Jayson P. O. V.
Fuck Me!!!
I am an idiot and dumb for her hurting her?
“Yeah, do you think,” I heard Jaze say with a growl? What is up with him? Every time I do something to Ashely, he has a throne up his ass!
“Hey! I don’t. Have. A. Throne. Up. My. Ass!” he says with bark in his voice. Yep, his anger at me!
His right was right, and I should have never made a scene in front of the school and said the awful cruel words about her. But why?
Why did I do that? I thought.
“I don’t know; maybe you’re a cruel asshole monster?” Jaze says.
I sigh with the thought that he is right. I know that now. I am nothing but a cruel, sinister, evil monster!
I am so stupid!
“Yeah, I agree with you there,”
“Do you ever think maybe they’re more to you guys than I don’t know hate?” Jaze said with a knowing voice. He knows something I don’t know, but he wants to tell me, but he is not going to yet.
What is up to his sleeve, and what does he know?
And does he mean by that something there more than hate?
There is no way I am falling for that crazy, weird girl; besides, I have a girl. Well, once I find her again.
But then again, could Jaze be right.
I am starting to feel something more than hate towards her? or I am just a horny teenager, and my dick is making the decision, not my brain? But there is something about Ashely that drives me crazy, but what? I knew one thing it’s hard to stop being with Ashely. But now I can’t be with her anymore since I got a mate. I sighed and
But I knew what I had to do, but now my wolf is angry with me. That’s weird. Wouldn’t he want me to run the girls away since we found our mate?
So, I need to keep my distance away from Ashely, the girl I used to be my best friend/the first girl I love/enemy/the girl I have been screaming my name.
But no, I had to hurt her! I had to throw her away like she had an old shoe, and I didn’t want to wear it anymore! But It was going well until I look my big fat mouth!!!
I am standing inside the cafeteria surrounding my friends, and I see Avery shaking her head at me with pity and an angry gaze because she can see the action behind the player and the bad boy I am showing in the school right now.
Please don’t pity me!
I don’t deserve it.
I wanted to chase Ashely, but I knew how it had to be. I got a mate. I need to let Ashely go for good and start trying to be a better man and mate to the girl I was looking for back at the Emilia Stone birthday party at the lake house a month ago when we slept together.
I see my friends staring over at Avery. Trying to tell her it’s okay. That was when they turned and stared over at me.
(What the fuck, man?)I can see the look on their face. You get our mate pissed! We are going to beat the living shit out of you. I can see it in the expression on their face. I wanted to laugh, but instead, I rolled my eyes, started walking, and ran outside. I needed a run to help me to calm down and let out some stress. Tonight is going to be what I will need.
I am fighting tonight. I have been fighting since last year when I went there with my cousin and best friend. I have been hooked ever since.
It helps me take out my anger and frustrates what’s going on in my past and present. I pulled my hair and yelled out how I was an asshole and stupid for what I had done to Ashely today at the lunchroom in front of everyone. I embarrassed her, and I was cruel. If my father knew I was being mean and nasty to his best friend’s daughter.
“Fuck!!! I cried out and slammed the locker when my trainer walked into the room.
“Hey! son, you ready,” he asked me. So, I guessed he didn’t see me slam the locker, thank God, and he would bust me for destroying the locker room.
“In this corner, we have Lightened- Strike Ross Stonehead,” the announcer says, two hundred and eighty-five pounds and six foot and four inches tall. I was standing in the other corner, ready to beat this guy, and I saw his cocky smirk on his ugly big-ass face.
I gave him a wink, and his smug smirk fell off his face.
I chuckled under my breath.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought, chump!” I hit my head with my gloves, and then I was thinking about how I would beat this guy.
I didn’t see the announcer pointing over at me, and I saw his lips moving, but I didn’t hear him because I was too focused on my opponent and ready to fight him!
Somehow I heard the crowd hoot and holler and screamed my name and his name. I started walking in the middle of the ring. The announcer wanted me and him to bump gloves, listen to the rules, and then bump gloves. I saw his ugly face, and he blew me a kiss and wink. I felt rage, and I lunge at him, but my trainer, Buzz, hold me back.
“Hey now, son! Not the time; you wait for you to hear the announcer and the bell ring!” So, save it for the fight! Son,” he said with an order, and I could tell he was not happy with me trying to lunge at the chump.
I wasn’t happy, but I listened to him and waited to hear the bell ring. I was staring over at him, and I wanted to kill him! There is something I don’t like, and I don’t know why. I can feel my fist itching for attacking his face. But, by the time I thought of that. I heard the bell ring.
“One, “Two, “Three, “Four, “Five, fuck! I need to get up. “Six, “Seven, the announcer kept accounting.
“Son, get up!” I heard Buzz saying, but I could not get up.
“Come on, Jas, wake up and get up!” I heard Jaze saying inside my mind, well, more screaming.
“Eight, come on, son, get up,” Nine,
“Jayson, please get up!” I heard a tiny and sweet and worried voice. That was when I knew that voice. It’s her!
My mystery girl.
My mate.
I can’t believe she is here.
When I opened my eyes, I got on my knees and grabbed hold of the rumps.
I was on my legs and trying to stand that when I heard the ref finish “Ten.”
I looked around but what I saw wasn’t my mate, but that was when I realized why I had been confused about my feelings?
It’s because my mystery girl is no other than…
No fucking way! Standing in front of the ring is Ashely fucking Williams! Do you know how I know? Because the mask is her hand? The one when my mystery girl was wearing!!!