I didn’t know how to respond to that girl’s words. It seems as if her eyes could pierce deep into my soul.
I sensed she was a bit hurt by what I said. I can’t deny she was only trying to help, but I just couldn’t embrace it, I simply couldn’t.
And what she said about me being lonely
Do I really look lonely?
I sighed, sipping the chamomile tea she made me, maybe I don’t only look lonely but miserable.
Whilst my thought I heard my door open.
“Mr. Clinton, have you taken it yet?” Sarah has returned to my room giving me a questioning look. Her eyes wandered all over me as if checking to see the drug hiding somewhere behind me.
“I have…” I responded showing her my palms, assuring her. She seemed satisfied, a small smile immediately tugged up her lips as she nodded. “Good…”
Now she is being my caretaker. As if being my cook wasn’t enough.
“So you came back here just to see if I have taken the drug.” I chuckled, shaking my head. She was indeed a funny one.
“Of course, just to be sure, since you were burning up and didn’t make a move to calm your temperature down, I thought you wouldn’t bother taking the drug…” She said cheekily, pursing her lips.
“You’re going to be late for school if you don’t prepare on time.”
I snapped, my expression turned serious and yet she was still smiling at me, hesitant to go prepare for class. I wonder what’s going on in her mind. “Sarah, is there something you aren’t telling me? Are you perhaps trying to miss class today?” Since I wasn’t sure why she was delaying, I assume she had another reason besides staying late because of my health. I know a thing or two about teenagers, well, she is basically an adult now, but they sometimes act strange when they’re hiding something. I don’t know if I guessed right…
She furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes darted smiling awkwardly. “Mr. Clinton, if I have to miss class today to watch over you, I’ll gladly do it.” She grinned and sat beside me.
“Sarah, I just caught a cold and a slight fever, it is nothing serious.” I still don’t get why she was so insistent on taking care of me. “Don’t miss class today…” I said in a stern tone and she just snorted, seemingly amused by my tone of voice which shouldn’t be the case.
Was that funny?
“Sarah, I’m serious. Or do you want me to rat out on you for missing the test the other day.”
Her smile faded, replaced by a frown.
“But you promised not to tell on me, besides I have been reading my butt off ever since that day so during examination, I can make up for the marks I lost.”
“I can change my mind If I discover you’re slacking off. Now go prepare your breakfast, eat up and leave for campus.” I pointed towards the door, pushing her off my bed.
“Fine.” She said and moped out of my bedroom.
About an hour later, I left my room to check up on her if she had left for class or was still moping around the house.
Then I heard sounds coming from the dining room, clicking sounds of cutlery and glasses. That was a hint she hadn’t left yet.
I strolled towards the dining room, ready to give her a scolding. She was still wearing her crop top and sweatpants. Her long hair was tied up in a tangled bun with some strands cleaving to her face and others falling off to the side. She was neatly setting the table, as if making preparations for a special guest. It was just the two of us in this house.
I watched her fiddling with her fingers after she was done, her eyes scanning the arranged dishes as if checking if it was perfect.
The girl obviously doesn’t look prepared to go to class. “Sarah, what are you still doing here?”
When she heard my voice, she flashed me a bright smile, her eyes lit up as she pulled out a chair. “I was about to call you out for breakfast, Come Sit.”
“Sarah, what time is it?” She seemed confused for a split second before replying. “Almost eight thirty.”
“And your class starts when?”
She twitched her lips, averting her eyes away from me. “Nine… Mr. Clinton, come on… I’ll surely go to class today. I wanted to make breakfast for you first. If I didn’t, Who knows if you will even order breakfast while I’m gone. I want you to eat before I leave.”
I was lost for words, I reluctantly sat on the chair she pulled out for me and began eating.
“Do you like it? Is it delicious?” Her eyes sparkled eagerly waiting for my response but I remained silent.
“Mr. Clinton, is it bad? Is that why you don’t want to answer me?”
Yeah, her father was right, she really is a pest.
She dug into her food, upset, stabbing her plate with her fork repeatedly. “Hey, if you’re angry you shouldn’t take it out on the plate.”
She glanced at me with a frown.
Now she is being a drama queen, and I know she won’t stop sulking until she gets her answer.
“Okay, the food tastes great as always.”
“Your answer came a little late.” She said abruptly before taking a large gulp of her juice.
Oh my god, what have I gotten myself into by agreeing to take her in until she finishes college? Will I be able to put up with her drama and her pestering?
“Then I’ll take back my answer.”
She glanced at me again, a frown still settled on her face. “Do I annoy you?”
“Yeah, especially today.” I said truthfully before sighing softly. “Do you miss your father, is that why you’re pestering me?”
She chuckled. “What am I? Five?
“Do you think I miss him that badly to want you to replace him, you can’t replace him in my life…” She paused before adding. “You have a… special place in my…” She seemed hesitant on completing her statement. “I mean, I take you differently from… my father…”
She bit her lips, staring deeply at me. I shrugged and continued with my meal. I don’t know what she really meant by that.
Sometimes she is unpredictable, I simply can’t understand her.
“Has your father contacted you since he left?”
“Once.” She replied, her mood was back to normal.
“Has he contacted you?”
“Yes, once. You know he is very busy…” I replied and she rolled her eyes. “Yeah, busy with cars, very boring.”
I chuckled, her father did tell me she hates his profession.
After our conversation, we finished our breakfast in silence. She got dressed for school and descended the stairs, with her purse hanging over her shoulder. I noticed she had no notebook with her.
“Sarah, don’t you have a lecture note.”
“Oh, I forgot mine with my best friend the last class we had this course. She will come with it to school.”
I nodded, then I remembered something. “Sorry, I’ve been letting you take the cab ever since. I should probably hand you a…”
“A key to that fancy car?” she cut me off, Her eyes suddenly gleamed with excitement. “Let me go get it…”
She scurried in the direction of my room and came back less than a minute later, dangling the keys in front of her face. “Thank you, Mr. Clinton.”
How did she know where I keep my keys?
She didn’t give me the chance to ask, as she scampered towards the exit. “See you later, Mr. Clinton.”
She hollered and ran out the door, not long after I heard the sound of the engine starting.
I didn’t know giving her the car would make her this happy.
I shook my head and ascended the stairs on my way to the study. I passed by Sarah’s room, her door was wide open.
She must have forgotten to close it before leaving for school.
As I approached the door, my eyes caught a pink hardcover, lying on the ground beside her bed, a large love was displayed on the cover page.
I entered her room to pick up the book, but it mistakenly slipped off my hand. It fell to the ground with a thud, the impact made the book flip open.
I crouched to pick it up again but my eyes landed on the bold font written on the front page.
The sentence piqued my interest, and I knew it was wrong to invade her privacy by reading her diary, but I couldn’t help it when my name was boldly written on her diary, practically as the title.
I sat on her bed, ready to discover the content of her diary.