Damian’s POV
” There is another matter that I need to discuss.” I tell Hunter.
Here lately I have been wondering what the future will be like for my unborn child. I been a little worried about it every since I took Jasmine in. I just want to get a quick peek into the future to calm my nerves.
” What is that?” Hunter asked with a raised brow.
I pick up the shot glass he handed me earlier and down my drink quickly. ” I need to speak with your grandfather. I want to peek into my future.” I tell him honestly.
” Are you insane! Anything you do in the future can change things.” Dean blurts out.
” I am going into the future not the past. If I fuck something up in the future. I can make note on how to fix it before it happens in our present day.” I tell Dean.
” He does have a point. However, he isn’t going to do that for free.” Hunter informs me.
” I understand that. I will pay any price necessary.” I tell them both.
I have to get a peek into the future. I have to know my kids are going to be okay, and if I need to make changes I will. I want them to grow up in a safe place. Where they can run and play freely. While also getting the training they need to be able to fight and defend themselves.
I hear Dean sigh, ” Tell grandpa that I will help pay for half.”
I looks over at Dean, ” You don’t have to do that.”
” Yes, I do.” Dean says looking back at me, before looking at Hunter.
” You know where he is Dean. I will stay here with your mother and everyone.” Hunter says getting to his feet and leaving the room. As I stand up I watch Dean down his shot of volka. I laugh when he makes a face.
” You good?” I question him.
Dean nods, ” Yes, I just didn’t know my dad was drinking the cheap shit. He normally has the expensive volka that goes down a lot smoother.” He shakes his head a little, before walking towards a dark hallway.
I follow behind him quietly. As we enter the dark hallway I can feel a strong powerful aura coming from every direction. After a few feet I watch Dean suddenly stop in the middle of the hallway.
” I am only asking this one time. Are you really sure about this?” Dean questions me.
I can understand why he is worried. It is because his grandfather will most likely ask for something that has a great price. He will take souls, blood, sacrifices and more. There really isn’t any telling what he will ask for in exchange for sending me into the future.
” Yes, I am sure. Now can we just keep going?” I question him.
Dean let’s out a sigh, before turning around and continuing to walk down the long dark hallway. After a few minutes of walking I watch Dean touch something on the wall. It makes a bright light form over our heads causing Dean clan tattoo to glow red. I watch as all the water droplets that were running down the wall to suddenly go flying into the air. They start pooling together and form a huge wall in front of us.
” A water portal? Really?” I ask him with a raised brow.
” I don’t feel like walking for twenty more minutes. When we can just take the portal and get there in one minute.” Dean tells me.
He has a point about the portal, and I do want to get there quickly.
” Fine.” I watch Dean step out of the way to allow me to go first. I walk through the portal and look around at all the piles of bones that reach up to the cave ceiling. I can hear screams and cries in the distance, and can feel my body starting to sweat.
” Where are we?” I ask Dean as he appears next to me.
” We are in the center of hell. Unlike the resort that is on the outer layer of hell. We are in the center of hell.” He says walking infront of me. I follow behind him as he walks up to two huge double steel doors. As Dean opens the doors a huge blast of hot air hits me in the face.
I follow Dean inside to see a river of lava. I look down to see the floor was made out of bones and skulls. They scrunch under my feet with every step.
” What is this place?” I link Dean incase his grandfather was close by.
” This is the throne room.” Dean links back.
” I thought your dad said, he would be snacking.” I mindlink again.
” Normally, he would be snacking around this time. However when I was looking for him through my senses. It told me he was here. He must still be working.” Dean mindlinks back.
Right, his grandfather just had to be in the most hottest area of hell. ” Does this heat not bother you?” I ask wiping sweat off my forehead.
Dean laughs, ” No, I kinda grow up here remember.”
Right, I forgot about his rebellious age. I remember Alex telling me how Dean was always a trouble maker. It was so bad that Hunter just sent him here to live with grandfather. However his grandfather didn’t care what Dean did. Which is why he can be a straight up asshole and no one can do anything about it.
” Right, forgot.” I tell him honestly.
I follow Dean the rest of the way until I see a throne chair made out of bones that looked to be centuries old come into view. Hearing moaning as we approach the throne from behind. I can’t help but to stare once I see a young naked women in her early twenties bouncing up and down on top of Dean’s grandpa.
” He is snacking alright.” I link Dean. I can see the fang marks on the women’s neck. Her eyes are jet black like she is stuck in some kind trance. I turn around to look in another direction. While Dean let’s out a cough to get his grandfather attention.
” What do you want?” He grunts out at us.
” Damian is wanting to take a peek into the future. You know see how his kids turn out and everything.” Dean tells him.
” Just go to the soul room. Once inside he needs to get into the small watering hole.” He grunts out. ” Now go away.” He tells us.
I feel Dean poke my arm, ” Come on.” He says irritatedly. I follow him towards a different door and step out into the hallway.
” Everytime I see him. I expect to see an old man. Not a muscular looking thirty year old with black nails and horns.” I mindlink Dean.
” Yeah, it’s hard to believe that he is centuries old. Kinda feel bad for that woman, but she probably sold herself to him.” Dean mindlinks back to me with a shrug of his shoulders.
As we get deeper down the hallway. I can feel the air starting to slightly cool off. I let out a small sigh of relief.
Damn, I forgot that it can get so hot that it can be hard to breathe. It is still hot but I am no longer being suffocated by it.
Reaching the end of the hallway I watch Dean open this huge circle door. Stepping inside I can smell clear water, and hear water droplets dripping into the water and against the rocks. I can see thousands of pure bright white souls floating around in the air. They were the only things giving light to this small rock crave.
” So, I just get into the water?” I question Dean.
Dean nods, ” That is what grandpa said.”
I reach into my pockets and hand Dean my cellphone and wallet. I than take my shoes and socks off.
” I would leave your clothes on. Don’t want to pop up in the future naked.” Dean tells me.
I look at him confused, ” My soul goes into the future me. Not me fully going.” I say to him.
Wait, is it just my soul?
I watch a smirk go across Dean’s face. ” You are a dick.” I snap and take my shirt off.
Dean laughs, ” I just had to fuck with you. The look on your face was priceless.”
I roll my eyes and walk barefoot across the cool rocks. Once I get to the edge of the small watering hole. I sit down putting my feet into the warm water before pushing off the edge.
I kick my feet to keep my head above water. ” now what?” I asked Dean confused.
Dean shrugs, ” Don’t know. I have never done this before.” He tells me honestly.
A second later I see the souls starting to circle above my head, before they all plunge down into me. The force pushes me under the water. I try to swim back up, but the flow keeps pushing me down and sends me spinning in the water. I let out a gasp of air causing water fills my mouth.
Everything starts to slowly turn black and the bright white souls start to fade away. I feel heightless like I am floating in air. When I open my eyes I realize I am in my office.
Wasn’t I just drowning?
Looking down at my desk I realize I have some papers in front of me. Picking them up and reading them I realize that they are report cards from school. One was Jasmine report card and it says first grade.
That weird..
She should be a lot older than that. At least her grades are good. Counting the reports cards in my hand I can’t help but smile. So, I have five kids.
Seeing a piece of paper slide out from between the report cards. I put the report cards down and pick up the piece of paper.
‘ Dear past me,
I know you were coming today, because I already lived this. We have five kids, as you can see from the report cards. Jasmine is in first grade because she has had some difficulties fitting in. She would loose control of her demon side and go on a killing spree or get pick on for being different. As she got older Jasmine started showing signs of being unstable. So, until she is able to be somewhat sane. I keep her in child form. She is happier that way and I think she likes being a baby. We also have four sons and one daughter with Willow. Our oldest sons name is Draco. He is twenty-two years old and has our temper but Willow’s attitude. Our second son is Milo who is nineteen. He isn’t calm or nice around others. He has developed the love for torturing and painting with blood. He is a bit insane, but can fake being nice to others. Next is Yato, he is fourteen and has a talent for playing piano. Than there is Koda and Emilia. Koda is nine but think he is the boss of everyone. While Emilia is only three. She likes to play pranks and has gotten pretty good at it. She super glued Draco to his bed and Milo to the toilet seat. Apparently they took her bear and wouldn’t give it back. So instead of telling me. She choose warfare with super glue. Also if you see her make sure to do a pat down for super glue. She might be three, but she is acts like that kid from home alone. Anyway have fun being in control. This will be the best nap I ever had.
~ Future me ‘
Great, so all my kids are little psychopaths. Looks like I was worried about nothing, but since I am here. Might as well take a look around and meet the kids.
I also want to see Willow. I wonder how she looks.