As Damien walked out of the company and headed to his car, his phone rang. A groan left his lips when he saw who was on the phone but he didn’t have a choice so, he reluctantly picked up the phone.
“What is it, Evelyn?” He said as he connected his phone to his airpod with a frown as he ignited the car and begun driving to his house.
“Damien..” Evelyn’s voice was low as though she had been crying. Damien didn’t care about her one bit but he wasn’t an animal and he certainly wasn’t raised to ignore people in need.
“Is everything alright with you?” He asked when he heard a sniff, confirming his suspicion. Knowing Evelyn, he wouldn’t be surprised if this was a pretense.
“I just got a call from mum… Dad has..” She started but another buzzed through his phone and Damien’s heart raced when he saw that it was Harriett who was calling. It felt unreal as she had never called him since the divorce. He was always the one reaching out to her.
Without wasting much time, Damien quickly ended Evelyn’s call and connected to Harriett.
“I’ll call you later, Evelyn.” He said without an explanation and cut the call.
“Hello.” He said as soon as the call was connected but all he heard was Harriett’s harsh breathing. He was about speaking again when she uttered the most heart wrenching words.
“Damien. I think we’re about to be kidnapped.” Damien felt chills run up his spine and his mind was messed up. Judging from Harriet’s shaky voice, he knew that she wasn’t playing.
She had no reason to.
It suddenly hit him that she had said ‘ We ‘ which meant that she was with the twins.
Their twins.
“What’s wrong, Harriett? Where are you? Are the twins with you?” He began throwing questions but the next thing he heard was large shattering of glass like her window was being shattered.
Loud screams from both Harriett and his children were all he could here before a male voice finally spoke.
“Well, well, well. Hello, Harriett.” The man said in a sinister tone and suddenly, all that Damien could hear was silence which made his heart tighten as he feared for the worse.
“Harriet? Harriett? Harri, talk to me, please!” He yelled like a mad man as he drove to her house.
Damien could hear his own heart beating rapidly as fear cursed through his veins. All he could think about was Harriett and his twins.
His family..
“Fuck!” He screamed, hitting his steering wheel nonstop as he sped up. When he got to the house, he busted through the doors as soon as the maids unlocked the door.
“Jake. Jake!” On a normal day, he wouldn’t dare mention Harriet’s father’s name as his head would be rolling but this was different. Harriet was his daughter and Damien knew how much he loved her.
Confused with the sudden noise in the house, both Jake and Ha Young left their room and when they arrived at the sitting room, they were completely shocked to see Damien.
Jake’s first reaction was anger but when he saw that Damien seemed different this time around, he calmed down.
“Harriett. Where is she? Where did she fucking go?!” He ran to them, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
Ha Young didn’t anyone to tell her that something was wrong. As a mother, she could feel that things weren’t right. Even before Harriett had left the house, she had a feeling that things weren’t going to end well especially with her fever. Now, as she watched Damien shake restlessly she knew that her fears had come to pass.
“She went to pick the kids from the kindergarten. Why are you being this way? Is everything okay?” Jake asked, forgetting about how he felt towards Damien.
“Where is the kindergarten located? I need to find them for fuck’s sake!” Damien’s hand went into his hair as he ruffled it out of frustration.
“I can’t work with you if you don’t tell me what the problem is, Damien!” Jake said, keeping his voice steady.
“I think Harriett and the twins have been kidnapped, okay?!” Damien yelled and there was an immediate silence which was then followed by a piercing scream from Ha Young.
“No!” She screamed and fell to the ground.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Have you lost it?! What have you done to my daughter” Jake immediately attacked Damien, grabbing him by his collar as his eyes were red with fury.
“I was on my way home when I got a call from her and then all I heard was her window getting smashed and the twins screaming. I have nothing to do with it, I swear!” Damien said weakly.
“Look, this isn’t the time for this. We need to find her. I’ll go to the police and try to get her phone tracked.” Damien said as Jake’s hold on him lessened.
“Whoever did this just messed with the wrong person. I’ll make them all pay.” Jake swore before running to his wife.
“Fuck!” Evelyn threw the glass jug that was on the table in annoyance.
She didn’t expect Damien to ignore her call especially since it had to do with her family. He was always so quick to listen to her and would always rush to her side but this time around, it was different.
It didn’t matter. In a few hours, he’d be completely hers.
An hour later, she picked up her phone, staring at it in anticipation.
“Is it done?” Evelyn paced around her room restlessly as she awaited a certain phone call. When her phone rang and she saw that it was the person she had been waiting for, she quickly picked up the call.
“Yes… but we have a small problem.” The man on the other line said and just as she was about to celebrate, his next sentence came in.
“She was with children. I suggest we kill them if we do not want any problems. What do you say?”