Chapter 35

Book:Damian's Demon Clan Published:2025-2-8

Willow’s POV
It’s been two weeks since I was taken by the wolves.
I was sitting in a small smelling cell with only a small thin blanket to keep me warm, and a bucket to use as a toilet.
It was cold and dark down here and have no one to speak too.
The only light is what comes through the bottom of the door thats up the stairs.
Not to mention I haven’t seen the man that took me. Since he brought me here two weeks ago.
even though there aren’t any windows here and I don’t know the time. I managed to keep track of the days by keeping track of the meals I am given.
I get three meals a day and its because of that I am able to keep track of how long I have been here.
I let out a whine as the light gets flicked on.
I close my eyes and blink a few times until my eyes adjust to the lights.
Hearing the door unlock and open. I expect it to be the maid that delivers the food and drinks, but I am surprised when its a gaurd instead.
None of the gaurds have been down here. Since I have been here its only been the one maid.
This has me a bit nervous and anxious.
Watching as he walks down the stairs and pulls keys out of his pocket as he gets close to my cell.
He unlocks the cell door and stares down at me coldly.
” Get up!” He says in a cold harsh tone.
I slowly get to my feet like he told me too.
” Lets go!” He says impatiently.
I quickly get out of the cell and stand next to him.
He reaches out and grabs me by the arm rather roughly. He drags me up the stairs and out of the dungeon area.
He walks down a long hallway and makes a lot of right turns. Before he stops in front of a light brown door.
He opens it and shoves me inside.
” Take a shower and change into those clean clothes.” He says coldly as he gestures towards the clothes laying on the bed.
” Okay..” I say in a low tone.
He leaves the room without a word.
Hearing the door click.
I know he must of locked me inside the room.
Walking over to the bed.
I look at the clothes on the bed. It was a fresh pair of grey sweat pants and a white t-shirt with matching black underwear and bra.
I suppose thats better than wearing this dress.
I been stuck wearing this dress for two weeks without a shower. In a cell thats cold and dirty.
So dirty in fact that my once light green dress is now a shitty brown color.
Plus a warm shower sounds really nice. Especially since I feel disgusting and it would help warm me up.
Picking up the clothes I push open the door to my left and enter the bathroom.
The walls were bare and white and the bathroom is fairly small. It’s better than nothing I suppose.
I set my clothes down on the bathroom sink and stare at myself in the floor.
I hardly recognize the person infront of me. My hair is a big matted ball of mess. My eyes have dark circles from the little sleep I have been getting. My lips are badly chapped and spit open. I have dirt all over me from sleeping on the cold hard concrete.
Taking my eyes away from the mirror. I began taking the dress off. That was sticking to my skin from the amount of dirt I was covered in.
Next I took my bra off and my underwear.
I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up.
As I wait for it to warm up I decided to relieve myself on the toilet.
I never knew how much I would miss using a toilet.
Until this very moment.
Down in the dungeon there isn’t a toilet. I was only given a bucket to use as a toilet. Not to mention it was always so dark that half the time. I didn’t know if I actually made it in the bucket or not.
It was humiliating and degrading all at once.
When I finish relieving myself. I walk back over to the shower and test the temperature of the water with me hand.
It was nice and warm just the way I like it.
Climbing inside I feel a shiver go through me as the water slowly starts to warm me up.
I let out a soft sigh as the water starts to relax the tension in my body.
I really missed taking a shower too. I guess you don’t realize how much you miss the small stuff. Until it is taken away from you.
Picking up the rose petal scented body wash and pour some into my hand.
I began lathering myself up and scrubbing the dirt and grime off my body.
The water at my feet turning brown as it goes down the drain.
I quickly finish up washing my body and start washing my hair. With my hair being badly tangled I have to switch between shampoo and conditioner until I get the dirt and tangles out.
Once I get out of the shower I grab the towel from the small rack in the corner.
Wrapping it around my body I find a hair brush still in its packaging. Along with other items I will need. All brand new and still in its original packaging.
I guess all of this is for me.
Wiping the fog off the mirror I stare at myself.
I look better and more like myself once again.
Taking a shower and washing up helped alot. I should keep my gaurd up though. I am in enemy territory after all.
Taking all the items I will be using out of their packaging and start getting ready.
After an hour I am finally dressed and walk out of the bathroom to see the man that brought me here sitting on the bed with his head staring down at his phone.
I freeze and stand rooted in the doorway of the bathroom.
My eyes never leaving his as I watch him type away.
As if sensing my presence he looks up and has a sly smile on his face.
” Well, don’t you look lovely.” He says as his eyes roam my body.
I place my arms over my chest feeling uncomfortable.
He chuckles, ” Look even better in my clothes too. I wonder what you look like naked.” He says as he stands up and starts walking towards me.
I panic and start taking steps backwards.
The bathroom I can shut it before he gets close to me.
Stepping inside the bathroom I reach for the door.
As if reading my mind. He puts his foot in the door before I can close it. He forces his way in and storms his way towards me.
I back away until my back hits the bathroom wall and he stands infront of me. Trapping me between him and the wall.
” That wasn’t very nice. Trying to shut the bathroom door in my face.” He says grabbing my jaw roughly and forcing me to stare up at him.
I whimper and stare up at him, ” P-please, let go. Your hurting me.” I whisper out to him.
A smile spreads across his face as he loosens his grip. ” Since you asked nicely. However don’t ever try to shut a door in my face again. If you don’t act accordingly I lock you back in the dungeon. Is that clear?” he says in a stern tone.
I nod my head, ” Y-yes..” I tell him my voice barely above a whisper.
” Good.”
He gently rubs his thump against my bottom lip. As he starts at me intensity, before leaning down kissing me on the lips.
I just stand still frozen as he kisses me.
When he pulls his head back and stares down at me. His eyes dilate and a cruel smirk spreads across his face.
” I am going to enjoy making you mine. We won’t do that today. I am saving that part for our weddings nights.” He tells me in a soft tone.
I am not marrying this stranger!
Damian will rescue me. I just have to stall and wait for him to save me. I just hope Dean and everyone else is okay.
” Damian will save me, before we can get married!” I say feeling a little brave.
His smirk gets wider, ” I doubt that. He isn’t going to find you by tomorrow night. Thats why I moved you into this room. So, you can get enough sleep for our big day tomorrow. I got your weddings dress and everything thing.”
He says as slides his hand down the front of my sweatpants.
I instantly grab his arm in attempt to pull his arm out.
Only for him to grab both my hands into his right hand and pin them above my head.
I bit my bottom lip and I feel his hand go between my legs.
I look away from him as he rubs me through my underwear.
” I can’t wait to have you swarming underneath me. Rather you like it or not.” He says as he licks the side of my cheek.
He going to rape me after we get married. I really hope Damian saves me before I get married to this freak.
My eyes sight becames blurry as tears start to form.
I whimper as he slides my underwear to the sides and pushes his fingers inside me.
He leans down and whispers in my ear, “Umm, You feel tight. Its going to feel good stretching you out.” He says as he thrust his finger in and out of me.
” S-stop.” I cry out trying to break my hands free.
His grib tighten around my wrists, as he thrusts his fingers more roughly in to me.
” I will do what I want with you. You are mine!” He grits out in anger.
” Who do you belong too!?” He asked through clenched teeth.
I can feel tears streaming down my face as he continues to thrust his fingers roughly into me going deep with each thrust.
” Who!?” He snaps at me.
” Y-you! Please stop!” I begged
” Good girl.” He says kisses my lips.
My body shakes as tears continue to fall.
I feel a bit of relief as he removes his fingers from me, and pulls his hand out from my pants.
Watching as he licks his fingers.
I feel disgusted and the urge to throw up shoots through me.
” You taste delicious. I can hardly wait.” He says with chuckle as he let’s go of my hands.
I sniffle and rub the pain away from both my wrist.
Watching as he leave the room. I slide down the wall and sit in the floor.
Pulling my legs to my chest. I bury my face between my knees and start bawling my eyes out.
I really hope Damian comes to get me soon.