I know it sounded crazy to say I was already taken by a man who doesn’t know I harbor feelings for him. I am too obsessed with him that I can’t think of going out with any other guy other than him.
The transfer student stared at me with disappointment in his eyes; I could see he really wanted to ask me out. I wouldn’t blame him though, as I’ve got the perfect body most men want: big boobs and curves that send out waves whenever they set their eyes on me. But I only have eyes for the man in my beautiful dreams.
The lecturer finally arrived, and I was thankful he came at the right time to save me from the next couple of sentences he would have said to persuade me to go out with him.
After class, Helen offered for us to go shopping, and I gladly accepted. I really need a new set of jeans, a crop top, and also some colorful bras; my old ones are already getting bad. We stood ready to leave the classroom, and I could see the transfer student winking at me. I ignored him and followed Helen out of the class.
“Sarah, wait.”
I turned to see who just called me; it was the same transfer student who wants me to spend my free time with him. I hate guys like him who keep trying to win girls over even when they’ve made it clear they are not interested.
“What is it?” I was tempted to glare at him but refrained. It might be rude to treat a new student like that on their first day.
“I, um, I just want to know when you’ll be free tomorrow.” He was trying to act cool with me. I chuckled inwardly and looked away, still trying to act cool back at him.
“I don’t have time.”
“Oh, I get it. You are serious about being taken. Well, let me know when he dumps you.” He smirked, and I finally glared at him. Here I was trying to act nice to the new student, and he just said something rude to me. I walked away annoyed, slamming my foot on the ground.
“What did he say?” Helen asked as she could sense my anger.
“Something I could get him beat up for,” I said and got into her car, sat down, and crossed my arms.
“I hope your mood wouldn’t ruin shopping,” she said while putting on her seat belt. “Put on your seat belt; you complain I drive too fast, it might save you if we get into any accident.”
I glanced at her; was she planning on getting me killed? I immediately opened the door to get out of the car before I die by accident without saying goodbye to my crush.
She snickered when she saw my reaction. “Hey, I was just joking.”
“It was an awful joke.” I wasn’t ready to die now, not before kissing the man I love on the lips and making love to him in real life. I heeded her caution and put on my seat belt; if putting on my seat belt would save me from dying, I will do it. She still continued to laugh at my silliness as I ignored her and told her to start driving.
“Sarah, which mall should we go to? I’m tired of shopping at the same mall over and over and over and…”
“I get it,” I cut her off before my eardrums get torn with her complaints. “There’s a new shopping mall downtown, but their clothes are expensive.”
“No problem at all; I just want someplace new,” she said in excitement. “Do they give a discount?”
Something must be wrong with her; I just told her everything sold there is expensive, and she wants a discount for probably one pair of clothes she was going to purchase.
I didn’t reply, and she tugged my sleeve, waiting for my answer. I yawned to irritate her, and she pulled my hair.
“Bitch.” I clung to her fingers, pressing them together.
“Ouch, it hurts. You… ouch…” She tried pulling her hands away, and I let go. She gave me a stern look before focusing on the steering.
“You don’t want to die, and you were holding onto me while I’m driving.”
I chuckled before resting my elbow on the car window. We arrived at the mall, and Helen’s eyes widened.
“Holy sh*t, it’s much bigger than the other one,” she patted me on the back while nodding her head.
“Well done, girl, well done.” Her praise made me burst into laughter. She has no idea how silly she looks.
“I can’t wait to get my hands on a new dress,” she clapped her hands together while admiring the beautiful dress display on a mannequin.
We went inside the large mall, and Helen couldn’t keep her mouth closed as she gasped at all the attractive outfits and commented on each one of them.
“That one will make me look sexy, and sexy’s good.”
“Nice matching outfit.”
“That skirt is beautiful, Sarah. It will look great on you, try it on.”
I sighed; I want jeans, not a short skirt. “No, thank you.” I rolled my eyes at her and continued with my search for jeans.
“I’ll buy that one. And Helen, which one are you buying?”
“All of them,” she replied, fascinated by the outfits that she hasn’t decided which one to pick yet.
The sales rep smiled, “Are you really buying all of them? Let me round up all the prices for you.”
“No, no, I wasn’t serious about what I said. I just love all of them, and I haven’t decided yet.” She explained herself immediately, not ready to go bankrupt I’m sure even the money in her account combined with her dad’s can’t afford to buy all of them.
After the long shopping, we finally exited the mall, and Helen couldn’t stop smiling.
“This is the best shopping I have ever had in my life.”
Yeah, she always says that every time we go shopping; I’ve also lost count of that one.
I chuckled and glanced around, and that’s when I saw him Xavier, my dad’s best friend. My heart skipped a beat. He looked amazing, with his chiseled features, sharp jawline, and striking nose. His dark brown hair was perfectly messy, framing his fit body.
His piercing brown eyes locked onto mine, and I felt shivers down my spine. My palms grew warm, and my fingers trembled. I hadn’t seen him in ages, and now I was glad Helen dragged me here.
Those captivating eyes and sensual lips had haunted my dreams. As our gazes met, my chest fluttered. My face flushed, and my skin prickled with anticipation. He smiled, and my legs weakened.
He waved, and my heart raced. I couldn’t look away from his hypnotic eyes. He walked towards me with confidence, and my brain fogged.