Chapter 53 ” Fight!”

Book:The Badass and The Beta Published:2025-2-8

Ashely P. O. V.
I was so lucky Jayson didn’t see me today. But now I am getting ready for the fight tonight. I was getting ready to dress when suddenly I heard someone outside my door. Thank God I have clothes on. I just got to put on my mouthpiece and shoes.
“Ashely? You are here, and I heard the door open.” I saw Avery, Natalie, Emilia, and Maria-Ann, whom Maxime’s new girl likes to taunt. I hope she kicks his ass soon. Maybe he could stop this going back and forth like a little boy and tell her he wants her instead of taunting and bullying her.
Hey, I am right here, girls,” I told them when I bent down, putting on my shoes. I had my mouthpiece beside me. I was about to put them in before I heard my friends show up to support me.
I never told them I was fighting, and I didn’t want them to know. But I could tell from keeping this from them. I hurt our trust, and I don’t think they will ever believe me again. But then they were here smiling and hugging me.
“What are you girls doing here?” I asked them.
“I thought you were mad at me because I lied to you?” I told them with pain in my chest because I didn’t want to lose my friends.
I know what I did was wrong. But I can’t lose people I care about and love.
“Hey! Ash, we are here because we need to tell you we were not angry at you, but we are hurt.” Why didn’t you tell us you needed money for your mom’s surgery?” I heard Natalie say.
So, we wanted to tell you something and be here for you,” Avery says.
“So, Ashely, Good luck tonight.” I heard Emilia say with a big grin on her face.
So, my friends and the new girl are standing in front of me. I hope she will be my friend. I am staring at her, and she looks so tiny. She is a human. So, she is not a werewolf or anything that we are. So, she is hiding behind Avery.
I am trying to be friendly, and I walk closer to her.
Hello, Maria-Ann I am Ashely,” I tell her.
“We are in Science class together? You sit right beside me?” I told her. When she starts to stop and looks around Avery, I can tell she remembers me.
“Oh, Hi.” I heard her say in her tiny little voice. I smiled, and that was when she came out and stood right beside Avery.
So, we have a little time. I thought I would catch up with my friends and a new one.
Well, I said.
“So, what’s been going on?” I asked the girls.
I saw Emilia and Natalie’s faces flushed. I don’t know what that is all about, but I will not ask.
On the other hand, Avery had a strange glint in her eyes. It made me blush because I knew what she had been up to lately.
Yeah, you were just in the same boat?” I heard Envy say.
I groaned and ignored her. I went back to my friends.
Afterward, we laughed and talked. Then, I heard Bud knotting on the door.
Ashely, you got to go in five minutes.” I heard him inside the room. I didn’t see him come in, but I did hear his voice.
“Well, we’ll see you a little bit.” We are cheering you on.” Go beat the girl’s ass!” I heard the girls say.
I nodded my head, and I watched them walk out the door.
I sat down on the bench and sighed, and I picked up my mouthpiece and placed it inside my mouth.
“In this corner weigh One hundred and twenty-five pounds and five foot and seven tall Daisy Woods,” The Announcer says.
I heard people shouting and calling my name. I am in the corner, ready to fight and get this over with and go home and hide from the world.
I am staring at the sweet Sunshine. I give her a smirk through my mask. I don’t know if she could see me.
“In this corner, we weigh one hundred and thirty-five pounds and five feet and seven feet tall, Sunshine!” The announcer says.
“Take a deep breath, Ash,” Bud said behind me, rubbing my shoulder.
“So, remember, just keep your head up and one and two jabs in the face.” He told me. I was not listening, but I just nodded my head. That’s when I heard people screaming and shooting around the ring. But I had one trick on my mind to fight. I looked over at her, and she knew she was thinking the same thing.
“Opponent ready!” I heard the announcer say. He told us to come out and bump gloves and hear the rules. I wanted to laugh and roll my eyes because that never goes right with the rules and what he says when you are fighting fair.
So, I hit my glove with Bud’s hands, and then he slaps me on my back and pushes me out toward the middle of the ring.
Once I am standing in the middle and crossing from Sunshine, I still don’t know why she hates me so much? But if I could see her face, I probably knew who she was. But I just need to keep my head up and knock her ass down and win and get the award money, and then I am done with this life.
I told him whatever happened, and I was done. I have enough money for my mom’s surgery though we don’t need it. I just want to help my dad out with the operation too.
“Hit the gloves, and let’s have a clean fight.” He tells us. Now it comes with no biting, no scratching, and punching with an open fist. I am not paying attention to him; I am staring down her cross from me. I could see her angry eyes staring back at me with a murderous glint in her eyes.
Damn! I thought. I need to show this bitch I am the baddest here, not her.
“Okay, ladies, I want a clean fight.”
The guys waited for us to nod our heads. So, me being a good sport, I nodded first.
Then she did.
Okay, he stared at us, took out the honk, and blew it.
I was shocked for a second, but who isn’t it right beside your fucking ear! You would jump too.
That was when I saw her start moving towards me. I kept my eyes on her. But I didn’t want to make a mistake, and she got me cornered in a corner.
But that’s what happened. I was corner, and she hit me in the head.
Fuck! I need to get out of this. Stop overthinking about winning and try to get out of this.
Ring. I heard the bell ring. But she still hit me.
Fuck get off,” I told her.
No fucking way, bitch, he mine!” She tells me.
What the fuck is this stupid bitch talking about? I thought.
“I have no idea I heard Envy. But you want me to destroy her?”
You heard me.” She said with a sinister grin.
“You want me to help. She asked me.
“No! I got this bitch!” I told her.
Okay, she says and leaves.
When I heard a growl, I saw that I had let it out. So somehow, I threw her off me.
That was when I saw her fall on her ass. That when I saw her mask hanging off,
“Miss. Water!” I whispered.
That is when I realized why she hated me and wanted to kill me.
She fucking Sunshine!
“Now you’re dead,” I murmured under my breath.
That’s when I heard stop!
What the hell is going on here?” I knew that voice. It was my father.
I looked behind me, and then we were inside the ring.
My mom looked upset, and I saw tears falling down her beautiful face. I saw my father and he was different. It looked disappointed and red.
He was pissed off. I don’t know if it’s at Miss Waters or at me but with the smirk on her face at my parents, it’s at her.
It was my parents.
“You young lady?” I heard my dad say.
I am in deep shit.