Chapter 55 “One, Two and Three! You’re Out!”

Book:The Badass and The Beta Published:2025-2-8

Ashely P. O. V.
I had a one-track mind and that was what my mom said.
“Get her sweetie,” my mom repeated in my mind.
I felt pride and proud that my parents were here, and my friends were. I felt the love and warmth from them.
I am blessed and I love them for being here for me.
“Ready ladies, this round two, I want a clean fight, no biting, scratching, and kicking in the face.” Got it. He says.
I nodded my head and I bit down on my mouthpiece that I put back in my mouth after I drank water.
So when I heard the bell that when I kept moving my feet because I didn’t want her to get a hit on me. So, Buddy told me to keep moving, kid! His words, not mine.
“Kid keep moving them damn feet!” I heard his voice inside my mind or is he yelling out.
I watched her coming after me, but I was waiting for her to get close to me. Because I was going to get one good hit and knock her ass out!
Come on, bitch! I am waiting for you, I told her with my eyes.
She saw it and I saw her face turn red and that when I saw her running at me. That’s when I took it and pulled my hand back and I let my fist hit her in the face. I heard it.
That was when I saw her shake her head and she was still up!
How is this bitch still standing? I am not going to lie. She is one crazy bitch but she is a tough bitch.
I didn’t see it coming I didn’t see it.
She smashed her fist into my face a couple of times with jags. I could feel my nose with the pressure of her fist.
Fuck! That hurt. But it doesn’t stop me from headbutting her pretty face that I am going to ruin, I thought with a sinister grin on my bloody face because my nose is broken.
We kept hitting each other until they hit the bell ding. They had to come over and break us up. But once we were pulled apart. I went back over to my trainer Bud and my parents, and I saw Avery, Natalie, Emilia and Maria- Ann. Standing right beside my mom.
You got this Ash, knock the bitch out-”
Hey! young lady!” My mom said with a serious look on her face but I saw a little smile too.
My mom stared at Emilia.
I started laughing at them. But I hid my mouth with my hands. I didn’t want my mom’s angry eyes on me.
But I knew Emilia and the rest of the girls seeing her waft and her angry eyebrow lift expression on her face.
Ashely, help us out here?”
Oh, No! you’re on your own ladies.” I tell them to drink my bottle of water. I threw it on my face to clean up my bloody nose.
That’s when mom and dad and Buddy saw my face.
That’s when Bud had a towel and started wiping my face.
I knew I look horrible, but I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to knock the veil bitch out. So, after I beat her ass. I am going to be working on my revenge on him and whoever gets in my way I had a determining look on my face and I was staring over at the bitch smiling at me.
“Don’t you wait!” I mumbled under my breath. I guess Buddy heard me. I heard him say.
“Remember to stay low and when you have the opinionating that when you let her have it,” He said.
“Knock her ass out kid!” he told me.
“That’s what I am planning to do.” I told him and I heard Avery.
“You got this girl,” she said with a sweet smile of hers.
“Yeah, I would knock that slut out, but I will probably go to jail afterwards,” She said, cracking her knuckles.
Honey please be careful, my mom said, hugging me.
Then my dad grabbed me out of mom’s arms. She wasn’t happy but she knew I had to go back in there.
“Win Babygirl, ” I heard my dad say.
“You got this.” he told me with a wink.
I was going to say something back to them, but when the bell rang I saw a guy hit the bell with something in his hand.
I nodded my head and walked back in the middle of the ring again.
Well, lookie here, what dragged the cat in, what’s wrong you mad I got him, and you didn’t?” He wanted a woman and not a little girl.” I heard her say standing in front of me with a smug smile.
“Oh, wow, does it feel good to be a slut when men have to sleep with you to want you.” Or did you like him like the other little boys?” I told her with a smirk, and I asked her with a sinister smile on my smug face.
Then Her smug smile falls off her shocked and angry face.
Why you bitc-”
But she was stopped by the announcer and ref.
“Now, now ladies, none of that.” Now back up a couple steps away.” He told us.
We are staring at each other.
‘Bitch! I saw her mouthed.
“Whore I mouthed back.
She had a frown and I saw her eyes. They were red.
Yep, she pissed off. I wanted to laugh at her.
Then she dropped the frown and smirked at me.
Oh, she plaining my funeral right now. I could see it.
And then she mouthed a word at me again.
“Whatever,” I mouthed.
I rolled my eyes.
I am tired of this bitch I tell myself.
That is when I heard Envy say.
“I am ready to shut this bitch up!” I heard Envy.
“Knock the bitch out!” She tells me.
“Oh, that’s what I am planning to do, with my wide smile.
“Ready hit gloves!” I heard the announcer.
“Okay it’s time for nighty night!” she tells me.
“Oh, no! It’s for you,” I pulled back my hand and the look on her face was priceless.
That’s when I looked down. Miss. Water was lying on the floor. I heard the ref counting.
Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, she is still not moving because I knocked her out.
Six, Five, I heard people on the other side yelling at her to get up.
I saw Robert Stewart, and Jason Tyler, Sean, and Adam Worthwell yelling at her.
“Get up sis, come on get up!” Robert was saying.
Yeah, Miss. Water, get up!” Jason said.
Come on, get up and knock her ass out!” Sean said.
Well damn assholes!
Why are they cheering her on?”
Huh? Did I heard Robert right? Get up sis? I am confused but I didn’t pay attention and I kept standing there over her watching on the ground where she belongs.
“Four, Three, I saw motions she was trying to get up.
Fuck! Why can’t this bitch stay down?
But don’t worry she’s not going to get up in time.
“Two, she is on her knees and I can still hear people screaming and hooting and hollering at her to get up and people cheering on me at the same time.
Now she was almost on her feet but she fell on her knees when they got to one.
‘One” the ref said.
That’s when I heard the guys groaned with disappointing cries.
But then I felt the ref grab my hand and throw it up in the air.
“Winner!” The Announcer said.
I saw Avery and my friends and my parents and trainer grabbed me in a big hug.
I was smiling and I looked over and saw her.
She wasn’t crying or anything that looked angry.
She was smiling at me. That when I watch her eyes turn. They were on Jayson and he was standing in the crowd with his friends.
He was staring at her with a smile on his face and he started walking towards her.
I saw Elijah and the rest of the guys with Avery instead of Maxime and Eli. They were standing there with a confused look on their faces.
Please don’t.
Please don’t go to her, I was begging.
I was hoping and praying he doesn’t.
But luck wasn’t on my side today.
What do you think he did?
if you guess he took off and left her in the dust with a shook look on her face.
Wrong! He went to her and pulled her into his big muscles and strong arms and hugged her and kissed her on the mouth.
I watched them. I had tears shining in my eyes. I knew I was going to break and cry like a baby.
I should have known he was a fuckboy! He never cared about me.
I shook my head. I didn’t know it yet. I changed.
I started feeling empty and I didn’t care anymore.
So, I watch more waiting for his eyes on me.
Look at me!
Come on bastard look at me!
When I said it,
His eyes on me!
I gave him a look.
Watch out.
You’re going down, both of you!
I turned back to my celebration and my family and friends.
I walked away from the happy couple.
I wanted to go back and knocked that bitch out of his arms.
But I can’t and I won’t.
Show them how they affect me.
So, I am going to wait for my time.
When it’s right.
That is when I will have my revenge.
But first I am going to have fun with the people who care and love me.
“Hey you coming?” I heard Avery say I heard behind me.
I stopped and I turned my attention to her and my friends.
The look on their face. I knew they saw them too.
But they didn’t say anything about Jayson and Miss. Water kissing and smiling at each other in the crowd I could see them.
They wanted me to see them.
That when Avery opened her mouth to say and gave me a sad smile.
“Because I am starving and then we are going to meet up with the guys later at a party.” she says with a happy smile on her face.
Since she has been mating with her taunting and monster now that loves her and treats her well.
Yes, give me a minute.” I told them.
I knew they were still in there smiling and touching and kissing in the crowd.
I hope they choke and die!
So, I took a breath, let it out and walked and went over toward my friends.
Don’t let them spoil your happiness with the people who love you.
So, for now!
I forget about them and spend time with your girls!
But until then I have revenge cooking up in my head.
“Jayson Woods and Miss. Water doesn’t know what you release!”
Enjoy hurting me and making me feel this way broken.
So, enjoy it!
This is the last time I will ever let anyone hurt me!
That’s a promise!
To Be Continued.
The story about Ashely Williams and Jayson Woods.
Coming July 2022
The Badass and the Beta Revenge Part Two Book Two.