Damien’s eyes fluttered open, and he was met by Eric staring directly at him. His eyes scanned the room, and he realized that he was still in Adrian’s penthouse.
“Hey, hey, hey. Take it easy, man. You got hit badly.” Eric said, helping him get off the couch.
Damien looked around and saw a few of the workers in the room along with Eric.
“Where are they? What happened? … Argh!” A sharp pain shot through his head from the injury. He hoped that Evelyn and Adrian had either been arrested or were somewhere around.
After he pulled the trigger, Evelyn’s scream was the last thing he heard before he lost consciousness. He had no idea who the bullet hit and if it was fatal or not.
He couldn’t remember.
“Help him up.” Eric instructed one of the ladies, who rushed to their side and helped Damien sit. There was a bandage wrapped around his head and the blood stains on the floor were being mopped.
“Harriet informed me that you were meeting Adrian on your own. She explained everything to me and I rushed here as fast as I could.” Eric explained with a heavy sigh.
“What were you thinking, man?! Did you have a death wish or something?” Eric scolded, but Damien brushed him off, ignoring him completely.
“Where are they?” He asked once again in a more demanding voice and Eric shook his head, knowing that he wasn’t going to rest until he had his answer.
“I don’t know. When I got there, they were already gone, and you were lying on the floor, bleeding from your head. We noticed a trace of blood, but it stopped in the parking lot, so we’re guessing they escaped.” Eric explained, and Damien banged his fist on the couch.
“They had the opportunity to kill me. Why didn’t they? I was unconscious and…” He looked around, noticing that there were still strangers in the room, so, he leaned in and whispered to Eric.
“I had a gun on me so, why didn’t they just end it?” He asked, completely confused.
“Maybe because there was something more urgent to attend to. Judging from the trail of blood we saw, one of them was seriously injured. Did you pull the trigger?” Eric asked, and Damien nodded slowly before scanning the floor only to realize that the gun was nowhere to be found.
“Did you-?” He turned to Eric, who immediately shook his head, giving an answer to the obvious question.
“I didn’t see anything when I got here, you were just covered in blood.” Eric said.
“They took it with them. But, why?” Damien cocked his head to the side and his brows creased as he struggled to understand what was going through Adrian’s mind.
“No one should find out about what happened here.” He said, looking at Eric, who nodded.
“I already handled that. The staff will remain quiet and clean everything up. You don’t have to worry about that. What you should worry about is meeting Harriet with that on your head.” Eric pointed at the bandage that was wrapped around his head and chuckled.
“Fuck!” Damien cursed.
All through the ride, Damien kept thinking about the incident. It made no sense to him that they would flee from the scene without killing him. Unless they were seriously hurt or had something else to achieve.
He also tried to remember who the bullet had hit, but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn’t. After he was hit on the head, things became unclear and blurry as he could neither see nor hear properly.
‘What if I killed someone?’ Fear gripped him. He wasn’t a murderer and even though he talked about killing them, he didn’t mean it.
He wasn’t a murderer.
“Did you hear a thing I said?” He saw a hand wave in his face, pulling him from his daze.
“Huh?” He asked Eric, who was staring at him with both his brows raised. Eric shook his head at him and leaned back on his seat.
“Thank God I didn’t let you drive. We’re at your house. That’s what I was trying to tell you.” He said, pointing to the door.
Harriet was already running towards them as she had been waiting at the front door for over one hour.
“You’ve got this, man,” Eric said and tapped his shoulder before leaving the car.
Damien took a deep breath before opening his door and stepping out, ready to face Harriet, who was impatiently waiting for him. Because his car glass was completely tinted, she could not see him through the windows.
Harriet’s face immediately went pale as soon as she saw him. The bandage was too big to not notice, and his clothes were filled with blood stains.
“Oh My God, Damien! What happened?” She asked with a horrified expression and tears began to well up in her eyes as she stared at the man she loved covered in blood. She took her hands to his head and touched the bandage softly, careful not to touch the part that had been injured.
“I’ll explain when we get in, okay?” He said and softly grabbed her arm that was on his head, and she nodded, sniffing as she wiped her tears.
“The twins?” He asked as they walked into the house with Eric following behind.
“Aiden is asleep but Addy wanted to see you before going to bed. She cried about missing you even though she saw you a few hours ago. I think she’s getting attached.” Harriet chuckled, and a smile appeared on Damien’s face. It warmed his head to know that Addy was falling in love with him day after day.
“I should put her to bed then.” He said, but Harriet shook her head,
“It’s not even evening yet, so, I doubt she’ll fall asleep. She’s busy with her assignments, which have to do with her watching a recommended show. She’s completely immersed in it, so we shouldn’t disturb her.” She said as they finally got to the sitting room.
“Tell me. What happened?” She asked, looking at both Eric and Damien, who sat like children who were about to receive a scolding from their mother.
Damien started talking, telling her everything he could remember until he saw Eric. Harriet listened to him with wide eyes, baffled that Adrian had almost killed his own brother.
“I owe you my life, Harriet. I would’ve bled to death if you hadn’t informed Eric about everything.” Damien said, holding her hands.
“Hey! I deserve a thank you too, you know? I drove as fast as I could to save you.” He crossed his arms, feigning anger, and Damien threw him a harsh glare which he returned with an eye roll.
“There is something I don’t understand? You said you pulled the trigger but they both escaped. Why didn’t they take you along with them or kill you?” She asked, and Damien sighed.
“We thought about the same thing but, we couldn’t find a reason. Also, there is a chance that one of them is either dead or injured. We just don’t know which one.”