The next four hours before dawn were unusually long. I tossed and turned in my bed, trying to get those disturbing thoughts off my head. But it felt like a gravitational pull that kept drawing me in.
My obsession with him was growing more by the day, but I knew one thing for sure, there will be a time I won’t be able to mortify myself and I might go all out without a bind holding me in place. And I hope it wouldn’t end badly that particular day.
My alarm struck 6 am, I quickly got up, got ready, and went downstairs for the morning exercise.
I gently knocked on Mr. Clinton’s bedroom door, but there was no answer. “Mr. Clinton…”
‘Has he perhaps left for work?’ So early? Whilst my thought, I heard sneezes coming from inside the room. I pressed my ears on the door, silently listening intently. I just wanted to confirm my intuition. Another sneeze came from inside, followed by two more ‘Ah-choo!’
Yeah, he has caught a cold…
I knocked again. “Mr. Clinton, can I come in?” I got another sneeze as a response.
“Okay, I’ll take that as a yes…” I pushed open the door and got in. My eyes landed on him curled up on his duvet, his face was pale, his eyelids drooped down while he massaged his temple. I needed no one to tell me what was happening to him.
“You don’t look too good…” I walked over to him and sat at the edge of the bed. “I’m alright….” He responded, his voice was faint and barely audible. His fingertips brushed over his rumpled hair as he nestled himself deeper under the duvet. “Don’t you have class today? You should go prepare.”
“I do have class but I can’t leave you looking like this…” I said with concern as my gaze wandered all over him. I knew yesterday he would catch a cold but I didn’t expect it to be serious to this extent. A weak smile settled on his cheek as his shut eyes cracked open, revealing the same gentle expression he always had on his features each time he gave me that smile. “Sarah, it’s just a cold. You can go get ready for class…”
I widened my eyes looking at him incredulously. “Just a cold? I can’t believe those words came out from the mouth of a doctor.” I crossed my arms giving him a disapproving look and continued with my lecture. “If you ask your patient what’s wrong with him and he replies with the same words ‘it’s just a cold doctor,’ what will you do? Grab him warm tea and send him out of your office. You caught a cold and you want me to leave you all alone.” My face contorted as I tilted my head slightly.
After letting me spout all I want, he let out a deep sigh in defeat, massaging his temples again. “Fine, do as you please.” His voice was a bit audible compared to before.
I chuckled, ‘do as I please’ my thought began to drift off to a tangent. Am I really allowed to do as I please? I want to kiss his lips and express my love to him, can I?
I quickly snapped out of it. “Let me go make you a hot chamomile tea, I’ll be right back.” I stood up and scurried to the kitchen. While I make the tea, my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter.
It was a strange number, I hesitated for a while before answering the call. “Hello… who is this….” My voice trailed trying to make out who the caller was.
“Sarah, are you still at home?” That voice flaunted the owner. That boisterous voice again. I rolled my eyes, as I continued stirring the tea before pouring it into the mug.
“Hello, can you hear me…. SARAH!” Lucky for me this time, the phone was so far from my ears, I don’t have to worry about damaging my eardrums. “This isn’t your number Helen, whose number is this?”
“Duh, I asked a question first so answer, are you still at home?” She retorted, seemingly displeased and also ready to give me a free ride to campus today.
I haven’t told her about my father’s job transfer and my new place of residence. I answered truthfully anyways. “Yes, I am at home, it’s a quarter to seven, where else do you think I’ll be by this time?” Then a sudden realization hit me, what is this girl up to?
“Is there something….” She cut me off before I could complete the question.
“There is this clothing store a few blocks from where you live. They give discounts to customers during early mornings. ‘Buy Two Get One Free’ I saw the sign yesterday when I was passing by, let’s go check it out.” Excitement was seeping out of her voice as she spoke.
Helen and shopping again, she will then say… this is the best shopping I’ve ever had… After buying cheap clothes.
“I’m sorry Helen, I can’t go with you, I’m very busy right now, I’ll call you later.”
“Sa…” I disconnected the call before she could go on rambling, cause I knew she would stop at nothing to persuade me to go with her. I went back to Mr. Clinton’s room, he was at the end of a conversation on his phone when I came in.
“Here is your tea.” I placed it on his bedside table.
“Thank you.” He lifted his hand to take the mug, but our hands accidentally touched and I felt a burning sensation seep into my skin. “Mr. Clinton, you’re burning up.” I immediately brushed my palm across his forehead, but he slapped my hand off, his eyes narrowing, seemingly displeased by what I did. “Don’t do that again.” He said in a stern voice, deep lines etched his forehead as his gaze was fixed on me.
I cringed, stepping backward. I didn’t expect him to shove me away like that, I just wanted to help him. Still, I refused to let him sense I was upset by his behavior. “Mr. Clinton, chill, I was just checking your temperature.” I explained, my voice laced with concern. “You’re really burning up.”
Isn’t he bothered about his health at all?
“I… I think you have a fever.” I came closer when I observed his features had relaxed after the deep frown he shot at me.
“Sarah, I appreciate your help but I don’t want you to be stressed out because of me, just go get ready for school, I’ll be fine by myself, I’m not a kid… I’ll handle myself.”
Yeah, typical men, my father is like that too. They think they could solve their problems themselves, do solving problems yourself make you an adult? I strongly refuse to do nothing and watch him toss on that bed in his sick state.
I did tell him he would get to know me. Here comes the stubborn side of me…
Defiance flickered in my gaze, as my arms were crossed, standing beside his bed. There’s no way I’m leaving for campus without calming his temperature down.
“Mr. Clinton, do you have a thermometer at home?”