Harriett was still in her room with Adrian when Stacy announced that dinner was ready. She didn’t realize how much time she had spent with Adrian just talking about the old times.
They finally left the room to join the others for dinner. They were still talking and laughing about a joke Adrian made when Damien walked out of his room and saw them.
Harriett paused for a few minutes as she stared at him, remembering their encounter earlier while Adrian placed a hand on her shoulder, acting like he didn’t see Damien standing and led her to the dinning table.
Damien could only grit his teeth at his brother’s antics. Adrian was only trying to spite him and he knew this but why was he still bothered by him?
“I was worried you guys weren’t going to join us. The twins have been waiting.” Stacy laughed as Harriett placed a kiss on her twins.
“You should’ve called me to help, mother. You didn’t have to do all of this yourself.” Harriett pouted as she stared at the table which was filled with different dishes.
“Nonsense, my dear. I had more than enough help. Besides, I should take care of you while I can. I don’t know when next we’ll have this opportunity.” Stacy said deliberately. She wanted to get a response from Harriet, telling her that she would be visiting soon. It was also a way of hinting to Harriett that she wanted her back in the house.
Harriet understood Stacy’s intentions and only smiled awkwardly. She didn’t want to make any promises especially since her and Damien’s relationship was shaking.
Stacy sighed sadly as Harriett gave her no response. She knew that she was being impatient but how could she not be? Her grandchildren were growing without living in a household with both parents. It bothered her.
“Here.” Adrian pulled out a chair for Harriet who thanked him with a smile. Damien walked to take a seat beside her but Adrian beat him to it.
“She doesn’t want you right now, bro. Take a hint.” He whispered to Damien’s hearing.
“Everything looks good, mother.” Harriett confessed as the smell of friend rice and steamed chicken hit her nostrils. Stacy had really outdone herself this time around.
Ten minutes into the dinner, Damien cleared his throat, not able to hold himself any longer.
“I and Harriet have decided to change our son’s name. It’s awkward having him bearing the same name with Adrian.” He said, earning a glare from Harriett.
There was a sudden eerie silence with light noises from the twins who were tapping Harriett and Stacy for their drinks.
“Uhh.. I don’t see anything wrong with your son bearing your brother’s name, Damien. He isn’t a stranger and he leads a good life. I don’t see why you’d want to change his name.” Stacy was the first to speak up and Adrian smirked, happy that his mother was taking his side.
“I agree with your mother. There’s nothing wrong with his name.” Thomas said, siding with his wife.
Gripping his fork tightly, he turned to his parents.
“I wasn’t asking, Mum. We have already decided. Next week, we’ll make it official.” Damien stated and continued with his meal.
Harriett was beyond angry. They had only talked about the matter once and didn’t even come to a final conclusion.
“Do you have something against me, Damien?” Adrian asked, putting up a fake expression to gain pity from his parents and Harriett.
The mood was changing to a hostile one thanks to Damien.
“I don’t know, Adrian. Do you think I do?” Damien fired back, throwing daggers at his brother with his eyes.
“You clearly do. You are eve-”
“That’s enough! Can we have a meal in peace? This was supposed to be a fun weekend for crying out loud.” Thomas banged his hands on the table and Addison immediately broke into loud cries out of shock.
Harriett, Stacy and Thomas immediately rushed to her to calm her down while Thomas began apologizing and making promises to her.
“Can you see what your banter has caused? When are you both going to grow up?” Stacy complained.
Both her and her husband knew that both brothers had always been at each other’s throats right from a young age but with Harriet in the picture, it became worse.
She hoped that it wasn’t going to turn into a big fight between the brothers for Harriett.
Seeing that he had made his daughter cry, Damien quieted down and focused on his food, embarrassed at what he had done.
The dinner went by quickly and soon, they all headed to their various rooms. Stacy took the twins to their rooms as she wanted to give them a bath herself. So, Harriet went to hers and took a quick bath as she prepared to sleep.
After the incident at the dinner, she was certain that coming to the Daniel’s mansion was a mistake.
Or would it have been different if Adrian didn’t show up?
She was about closing her eyes when a knock on the door stopped her. Wondering who could be at her door at this hour, she got up from her bed and walked lazily to the door.
When she opened the door, a frown appeared on her face as she stared at her ex-husband who looked like he had been drinking.
“Are you drunk?” She gasped, pulling him into her room. He wasn’t staggering or blabbing but his bloodshot eyes gave him away. She lived with him long enough to know when he was drunk.
“No.” He said and grabbed her waist forcefully before pinning her to the wall.
“What are you doing? Let me go!” She tried pushing him off her but he didn’t move an inch as her small hands weren’t strong enough.
“Are you trying to see how jealous I can get, Harriett? I see what you’re doing, moving with Adrian to piss me off. Well guess what, it’s fucking working.” He slammed his hand on the wall behind her and she flinched.
“You know what? I’m going to put my mark all over you so he’ll know who you belong to.” Damien said and began forcing kisses on her neck while Harriet continued to fight back.
Memories from four years ago began flooding into her mind. It happened exactly like this, him taking advantage of her in his drunken state only to mention a divorce four weeks after.
“D-Damien. Please, stop.” A tear slid down her cheeks and immediately his hands left her body, realizing what he was doing.
“Fuck! I’m sorry, Harriett. I didn’t mean to-” He tried to apologize but she stopped him with her hands pointing at the door as tears continued to fall out of her eyes.
“Get out.”