Taboo Love 3

Book:DARK DESIRES: Forbidden Romance Stories Published:2025-2-8

Lila pov
It’s been two weeks since Mark travelled back to his hometown. The interview he was scheduled to attend fell through and he got a job. I knew he would get it. Mark is the type of person who once he sets his eyes on something, he will do everything to get it.
” I don’t believe he already landed himself a job. Your boyfriend is making it look like losers.” Kata yells from opposite me, sipping her Martini. We are at the club having fun and the loud music is drowning her voice but i can hear every word. I roll my eyes at her comment.
” You know him. He is always focused, never playing too much like us. ”
Just like me, Kata decided to take some time off after college. While she has plans of advancing her studies, I just want to relax before I decide what I want to do with my life.
” Yeah. He is too serious. Not my type of man. ”
I raise an eyebrow.
” Your type of man is someone who is rich. You want a man to support you financially, but I can tell you, not all rich men are good. ”
Kata has an obsession with rich men. She doesn’t have a preference on what they look like or anything. Just the fact that they have a lot of money is enough for her to fall in love. I always thought she was weird, that’s until I learnt her life story.
Being raised by a struggling single mom, life dealt her a heavy burden. When her mother finally got married to a rich man, she got to taste the life of royalty.
” Who cares whether he is good or not? I just need to wake up surrounded with luxury. The rest, we can always adjust.” Kata replies. ” I am not going to let my children suffer in poverty like I did. ” She adds.
Some might not understand her opinion, I do. I am not saying that her train of thinking is good, I just can’t start to judge her.
I had a good life growing up. A loving family until my parents decided to separate in my senior secondary days. Even with them staying apart, we still have moments as a family.
” Tell me, did you talk to him about that issue? ” Kata asks with a mischievous smile. I choke on my drink, and start coughing.
” Oh, god! Are you okay? ” She asks, patting me on the back. I wave my hand in front of me.
” I am okay. ” I reply, taking a deep breath. I look around and everyone is busy dancing and enjoying themselves.
” What issue?” I ask, feigning ignorance.
” You know… the issue between the sheets. ” She says in a low voice.
” Shit! You can’t be talking about this. It’s not the place or time. ”
Kata just shrugs her shoulders.
” I am curious to know how it all went down. You don’t have to go into details. ” She says, leaning forward and resting her chin on her hand. In a moment of frustration, I disclosed about our boring sex life to kata. She advised me to talk to Mark about it, which I haven’t yet. I don’t know how to go about it.
I mean, that shit is embarrassing and I don’t want Mark to feel like I am too demanding.
” I didn’t. ” I reply, keeping my eyes away from kata’s face.
” Why? Are you afraid that he will feel offended? ” Kata presses and I nod . This is about his ego as a man . Having your girlfriend complain about being unsatisfied in bed is not a good thing.
” You can’t leave it like that, Lila. It’s either you find a way to discuss this with him, or you are forced to live like that forever. ”
I sigh, taking a sip from my Martini. I have been drinking nonstop since we got here and I can’t help but wish I had brought something stronger. I don’t want to go back to my apartment and think about how I feel sex depraved.
” Maybe I am the problem after all. Maybe I should learn how to control my urges. ” I mumble more to myself but the glare that kata sends my way confirms that she heard me.
” That’s bullshit. Stop trying to justify your boyfriend’s inability to satisfy you. It’s either you talk about it or just break up with him. Trust me, there’s nothing that sucks like being stuck for life with a poor performer. ”
Kata has always been direct and honest. I know she is right. The two years mark and I have been dating, I rely more on using my vibrator to satisfy me. I can’t keep doing that for the rest of my life. At some point, I’ll need to table the issue.
” I don’t want to hurt him.”
She rolls her eyes.
” I know but this is about your happiness Lila. ”
We ordered a couple more drinks.
” I have never met a more stubborn person than you, Lila. Just talk to him. That’s the only way you are going to find a solution to this. If he loves you, he will understand your concerns. If not, just move on and find another man. ”
I nod. Kata is right. I need to stop avoiding the issue and just get it over with.
” Fine. I’ll do it. ”
” Okay. That’s the spirit. You’ll thank me for this advice when you find yourself getting dicked down. ” I blush at her choice of words.
” That will have to wait until I travel to his hometown. I can’t bring the matter up in a phone call. ” Since I have less than two weeks before I go for the summer vacation, I’ll hold the matter till then.
” Must you wait until the summer comes? Why don’t you surprise him tomorrow? ” Kata proposes, her eyes bright and shining. I shake my head.
” That’s not going to work. You know he gets home late from work. Besides, we already agreed…”
” Oh, come on Lila. You are just scared. If you really want this to work, you’ll have to make some sacrifices. ” Kata replies.
” Besides, when did you become like your boyfriend? Planning everything and following it like a damn schedule? “