I woke up to a pounding headache.
Holding my hand up to block the sun from my eyes.
Everything from last night is a blur but I remember bringing someone home.
Looking around I notice he is gone.
He must have left at some point during the night.
I groan and stare over at my alarm clock on my nightstand.
I have an hour to get to work.
Just great!
Slowly get up out of bed and stumbling into the bathroom.
I do my business before sighing loudly at I see my reflection in the mirror.
I have racoon eyes and my hair looks like a birds nest.
I don’t have time to shower.
It takes me thirty minutes just to walk to the diner.
I pull the hair tie out of my hair and lean forward to brush my hair.
I brush until I don’t feel anymore tangles and puts it back into a messy bun.
Next was my face.
Instead of taking the make-up off.
I take a wet wipe and clean up the smudges and do little touch ups.
Looking at myself satisfied with how I look.
Its not bad I look presentable, but my uniform and my bag are at Kristin house. So I will have to wear a Sunday dress and hope Jake doesn’t get on my ass about it.
Grabbing a light blue Sunday dress out of my closet and toss it on my bed. I run over to my dresser and pull out underwear and a bra. I quickly put them on before slipping the dress on.
Shit shoes!
I’m seriously going to be late!
I run back to my closet and start digging around until I find white pair of flats and put them on.
Glancing over at my alarm clock I panic.
Fuck me!
I run towards the door and make sure I lock it before stumbling down my apartment stairs, but catch my balance as my feet hit the sidewalk.
By the time I reach the diner I was out of breath as I walk through the front door.
” You’re late!” I hear Jake call out from the kitchen as Kristin smirks at me.
” Look at you doing the walk of shame.” She winks at me
Walking behind the counter I pour myself a cup of coffee.
Looking around I am happy to see we aren’t busy yet.
“Yeah, well my uniform and my bag is at your house. Not to mention this hangover from hell.” I tell her.
Boyd walks out of the kitchen a smirk forming across his face as he sees me, ” Nice of you to show up. How was your night?” He asked me and holds up a finger. ” One second hold that thought.” He says
He takes pancakes to table eight and walks back over.
” Yes, do tell cause I was wasted” Kristin says as she props her self up on the counter.
” There isn’t much to tell you. I don’t even remember who I went home with. I remember drinking a lot and dancing, but I don’t know who I went home with. I know the sex was great but that’s about it.” I tell them honestly as I sip my coffee.
Boyd just nods, ” So you don’t remember who you went home with?” He questioned me with a sly smirk on his face.
I shake me head, ” Why? do you?” I asked him.
He laughs, ” Yeah, I do. But it’s going to be so much fun not to tell you.” He says and before I can questioned him.
Jake come out of the kitchen, ” Why aren’t you wearing your uniform?” He snaps at me.
I sigh, ” I left it at Kristin house. It also needs to be washed. I will be wearing it tomorrow.” I tell Jake
Jake stares at me intensity for a few seconds, ” better be.” He says
Handing me the tub full of silverware and hand towels. ” Kristin go find something to do.” He snaps as he walks back into the kitchen.
As I am placing a fork, knife, and a spoons onto a hand towel and rolling it up.
Hearing the bell at the front ring.
I look up to see Virgil and Dean walk in wearing matching black suits.
Kristin places two coffee mugs down on the counter, ” You wouldn’t happen to know who Willow went home with last night would you?” She asked
I watched as smirk go across Virgil face.
” Okay! I know you know! Now since Boyd won’t tell me. Will you please tell me?” I asked Virgil.
” Sure it was Damian.” Virgil says as he picks up his coffee and drinks it.
My face goes pale, ” Your joking.” I tell him as Dean speaks, ” No, he isn’t joking.”
This can’t be happening!
I had a one night stand with the ruler of this little town! I worked so hard to be invisible to certain demons because I didn’t want to die.
As if he can read my mind Dean answers, ” Relax, you aren’t going to die. If Damian wanted you dead. You wouldn’t have woke up for work.” He says as he answers a phone call and walks over to table two with his coffee mug in hand.
Kristin nudges me, ” He is right, I wouldn’t worry to much about it. It’s not like your pregnant or anything.” She whispers to me as I freeze.
Shit did we use a condom?
I bite my bottom lip and shake my head.
I am sure we did.
I mean it’s not like he was trying to get me pregnant on purpose.
I let out a sigh, ” My head hurts and thinking about it only making it hurt more.” I say out loud.
” Than stop worrying about it.” Virgil says as he sips his coffee.
Looking down at his phone,” Got to go the boss needs me.” He tells as Kristin who was pretending to be busy.
She leans over the counter and gives Virgil a kiss on the lips.
” People eat here.” I tell them
Rolling the silverware into the hand towels.
Virgil laughs, ” Have a good day you two.” He says leaves money for his and Dean’s coffee before they both leave out the front door together.
” Will you help me? Rush hour starts in about thirty minutes.” I tell her
” Sure!” Kristin says taking a seat next to me and gets to work.
Rush hour was just as busy as ever.
Even have asshole customers like always.
I was currently standing at table four listening to this lady bitch about the food on the menu.
” Do you guys have anything vegan?” She asks in a snobby tone.
” We have water, or air.” I say finally tired of this bitch.
I been standing here for an hour listening to her complain about everything. My hangover wasn’t helping my mood either.
Watching as the women gasp loudly with her hand on her chest, ” Excuse me!” She yells.
” What did you fart?” I asked her with a blank stare.
” I have never!” She snaps as her and her friends get up and leave the diner.
I roll my eyes and walk back up front to see Kristin laughing, ” I knew you had a back bone somewhere!” She says happily.
” Yeah, well my head hurts and that bitch just wouldn’t shut up. She doesn’t like the menu she can go somewhere else.” I say as I sit on the bar stool and lay my head down on the cool marble surface.
” I want to go home so bad. I’m so happy we are closed tomorrow. I just want to lay in bed and watch jersey shore family vacation.” I tell Kristin
Jake comes out of the kitchen and places a pie into the glass refrigerator.
” You should just head home if you feel that bad. I can just have Boyd pick up your slack.” Jake tells me.
I shake my head, ” No, I can at least try to finish rush hour before I leave for the day.” I say tiredly as I stand up.
” If you insist on staying. Go to the break room and chill for a few moments before you start again.” Jake tells me.
Nodding my head I get off the bar stool and head into the back.
I tiredly walk to the break room to find the door is shut. Which is weird since Jake never closes them.
I can hear Boyd on the phone with someone and decide to crack the door open a little as I listen.
” Why, do I have to be here?! Send Virgil he has a girlfriend here and I’m sure he would fucking love it! I’m bored as fuck and I’m going nuts pretending to be nice!” Boyd snaps at the person in the other end.
” Because Virgil has other things I need him to do. Right now there isn’t anyone to switch with you. So you are just going to deal with it.” The person on the other end says.
Boyd sighs loudly as he kicks the trash can over, ” Fucking fine! But don’t ask me to do any missions unless I get to kill them!” He says as the person on the other in sighs, ” It can’t be that bad. Its a diner.” The person tells him.
I laugh mentally as I roll my eyes.
This place can be heaven or hell.
Working here definitely isn’t for the weak that is for sure.
” Damian, do you have any idea how many customers I just wanted to stab in the throat!” He says.
No, way Boyd is having a conversation with Damian!
I hear Damian laugh, ” Well, all I can say is don’t kill them. Jake will have your ass. If you start fucking shit up with his business.” Damian tells him.
” Yeah, I know! He isn’t exactly the person you want to piss off. That’s why I am wanting to switch with someone-” He tells Damian along with something I didn’t catch due to having to hide in the bathroom, because Jake was coming down the hall.
I hear Jake ask Boyd if I came in here.
I flush the toilet and turn the water on to make it seem like I was washing my hands.
I come out wiping my hands on my apron and look at Jake who was standing in the hallway. ” If your throwing up. You should just head home and go to bed.” Jake tells me and Boyd comes out of the break room with the phone to his ear.
I nod, ” Yeah, I think you are right.” I tell Jake with a small smile.
I have to agree with him.
Since he thinks I was in the bathroom the whole time and I don’t want Boyd to know I was eavesdropping on his conversation.
Walking back to the front I take the apron I borrowed off and put it back under the cabinet.
” Kristin, can you give me your keys so I can get my stuff from your apartment?” I asked her.
” I can ask Virgil if he is busy. To see if he can swing by my place and grab it for you. If your feeling that bad. I don’t want you walking an hour out of your way just to walk even longer to get home.” She tell me.
She does have I point.
I was feeling awful and I didn’t feel like doing all that walking.
” I’m just going to lay down in the break room until he gets here than.” I say as I head back into the break room.
” Why are you still here?” Jake asked me.
” Because I still need my stuff from Kristin house. So I’m going to wait in the break room. She said, she could see if Virgil could bring my stuff to me.” I tell him.
Jake nods, ” If Boyd is still in there tell him to get off his phone and get to work.” He tells me.
I give him a nod, before walking off.
As I enter the break room Boyd is still on the phone, but he doesn’t have Damian on speaker anymore.
Walking over to the couch I lay down.
” You feeling okay?” Boyd asked me.
I hug the couch pillow as I stare at him, ” Yeah, I just have a really bad headache from drinking. Plus I feel awful.” I tell him honestly. ” I don’t think I want to drink that hard again for awhile.” I say as I yawn tiredly.
” Just take a nap while you wait. It might help.” Boyd says as he stands up and turns the light off for me.
I watch as he leaves the break room with the cellphone still to his ear.
For someone that doesn’t like being nice, he seems pretty considerate. I wonder if that is also an act? oh well, it doesn’t matter. Although I nap might help. I can feel my eyes getting heavy.
I let out a soft yawn as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
I woke up to the smell of coffee the light was still off, but I could hear arguing out in the hallway.
” Got to be fucking kidding me with this shit Boyd!” I hear Jake yell angrily.
” Will you keep you voice low!” Boyd says back as they whispers stuff back and forth that I can’t make out.
I slowly stand and stumble to the doorway and open the door. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light.
“Did Virgil bring my stuff?” I asked not really caring what they were arguing about. I felt worse than I did earlier and just wanted to go to bed.
” Yeah, It’s in my office.” Jake tells me
I nod and head towards his office. I walk inside and pick up my bag, along with a plastic bag that has my uniform inside of it.
I walk back down the hall to see Jake and Boyd still talking in the same spot, ” I’m leaving.” I tell Jake as he just waves me off.
I walk to the front and tell Kristin bye before I leave.
As I walk down the sidewalk I feel a rain droplets hit my arm.
Sighing loudly, ” This is just my luck.” I mumble to myself as I continue to walk.
As I go around the corner I freeze as I come face to face with two vampire.
Today really isn’t my day.
This is official the worst fucking day ever! The vampire on the right drops the women. They were feeding on to the ground and wipes the blood from his mouth and smirks at me.
” Well, aren’t you a pretty little human.” The vampire on the right says coldly, as the one on the left launches at me. I try to run but don’t get far as I get shoved to the ground.
” Where are you going little mouse?” The vampire laughs as his fangs extent as he leans down close to my neck.
My eyes start to water as I let out a scream.
A second later the vampire is suddenly thrown off of me and gets slammed into the brick wall.
Sitting up I watch as Dean takes one of the vampires head off with his bare hands. While the other ones starts to run away.
It doesn’t it very far as I watch Dean grab a trash can lid. He sprays something on it before throwing it at the Vampire running away. The trash can lid spins in mid air as it makes contact with the vampires neck and takes it right off. I watch as the vampires remains catch on fire before turning to ash.
Watching as Dean grabs the other vampires head and shoves a rag in the vampires mouth to shut it up, before shoving it into his bag.
“Are you okay? They didn’t bite you did they?” Dean asked as he walks over and squats down in front of me.
I shake my head, ” I-I don’t t-think so.” I tell him as my body still shaking.
” H-how did you k-kill that one vampire?” I asked him as Dean checks my neck for bite marks.
” I sprayed the trash can lid with holy water and garlic. I keep it in a spray bottle.” Dean says as he helps me to my feet. ” Come on, I’ll walk you the rest of the way home.” He says as he gently places his hand on my lower back and gives me a gentle nudge forward.
We walk in a comfortable silence together before I ask him a question, ” Are there more vampires on the loose?” I asked him. Dean shrugs, ” Maybe a few more, but we are searching the town top to bottom.” He says as we reach the steps to my building. ” Here take this.” He says handing me the spray bottle.
” Don’t you need this?” I asked him. Dean shakes his head, ” No, I have another bottle. Spray it outside your door and around your windows. It will keep them out. If they try to break into your apartment. I’ll stand here until you go inside the building.” Dean says as I nod and head up the steps.
” Thank you, for saving me.” I tell him as he gives a soft smile, ” Don’t worry about.” He says as I twist the door knob and head inside.
When I reach my apartment door I spray the liquid contents on my door frame, before digging into my bag and pulling out my key. I unlock my door and step inside. I give the bottom of my door frame one more good spray.
I than walk around my apartment spraying all my windows. I think that’s enough my apartment stinks but I rather it stink than be dead. I let out a yawn as drop my bag and uniform in the living room as I walk towards my bedroom.
I kick off my flats and slide out of my dress and pull my bra off. I grab I huge shirt that goes down to the middle of my thigh, before climbing into bed.
Finally I can get some sleep.
I pull my pillow to me as I hug it to my chest and close my eyes.