His powers had increased again. He felt it, in the way his blood tore through his veins, the
way it bruised his flesh inside out. He knew it was about time it increased. He had spent the last
several weeks hunting after people who were trying to make it hard for the royal family. Ever
since the power of the blood king erupted inside him, he had been doing double the work. His
father hadn’t been sure that the power would awaken him. So along with his cousins, he trained
for the day he would gain the power. But apart from that, he had been carrying out several pieces
of training of his own. No one knew, no one, except for his two most trusted guards. They were
the same age as him and were so close like brothers. They were against his training procedures
because it took place in the dark forest surrounding the castle. They were afraid for him, but as
they were very close, they supported him but also forced him to accept that they would be
coming along.
Together, they all fought the strange animals in the forest. Animals that have strange
powers and bodies, leaking with toxic waste and able to disintegrate someone with just one
breathe. They fought like there wasn’t going to be a tomorrow for them. Together they grew
stronger in their powers, but Calhoun felt even stronger. He loved the scent of blood, the thrill
that rushed through him when he completed his kill. He loved the tactics that he employed when
fighting, and he loved as he destroyed beasts three times his size and that was something because
even at the age of twenty, Calhoun was a huge man. He and his friends went to that forest to train
almost every day, and he had no doubt that his father would have noticed his activities, had he
not been so swamped with being a king and a henpecked husband.
One particular day, he and his friends went to the forest again to train. It was any other
day for them; they planned, discussed tactics and hunted. But something about that day felt
different for Calhoun. First off, he was overly aware of his environment. He could hear the
sounds of little insects and small animals so distinctly as if they were right next to him. He
ignored it, thinking of it as a cause of the silence. He and his friends had taken different routes,
agreeing to meet in a particular spot when they were done. He began to notice the strangeness
when he had his first kill.
His prey was a beast that stood five times his height. Having the build of thick oak, and
skin as pale as fermented milk, its eyes were black as coal, with green flecks around it. The nose
was represented by just a hole on its flat face, and its jaw hung wider than normal, reaching its
chest. It had teeth as long as wooden spikes, and it breathed out greenish-yellow air. From its
neck to its torso was as a snake, but it had two scaly legs appearing from each side that was next
to the ground. It was able to slither and walk. As the dark forest was always night, Calhoun had
grown used to seeing in the dark. But for some reason, he saw clearer than normal. He also
didn’t put that fact into consideration and stood his ground, preparing to attack.
He did notice something though before he attacked; the other beasts he had seen had
attacked him on sight, the beast that currently stood before him had a shrewdness in its eyes. It
studied him curiously, and hungrily.
“Human.” The beast spoke, surprising Calhoun. It took in a deep breath, and said again,
this time smiling as wide as his mouth could allow him.
“Blood human! It’s been centuries! Oh, centuries! I would finally have a taste of what I
craved for years.” It said, coming slowly towards Calhoun. Calhoun was curious about what type
of being it was, but one thing he had learnt from his numerous battles, is that you do not talk to
your enemies especially when in a fight. He settled his fighting stance, and when the beast was
very close to him, he attacked.
He started to notice the differences in his body during the middle of the fight. He noticed
he was faster, stronger, and able to predict the monsters move faster than he had been able to
before. He fought dirty and strongly, hitting the beast in the vital weak points he never knew
existed. He was encompassed by the thrill. He didn’t want it to end. The more blood he drew
from the beast, the more he felt powerful. Finally, he gave the final blow, and the beast collapsed
in a giant heap, raising huge clouds of dust. Calhoun walked over to the beast to see its face
before it died, and the beast eyes were opened in shock and a tinge of fear.
“Blood…King.” It whispered hoarsely with his last breath, dying with its eyes opened.
A bit confused, Calhoun remained there, feeling more powerful than ever before. He
headed to the meeting ground he and his friends had agreed to wait in, hoping he could see
another prey to hunt. The one he had killed was not the biggest of beasts he had killed, but the
first who could talk. He arrived at the spot without hunting another prey, and he had the feeling
that the beasts were avoiding him. His friends who were already at the scene took one look at
him and went down on their knees, bowing to him.
“Hail the Blood King.” They said.
That had been two years ago. He currently stood over the body of one of the enemies of
his kingdom. He was the king, and his father had rescinded his authority, handing it over to his
son. He had taken his sweet time to deal with the people who had challenged his authority,
passing across the message that the new Blood King isn’t one to be taken lightly, but feared.