowly. With nimble fingers, he starts working my pussy, plunging them in and out of me fast. I scream in pleasure as he adds a second one and puts even more strength into finger-fucking me.
“Oh, my God. Yes! Yes!”
“Do you like it like this?” I can’t even respond as my nodding has him going feral, making me explode, literally, on his fingers.
“Damn, beautiful.”
He slows his pace without taking his fingers out of me and I wet my lips, looking back at him. He pushes his finger further into me slowly, burying them entirely until I feel his knuckles touch my pussy and I moan. He moves his thumb to my asshole, double penetrating me.
I gasp, throwing my head back and he steps closer to me, increasing the penetration even more.
“You like this, do you?”
“Aaaah! Yes! Yes!”
“Want me to continue?” I nod repeatedly before I plead, moaning.
“Yes! Don’t stop. Give it to me!” I hear him chuckle as he bites into my shoulder and starts moving in and out of me again, giving me fantastic pleasure.
“Next time I’ll book you, you’ll be ready for my cock to fuck your ass over a table at the restaurant we will be eating at.”
“Oh, fuck! Yes.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Yes! I’ll do everything you want.”
“Just like my own personal slut, right?”
He buries his head into my hair and my eyes are already rolling back to the back of my head as he whispers. “Don’t forget that your mine. Only mine.”
Shifting, he moves one arm around the leg laying on the shelf while he switches his fingers to pound my ass. I’m already going crazy at him finger-pounding me as he starts fingering my clit and I lose my mind completely.
It doesn’t take me long to come hard on his fingers in his pleasurable hold. He slows down still massaging my clit gently as he takes his fingers out of me.
As soon as I’m about to breathe regularly again, he grabs me, pulling me from the shelf. I have barely hit the only free wall next to us as he is already putting his hands under the back of my knees to lift me off against the wall.
“I put it in my back pocket.”
Wrapping my arms around him, I stabilize myself by hooking my arm around his neck and move my hand down his back to take the condom out of the back pocket of the pants that are hanging around his hips loosely. I open the wrapping and move my hand down to his cock to glide the condom over it. As I’m done, I position him at my entrance and he penetrates me slowly, pushing me harder against the wall.
“Let’s make the best out of this single round, will we?”
Biting my bottom lip, I hold my hands behind his head and nod. He smiles before he starts moving in and out of me increasingly faster, making me moan uncontrollably. He props his hand against the wall, spreading me even wider to him. I clench onto his shirt at his back as he fucks me so deeply that it takes my breath away. I can’t remember any man to ever be this satisfying.
“Fuck, beautiful. You keep on clamping down on me. You feel so fucking good.”
He presses his forehead to the side of my head and slows down, taking me hard and intensely.
“Please… I… I can’t…” I breathe out, shaking as another wave of pleasure ripples through me.
“Don’t hold back! Come for me!”
He starts thrusting faster and, as if his permit was all I was waiting for, I cum with a loud scream.
“Fuck!” I’m still on a wonderful high as he fucks his way to his own release.
We don’t move as we catch our breaths after our orgasm. He is still in me, his head collapsed on my chest, as I caress his shoulders and drive my fingers through his hair.
“God.” He pushes out with a sigh and I giggle exhausted.
“Oh, yes!”
Lifting his head, he looks me directly in the eyes as he murmurs. “Come home with me.”
Biting my lip, I move up to have him slip out of me and mewl at the intense feeling.
“I’d love to, but I can’t. I’m here with my friend and I’m not leaving her alone.”
Letting me down gently, he kisses my neck, traveling up to my ear.
“I could have her driven home.”
“I know, big boy, but I promised.” He frowns at me and I stroke his cheek, his stubbles tickling my fingertips. “And tonight we are just strangers having a free night and a good fuck.”
He groans and I chuckle. “What?”
“Again with the good.”
“Sorry. A superb fuck.” I finally get him back to smile at me and I start dressing myself as he watches me.
“You booked me for a dinner this week, right?”
He nods as he follows my movements with his eyes.
“Perfect, I’ll be thinking about our table, then.” I get on my tippy toes to press a kiss on his cheek before I open the door to get out. “Good night, man with no name.”
He scoffs, looking down at me with a broad smirk. “Good night, Rachel.”
Doing my best to walk along the hallway without looking like a newborn Bambi, I stumble out to the dance floor. My friend is sitting at the bar, sipping a drink all by herself.
That’s strange.
“Want to go home, babes?”
She jerks up and nods before snatching her purse off the table and hopping off the barstool. As we walk out of the club, I already feel observed again, but as I can think of who it might be, my skin prickles pleasurably at the thought.
Jenna is quite the entire ride. It isn’t until we are about to turn into her street that she speaks again.
“I don’t want to go home. Do you want to crush at our apartment?”
I can feel that she is scared, and I nod, squeezing her hand soothingly. “Sure.”
Giving our driver the new address, he grumbles but changes the street. Arrived at our work-apartment, she slumps into one of the couches and I pour us a glass of wine. She takes it while staring into the void.
“What do you know about this guy?”
I shrug, trying to crack another joke. “That he has a big cock.”
Jenna jerks up, turning to me while slamming her purse on the couch table.
At least it wasn’t the glass.
“Stop acting this foolishly. He seems dangerous, Amber. I don’t think this is a joke.”
“Relax. If he’s dangerous, that’s not my problem.”
She sighs, about to take a sip as she halts in her movements.
“What if they have bugged this apartment?” She puts down the glass, turning left and right panically. “It was a mistake coming here.”
“J, calm down.” I sit down, trying to take her hands in mine but she distances herself from me.
“We aren’t together. We didn’t sleep. We fucked and he left. He didn’t have the time nor the opportunity to do such a thing.”
I chuckle, adding. “Also, what would he do that for? Like he is that interested in me.”
Jenna looks at me incredulously and I’m lost. “Just how naive are you? Don’t you know what they are capable of?”
“They?” I try to smile over the lump growing in my throat.
“God, how can you not see that he is obviously a mobster?”
“Again, babes. That’s above my pay grade.”
“But he is in the mo-” My hand darts forward, grabbing her cheeks to squeeze them, interrupting her speech.
“Babes, again. He pays me and that’s all I need to know.”
She takes a deep breath as I release my grip and looks like she is about to cry.
“You can gladly stay away from them. But my radar for the sixth sense of danger broke long time ago. So, I’m going to take advantage of it to make good money. He might be a little gangster, but I’m a low whore. While doctors take the Hippocratic oath to provide beneficial treatment, I made mine to provide a good fuck. And that’s all I’m here for, alright?”
She nods before lowering her head and I sigh deeply. “Sorry, I didn’t want to get you in this kind of situation.”
“It’s OK.” She says, sniffing. “Don’t worry.” She looks up to smile at me, but I can see that she is not being sincere.
And there it is.
The moment my past gets uncomfortable for someone. Having them pushing me away.
I sit back upright, and she gets up silently to go to her bedroom.