“Dad? Mum called. She said there’s an emergency.” Damien said as he entered his father’s study. Thomas Daniels was seated in front of his computer with his glasses on, completely immersed in his work. As Damien announced his presence, he shut his laptop down and faced his son.
“Sit, son.” He gestured to the seat that was directly opposite him.
“I’m sure you have met your brother already.” Thomas cleared his throat. He didn’t want to ruin the weekend but he needed to update Damien on the recent happening so he could be alert.
“Adrian has decided to move to New York, permanently.” Thomas announced and Damien’s jaw ticked in annoyance.
“He wants to become CEO for the headquarters which is the same thing as taking ownership of the company.” He revealed and Damien couldn’t hide the shock on his face.
Adrian was really crossing his boundaries.
“I haven’t given him an answer, if that is what you are worried about. But, I just might. Over the past month, you have been busy with your family matters and have neglected the company which has affected the company. That alone is enough for me to give in to your brother’s demands but, I will not give Adrian what he wants as he is he younger brother. Instead, you will both work together to revive the company.” Thomas finished and leaned back on his chair.
“I can’t believe this.” Damien chuckled dryly.
“You were the one who asked me to bring Harriet back to the family if I wanted to protect my position at the company and as your son. You made me put all my focus on her and now that it is finally working, you want to put me in some kind of competition with Adrian that might ruin everything I have worked for!” He replied but stopped himself from flaring up.
He knew that it was Adrian who was putting ideas in his father’s head.
Ever since the incident with Harriet four years ago, Adrian’s relationship with his parents took a new turn and he became the golden child. Maybe it was because he was the victim in Evelyn’s scheme but Damien could see that Adrian was now highly favored by both parents.
They didn’t want to admit it but Adrian was their favorite child.
“Not at the expense of our establishment, Damien. I love Harriett and my grandchildren too but it doesn’t mean that I’ll neglect the company because of them. Things are already looking good with your relationship. Your mother and I can handle the rest and persuade her to marry you again. Work with Damien and protect the company. Things are not looking good.” Thomas stated and dismissed his son without giving him a chance to speak.
Damien left his father’s study fuming. Was this the emergency his mother spoke of? How pathetic!
He immediately placed a call to his secretary who was to be giving him updates on the happenings of the company.
“What the fuck has been going on at the office?!” Damien yelled as soon as the call got connected.
“S-sir? What do you mean, sir?” His secretary was taken aback by his sudden outburst.
“Do not act like you do not know what I am talking about. Tell me, have I been wasting my money by paying you? Why the fuck can’t you do your job properly?!” He growled.
“I- Mr. Adrian said that it’d be best if I don’t disturb you with the company matters because of your incident, sir. I wanted to tell you, I swear.” His secretary trembled.
“Tell me what?” Damien hated that things were happening without his notice.
“Three of our major shareholders have sided with your brother and proposed your dismissal from the company. They are using the fact that you have been away for too long. Negligence, they call it.” His secretary revealed and Damien gripped his phone angrily.
It was true that he had been away from the company for a few weeks but that was only because he was hospitalized and only returned home yesterday. Before that, he had been active at the company and things were okay so how did everything change in a few weeks.
There was only one answer.
Tony rounded up the paper work for his hospital. He was officially making his friend Dion the manager of the branch in Paris as he would be moving to New York.. permanently.
After everything was done, he boarded the plane with his sister and her son. In a few hours they would be in New York. He had already booked a hotel there for them where they would stay for a few weeks until he finds a house suitable for them.
He still had not heard from Harriet. All through the flight, his mind was all over the place as he feared for the worst.
‘What if something has happened to Harriett?’ He thought.
He had barely got off the plane when he received a text from the same number that had called him earlier only to end the call without saying a word.
‘We need to meet. It’s urgent. Meet me at The Crystals Place at 5pm. PS: I’m a mutual friend.’
Tony stared at his phone, wondering who it could be. It was already 4:45 which meant that he had fifteen minutes left until the meeting.
Normally, he’d never agree to such a meeting but he felt the weird urge to find out who it was. If it was Paris, he would have gone without hesitation as he knew quite a number of people but here in New York, he was a stranger as he was only known by Harriett and her family.
Perhaps this person was a friend of Harriet.
He dropped his sister off at the hotel and took an Uber to meet with this anonymous person. When he arrived at the restaurant, it was already 5:13pm. He was also relieved that it was a crowded place, that way he was sure if his safety.
He sent a text to the same number, notifying them that he had arrived. A few seconds later, his phone chimed.
‘Table 6.’
He asked one of the waitresses who directed him to the table. As he approached the table, he saw a dark haired lady seated but he couldn’t see her face as she had her back turned to him.
“Thank you.” He thanked the waitress and turned to take his seat. That was when the lady raised her head and met his eyes.
Tony’s expression immediately changed to that of disgust. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” He chuckled dryly, eyeing Evelyn who was seated directly opposite him.
As she saw his face up close, a sigh left her lips.
‘I was worried for nothing. He isn’t the same Tony.’