Chapter 6: The Truth

Book:The Billionaire's Regret Published:2025-2-8

Damien couldn’t understand a word of what Mrs Smith was saying. What the hell did she mean by ‘ Harriett has processed the divorce papers, signed them and has delivered them to you?’
Wasn’t he the one that asked for a divorce? Why the hell did she already process the papers when she wasn’t sure if he had made up his mind or not? She didn’t even ask for his opinion before going ahead with this. Why?
‘Because you were away for three days.’ A voice whispered in head.
Damien was shocked that Harriett would do this. He always thought that she was the one who wanted to cling to him forever.
“Where is she?” Damien asked, ignoring everything Mrs Smith said.
“I’m sorry but Harriett has moved out of your house. Since she has already signed the divorce papers, you both aren’t married anymore. She wants you to not call her or look for her. Oh and, have a great time with Evelyn.” Mrs Smith harshly said and cut the call.
She didn’t get any direct orders from Harriett but she hated Damien for accusing Harriett of cheating when he was open about his own relationship even while he still married to her.
She was glad that she could finally give him a piece of her mind.
Damien walked into the kitchen and met two of his own maids who were quietly sitting around.
The energy in the house was really but he wanted to believe that it was because he had been away for a few days and not because of Harriett’s missing presence.
“Good morning, Mr. Damien.” One of the women greeted as she noticed his presence and the other followed suit.
“When did Harriett leave?” He asked impatiently and the older woman was the first to speak up.
“Yesterday evening. She left yesterday after waiting for you to come home.” The woman said without any filter.
Damien could sense that she was also being hostile towards him and it wasn’t just her. Everyone except Evelyn had been that way to him since he mentioned the divorce.
“Left? You’re telling me that she won’t be coming back.” He found himself asking and the old maid who had known him for over twenty years balled her fist, holding herself from smacking him on the face.
‘What a foolish boy.’ She thought to herself, wondering how he was able to pick someone like Evelyn over Harriett.
“After you accused her of cheating, she waited four days for you to return but there wasn’t a single sign of you so, she left. The divorce papers are in your room. They got delivered yesterday.” She explained and turned the sit on the counter with the younger maid.
Damien hurried up to the room and immediately saw a brown file placed on the bed. When he opened it, he saw that it was indeed a divorce paper and Harriett had even placed her signature where it was required.
His heart was bitter and he clutched the papers angrily.
She was the one who cheated so why was he feeling like he was cruel to her? Why was he feeling like he wanted to see her one last time to talk things out?
As he pulled the divorce papers out, he noticed a small object in the envelope and when he brought it out, his face saddened as he saw that it was their wedding ring.
“She really went this far?” He muttered, accessing the ring on his own finger before looking at the shiny diamond ring his father got for her.
Damien went from heartbroken to angry in two seconds and before he could stop himself, he signed the papers and flung it to the maid.
“You can deliver them to the lawyer. Now, I’m really done with Harriett.” He spat out of anger and marched to his room.
He felt like he lost this battle to her when she was the one at fault.
How could she have signed the papers before he did?
Yes, he mentioned the divorce to her and disappeared for a few days but, couldn’t she wait to hear from him before processing the divorce?
Damien was confused. He was supposed to be relieved with her gone but why did his chest feel tight instead? It’s not like he ever loved her.
His father would be furious with him if he were to find out. But then, he could always tell than that she cheated.
That’s what happened after all.
He was no devil.
As soon as he got in, his phone rang and he quickly picked it up, thinking it was Harriett. But, his jaw ticked when he saw who the caller was.
It was none other than Adrian who had been calling him repeatedly since he found out about his escapades with his wife.
He gripped his phone harshly and was about cutting the call when he decided to give pour his anger and frustration on his little brother.
“What the fuck do you want, Adrian? Aren’t you content with the damage you have caused?” He growled into the phone as soon as the call was connected and he heard Adrian groan.
“I always knew you were an idiot but I didn’t think you were this big of an idiot.” Adrian shit back, taking Damien by surprise.
“If you wanted to divorce Harriett, you should have just done it rather than calling her a cheater. Being this petty doesn’t suit you.” Adrian continued without giving Damien a chance to speak.
“You fucking slept with my wife!” Damien yelled into the call, feeling his blood boil but all he got was a laugh from Adrian.
“You are unbelievable, Damien. Fine. Let’s believe that I had something for Harriett and wanted to have her. Do you really think she will spare me a second look with how obsessed she is about you? Was, rather because she’s done with your fucking ass!” Adrian countered, sounding just like Damien’s friend, Eric.
Damien was slowly starting to get worried as everyone kept saying the same thing and calling him a fool.
Was it that obvious to the whole world that Harriett was in love with him?
“You never loved Harriett and continuously compared her to that sly bitch you brought from England. I’m happy she has finally left you. I’m sure she’ll find someone better who actually deserves and trusts her.” Adrian said and cut the call angrily, leaving Damien all confused.
When the call ended, he found himself asking questions he should have asked before mentioning the divorce and leaving the house.
Should he have believed Harriett?
Everyone couldn’t be wrong about a person, could they?
He quickly went to his table and pulled out the picture that was sent to him earlier. The one that made him believe that Harriett was cheating on him with Adrian.
He took out his phone, sent the picture to Eric and dialed his number. It rang once and Eric’s frustrated voice came alive.
“What is it?” He murmured.
“I just sent a picture to you. I need to find out if that picture is real. Immediately.” He said impatiently and Eric immediately understood why when he opened the message.
When he saw the picture, he also understood why Damien believed that Harriett would cheat on him. The picture was too detailed.
But, he knew without a doubt that this was a manipulated photo and when he was done, his doubts were confirmed.
It was indeed photo manipulation.
Five minutes later, he called Damien.
“I told you. The picture isn’t real. It was clearly done by a professional.” He said and Damien felt his chest tighten.
“What have I done?”