The forest was strangely still, the soft breeze being the only thing that moved. Svetlana’s
eyes widened at seeing the stranger, and the feeling of surprise was not foreign to Daruki either.
They stood silently, dragging their eyes across the other’s form, then suddenly, Svetlana ran to
him and threw herself on top of him, hugging him tightly.
“Dar,” she said, sobbing heavily. She couldn’t believe that her reason for seeking refuge
in Neba had paid off after so many years.
She had found her father.
“Hush, Lana,” Daruki said, dragging his hands across his daughter’s back as he fought his
tears from falling.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Everything is fine now.” He said, consoling his daughter. They
separated after a while, though Svetlana clung heavily to his arm.
“I thought I had lost you! I have been looking for you for years! Where have you been all
those while?”
“Relax,” Daruki said with a smile, moving a tendril of hair that had fallen on her face
behind her ear.
“Now that we have seen each other, I am sure that you have a lot of questions, as do I.
But let’s get to the obvious situation here. What were you doing at this place?”
“I also want to ask you the same thing!”
“Well, I’m doing the king of Pres a favour.” They walked towards a huge stone that had
been strategically set at the front of the shed, and he nudged her to sit down while he stood
beside her.
“The king of Pres? Wait, don’t tell me, you are involved in Elena’s kidnapping?”
Daruki raised his brows, curious how she knew the girl he had locked up.
“You know her?”
“Yes. Her grandfather was the one who sent me to look for her. He is the king of Neba.”
Daruki scrunched his face, confused. He probably wondered why the king asked him to
get Elena and how Svetlana had come into play.
“How did you end up with the king of Pres?” Svetlana asked, a line drawn on her
Taking in a deep sigh, Daruki paced for a while in front of her, then started to recount his
“After that- incident, which caused us to be separated, I was severely weak. The king of
Pres was returning from a journey and had found me lying at the roadside. He took care of me
and gave me a house in his kingdom, which I refused, opting for the solitude and comfort of the
forest of Pres. There I built a log cabin, and I hadn’t been called since till recently. I owe the king
my life, and I am paying it back.”
Svetlana’s face hardened, though there was a glint of confusion on her face.
“That doesn’t sound like the King of Pres to me. I have been in his palace as a spy, and he
doesn’t strike me as that type of guy.”
“What do you mean?”
“He killed his wife,” Svetlana replied without hesitation.
“He killed his wife and married his lover two days later. His daughter, the one who he
sent you to capture, has been treated wrongly. She had suffered ever since her mother’s death, but
the final straw was when the king wanted to give her away as a bride to the Blood King. She ran
away from the castle, and made a name here for herself.”
Daruki stared at her strangely.
“Although I haven’t talked with the king for a long while, who you are describing to me
doesn’t fit the person I met. I suppose he might have changed in the long run. Power does change
people, not that we are strangers to that.” He said, and their environment suddenly became tense
as they both slipped into the past, their expressions one of heartbreak and anger.
“But enough about me. What about you?” Daruki asked, clearing the air.
“Well, as I looked for you, I became a bounty hunter. I helped so many people with their
deeds, both good and bad, and it was through this that I met the king of Pres. I was to be detained
in the kingdom’s prison, but the king asked for my help instead. I agreed, as working for him
would help me with the resources to find you faster. But for years I never did. The king tried to
free me from my duty to him but I refused, agreeing to stay by his side till I have completed my
mission. Seeing that I posed no threat to him and his kingdom, the king agreed to keep me. I
have been with him ever since.” She shrugged, finished with her tale.
“Oh my dear,” Daruki said, placing his hands lovingly on her cheeks. “How you have
grown. I cried daily, praying that I would find you. Hating myself for not protecting you better.”
“It’s not your fault father. All these wouldn’t have happened if not for- ”
“Hush now, my dear. Let’s not remember sad things.” Sighing, he dragged his hands
across his face.
“We really should go to a healer. There are capable ones who can heal the wounds on
your face.” Svetlana said, studying the burns and scars that destroyed his features. Her father was
once a very handsome man, but the hands of fate took that away from him, along with many
other things.
“I know, but I wish to carry it more. It serves as a reminder of what I had gone through.”
He said broodingly. Even though her father might not be heavily built like most warriors, his
whole body exuded power, and adding the scars on his face, nobody would want to associate
with him. She can even go as far as to say woe to him, who gets on her father’s wrong side.
He was the strongest warrior in her clan and the most-deadly. But a series of incidents
left him wounded- both in body and spirit- turning him into a fugitive.
Sighing, he stretched his hands to his daughter, waiting for her to put her hands in his.
“Let us release the poor girl. I might not know what had happened to the former king, but
I am not that honourable that I can’t break my promise, which I would do, till he comes to his
senses.” He said, plastering a smile on his face.
Laughing, Svetlana allowed herself to be dragged to her feet, and with the help of her
father, they both reached the shed. He opened it, and Svetlana, who stood behind Daruki, could
see Elena flinch as the night light poured inside the shed.
“Elena?” She called out gently. Elena raised her head and squinted her eyes, obviously
trying to make out her features.
“Elena, I’m Svetlana. I’m here to help you.” Even though she couldn’t see her, Svetlana
noticed the dry disbelief on her face. She understood immediately that she thought her fake
because she stood next to Daruki.
“No, don’t worry about him. He has decided to help us.” She confirmed.
“Why are you helping me?” Elena asked, her voice throaty.
“Your grandfather, the king of Neba, heard about your kidnap. He sent me to look for
“My grandfather?” Her eyes widened, shocked. That was probably the last thing she had
expected to hear.
“Yes,” Svetlana replied as Daruki made his way inside to Elena. “He ordered me to look
for you. Now that you are found, we can all go back. Your friends miss you so much.”
Daruki untied Elena’s hands and foot, and she stood up, trying to get her balance after
being immobile for many days. She almost fell, and Daruki caught her immediately before she
could land on the ground.
“I’m sorry.” He apologized. Elena faced him and smiled, even though she couldn’t see his
features yet.
“I just have one question. Why didn’t you take me back to the kingdom after you caught
me? The journey back would just take a day.” She asked, genuinely curious.
“I do not know.” was all he could say. Elena scrunched her brows, noting the truthfulness
in his voice. He didn’t know why he had stayed. He just did.
Still supporting herself with the help of Daruki, she finally made it outside the shed and
sighed, feeling the breeze and the moonlight on her face.
“Thank you! She said, finally turning to face Daruki. Her eyes widened in pure horror
and pity when she saw his face. She imagined what he must have gone through to get those scars.
Daruki noticed her reaction but remained silent.
Svetlana noticed the tense atmosphere and immediately tried to change it.
“Okay. Let’s head to the castle. The king would be expecting you.”
Elena snapped out of her reverie and faced Svetlana.
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “Let’s head back to the Red Queen. I would love to
check up on my friends first, especially Forest.”
“Forest is doing well, I can assure you.”
“I know,” she replied with a sad smile. “But I would love to see him for myself.”
Knowing that it would be impossible to change her mind, Svetlana nodded, agreeing to her
They all crept through the forest, following the path that Svetlana had found earlier. They
finally made it to the street she had taken that led her to the forest.
“You know,” she started. “Your grandfather always knew you were in Neba.”
Elena’s eyes widened, shocked that her attempt to hide was futile and curious why her
grandfather never pointed it out.
“H-He always knew?”
Svetlana nodded. “He knew what you had gone through in Pres, so he didn’t want to
alarm you with his presence. But that didn’t stop him from looking out for you though. How do
you think you were able to make it inside the kingdom gates?”
Elena frowned, not understanding what she was saying.
“I used the aid of an old man.” She said, pointing it out. Svetlana gave her a secret smile,
and suddenly her eyes widened in understanding.
“You’re the old man?” She asked, shocked.
“At your service,” Svetlana replied, amused at her reaction.
“How were you able to make yourself look like that?”
“It’s easy. I can always teach you a trick or so later, as we get to know ourselves.”
“That would be wonderful!” Elena answered, extremely enthusiastic.
Svetlana couldn’t help but give her a doting smile. She realized that she still hadn’t lost
her innocence despite the horrendous things Elena had gone through. The same couldn’t be said
for everyone. She frowned as she remembered a sad incident from her past. Noticing her forlorn
expression, Daruki held her hand behind Elena, giving her an assuring smile. She returned it,
rubbing his hand in return.
“C-Can you tell me more about my grandfather? Please?” Elena asked, looking at
Svetlana hopefully. Smiling brightly, Svetlana answered her.
“Your grandfather is one of the best King’s ever.” She started. “He is a very formidable
man, and no one can treat him anyhow. His people love him, as he never made them suffer ever
since his ascent on the throne. He is fair, and judges everyone equally, both nobles and
commoners. He is a very great man.” She ended proudly.
Elena remained silent, taking it all in. She knew that her grandfather was a great man, but
Svetlana’s description made her realize that it was more than she thought. She wondered if he
would accept her as she was.
“Do you know if he would accept me? After all, I’m not like normal royals.” She said,
“Nonsense,” Svetlana exclaimed. “If he wouldn’t accept you, would he ask me to watch
over you and help you when you need it? He wouldn’t even have sent me to look for you!”
Sighing, she paused and placed her hand on Elena’s shoulders.
“I assure you on my honour, that your grandfather would accept you. You are his family,
and he would treat you well. You can bet on that.”
Elena couldn’t stop the tears from her eyes, so she immediately wiped them away,
grinning widely.
“Thank you.” She said.
“No problem,” Svetlana replied. “Now, let’s us head over to the Red Queen’s restaurant.
I’m sure that you can’t wait to see your friends.”