Her groan scared me to death, causing me to quickly come to her aid as a thudding sound reverberated through the walls. But my initial fears that drove me running down here turned into insignificance.
I felt hooked when my eyes landed on her body. At first, I struggled to look away, too captivated by the sight in front of me.
Every lump of her body was alluringly pinning me down and throwing my typical rationality out the roof.
I quickly snapped out of it, averting my eyes. “I’m sorry.” I stepped backward, inwardly berating myself for coming in without thinking.
I turned around to leave, but her whimper made me halt. I tilted my head in her direction, looking anywhere else apart from her. “Are you okay?” I asked, my voice laced with concern.
“Of course not, and you’re about to leave me…” she replied, shielding her bosom with her arms. “I know this is awkward, but I’m dying in pain.”
Helplessly, I grabbed her towel and tossed it to her. She donned it on and tried to stand but stumbled backward, almost tripping.
I strode to her aid, wrapping my hand around her, guiding her out of the bathroom.
“Are you really letting me walk on my own? I’m struggling to lift my foot…” she complained, her face contorting as she glanced at me.
“Your legs aren’t broken, so I don’t see any reason to carry you,” I interjected, feigning a serious expression. She hissed in pain, pulling herself away from my grip, her legs trembling. “Then don’t bother helping me…”
I watched her limp toward the bedroom, using the wall as her aid, which made me felt guilty.
Sighing, I lifted her off her feet, walking into the bedroom without glancing at her, even for a second. While I placed her down on the bed, our eyes locked; her face was lit up in a triumphant smile, which made me slightly exasperated.
How could she claim to be in pain with that smile?
I stood up from the bed, staring down at her. “It seems you no longer feel the pain. My work here is done.”
“What? Hey…” She flung her hand, desperately trying to stop me from leaving. “How can you abandon me when I need you the most…”
I raised my eyebrow. “Really, is this the time you need me the most?”
She rolled her eyes and looked away, sulking. With the towel still wrapped around her, she got off the bed and fell flat on her belly, some part of her thigh exposed.
She lifted her face to look at me, her lips pursed as she blinked profusely. “Now it looks like I need you the most right now, doesn’t it?”
I quirked my eyebrow in defeat and picked her off the floor. “You are such a drama queen…”
She sniggered, her hand gripping the nape of her neck. “If I have to be a drama queen to make you a gentleman, I’ll do it again without a heartbeat…”
Annoyed, I immediately tossed her into bed, going for the first aid box.
While I bandaged her legs, she rested her hands on my shoulders, our faces mere inches apart. She pretended to be intrigued as I bandaged her sprained foot, but discreetly stole glances at me.
I sighed silently, tilting my head to face her. “You’re too close…”
She chuckled without budging. “Because you owe me a kiss…”
“You’re out of your mind…” I interjected sternly, shrugging her hands off me.
She snickered, which I found very annoying. I couldn’t find what was so amusing in my statement.
My gaze fell on her, her hand moving ever so slightly to her chest area strapped in her towel as if trying to let it loose..
I looked away immediately. Whatever she was trying to do, I refused to fall for it.
“Mr. Clinton…” she called, and I didn’t respond, pretending to be engrossed in fastening the bandage.
“There is something we haven’t decided yet…”
I frowned, finally glancing at her. “What’s that?”
Her lips curled, her eyes suddenly sparkling with excitement. Whatever she was going to say can’t be good…
“We have a deal that will last for three months, so I just wanted to remind you that your accepting that deal proves you are willing to give me a chance…”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked with a serious expression, which she found amusing. She smiled. “You know what I mean…”
“I don’t…” I replied abruptly, crossing my arms.
“Okay, let me explain real slow… by giving me a chance, we will have to….” She trailed ambiguously, hinting at the meaning behind her words.
I saw through her but didn’t like the sound of it. “Do what couples do-go out on a date…”
She nodded, her smile widening.
I shook my head in disapproval. “That wasn’t part of the deal…”
A frown etched her face. “But that’s unfair. How will I make you fall for me when you don’t give me a chance?” she protested.
“I’ll decide what is fair…” I said, returning my gaze to her leg.
“Take it easy, will you…” I exclaimed, making puckered faces as he wrapped my knee in a bandage. He ignored me, putting more pressure, which made me squirm, fighting the urge to slap his hand off my leg.
“I know you are doing this on purpose…”
He continued to ignore me, and I pulled my legs away from him, only to be met with a sharp pain.
I groaned, expecting him to apologize or something, but he gave me the silent treatment. After he was done, he silently walked out the door, leaving me at a loss for words.
I couldn’t believe he said that… “I’ll decide what’s fair?” He was becoming a pain in the ass. I thought him agreeing to the deal was going to turn the tide a little, but I guess I was wrong. He was never willing to give it a chance.
I carefully climbed down from his bed, donning my bathrobe.
He abandoned me to walk on my own? Fine, I’d help myself anyway.
With one limp, the throbbing pain washed over me, and I fell on my butt, cursing silently. How could he do this to me? Where is the nice man I knew? He is not being a gentleman at all…
I moaned, attempting to get back up, but it was futile. I had no choice but to holler for help.
My voice was met with silence, but refusing to give up, I let out a shrill cry, pounding on his bedroom door to call for his attention.
I still received silence but didn’t give up…
Still silence…
My throat was sore from screaming, so I resorted to the last thing I could do.
“I’m begging you, Mr. Clinton, don’t do this to me… please…”
Gosh, I wish I could feign tears, but I am not much of an actress.
A few seconds was all it took for him to come to my rescue. He stood behind the door with his arms crossed. “How did your threat work out for ya?”
I twitched my lips, my face falling to the ground. “It didn’t work out well, so come on, help me up…” I paused, changing my tone… “Pleasssseeee.” I lifted my arms toward him like a baby calling for mommy’s attention.
Finally, he pitied me and carried me all the way to my bedroom. Flinging me onto my bed, he quickly made a U-turn out of my room.
I sighed and muttered under my breath, “Seriously, this man is becoming something else…”