Nadine’s POV
Ethan’s face twists in anger. He’s unhappy that the culprit is caught, and I know I need to be careful around him. He takes a step closer, and I jump back, startled.
But then I see Logan watching me, his eyes filled with concern. He wants to tell me something, but he’s holding back.
I’m thankful for him, even though I tried to push him away. He still sent his men to guard my house, keeping me safe.
“Logan, thank you for everything,” I say, meaning every word.
Logan stands still for a moment, then turns to me. “You’re welcome, Nadine,”
I can tell he wants to say more, but he stops himself. He shakes his head slowly and walks away.
As I gaze back at Ethan, I sense a long and uneasy night ahead. “Thanks for coming back,” I say, trying to sound calm. “Did you sort out what you went for?”
Ethan nods, stuttering, “Y-yes, I did.”
I sigh. “Okay,” I say, heading towards my room. “All I want is a long bath and to curl up in bed. I’m tired.”
But Ethan follows me, making me uneasy. We almost shared an intimate moment before he left, but I’m not ready for anything yet.
I look at him, expecting him to say something, but he just stares at me. “What?” I finally ask, unable to hold it in any longer.
Ethan’s eyes lock onto mine. “I was thinking I should stay here tonight,” he says, “because of everything that happened.”
I hesitate for a moment, weighing my options. Should I let him stay? I’m unsure, but the thought of Logan’s men still lurking around the house makes me feel a bit safer with Ethan here.
“Okay, use the couch,” I say finally, heading to the closest to grab my nightie.
As I turn back, I catch Ethan staring at me, but I’m not ready to engage with him yet. I quickly make my way to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I need some space, some time to think.
The sound of the bathroom door clicking shut seems to break the spell, and I hear Ethan move to the couch.
I take a deep breath, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling. What am I getting myself into?
As I stand under the showerhead, the warm water cascades down on me, and I take a moment to reflect on everything that’s happened. Have I made a mistake by coming back to New York? Should I have stayed in Canada?
Ever since I set foot in New York, my life has been a whirlwind of paranoia.
And now someone broke into my apartment, trying to harm me. Who could be after my life?
Logan seems to know something I don’t, but I’m not ready to confront him about it yet.
The more I think, the more questions I have. But answers elude me, leaving me only frustrated.
As I notice my skin starting to prickle from the hot water, I slowly turn off the shower and step out. I dry myself with a towel.
Then, I slip into my nightie, the fabric gentle against my still-warm body.
I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing thoughts. But my mind refuses to quiet, and I know I’ll be lying awake for a long time, searching for answers.
Just as I’m starting to drift off to sleep, I hear a faint noise coming from the living room. My heart skips a beat as I wonder if someone has broken in again.
I slowly get out of bed and make my way to the door, trying not to make a sound. As I peer into the living room, I see Ethan sitting on the couch, his eyes fixed on me.
“What are you doing?” I whisper, trying to keep my voice steady.
Ethan rises from the couch, his movements eerily quiet. “I couldn’t sleep, I was thinking about everything that’s happened.”
I scrutinize his face, searching for any hint of deception. His eyes seem sincere, but I’m not convinced.
My body protests the discomfort of the couch. He says.
“Come to bed,” I invite softly.
Ethan hesitates, his eyes narrowing slightly. “Are you sure?”
I nod reassuringly. “Yes, your body will still ache from sleeping on that couch. Just come over,” I say, waving him towards the bed.
Ethan slips into bed beside me. I feel his gaze on me, but I keep my eyes fixed on the ceiling.
I’m turning my dream into reality: opening my flower shop in New York! Plans are in full force, and Ethan has offered to lend a hand with the setup, sharing his knowledge.
Combined with my experience in Canada, I’m confident we’ll make it a success.
But today has been a whirlwind. I rushed to visit my son at my mom’s place, his face lit up as he ran to me.
“Mum, I’ve missed you so much!” he exclaimed, planting a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I beamed with joy, knowing he was happy here.
“I love it here, Mum!” holding my hand as we walked inside.
This is what makes all the hard work worth it – seeing my child thrive and knowing I’m creating a better life for him.
As I walk into my mom’s place, I notice some men lurking around, trying to be discreet. I smile to myself, knowing Logan is looking out for me, despite our differences.
I’ve spent the day with my son, Shawn, and now I’m heading out. My phone suddenly rings, and I answer without checking the caller ID.
Ethan’s familiar voice fills my ear, and a small smile spreads across my face. I’ve missed him.
“Hey babe, where are you?”
“At my mom’s place, just heading out though,” I reply with a smile.
“I’ve missed you, Nadine,”
I roll my eyes, knowing he can’t see me. We left the house together this morning, but I don’t want to bruise his ego. “I miss you too,” I say, playing along.
We chat for a bit. I can sense his genuine affection. Maybe our relationship isn’t as complicated as I thought.
“Can you come over to the flower shop? I have something for you.”
My interest is piqued, and I agree, “Okay.” I was already planning to head there anyway.
I hail a taxi and give the driver the address, my mind wandering to what Ethan might have in store for me. Lost in thought, I’m suddenly brought back to reality by the cab driver’s voice.
“We’re here, miss.”
I snap out of my reverie, thanking him as I hand over some dollars. “Oh, thanks.”
I step out of the car and gaze up at my flower shop, feeling grateful that we secured the exact location I had envisioned – right in the heart of the city, where passersby can easily access it.
As I push open the door and step inside, I’m enveloped in darkness.
My heart begins to beat faster in my chest. I fumble for the light switch, my fingers tracing the wall until I find it. I flip it on, and what greets me is shocking.