I figured the girls would be at it for a while yet and as much as I would have loved to have burst through that door and joined them, I knew this just wasn’t the right time. The time I’d spent trying to sleep on the plane hadn’t done the job and I knew if I didn’t get a little rest now, I wouldn’t be in any kind of shape for what I hoped would be happening later. I pulled the earplugs from my ears and withdrew the microphone from beneath the door. I slipped it into a drawer and drew the shades to plunge the room into darkness. I pulled off my clothes and slid under the cool sheets; feeling the luxurious comforting weight of the plush down duvet on top of me. As I closed my eyes, I thought about Sharon’s voluptuous round form perched atop Emma’s pretty young face. Then sleep overtook me…
I woke a while later and rolled over to look at the clock on the bedside table; I’d slept for almost two hours. As I came around, I realized how much I had needed the peaceful sleep and how much better I was feeling for having done it. I got out of bed, took a leak and then grabbed my little listening device. I slipped it back under the door and this time all I heard was the soft gentle sounds of the two girls breathing as they slept. The little gadget was so good that I could even detect the two different breathing sounds of the two girls. I put the whole device back in my drawer and called their room extension.
“Uh… hello?” I heard Emma’s groggy voice over the line.
“Hey Sleepyhead, time to wake up.”
“Uncle Jeff. How long have we been asleep?”
“Well, I left you guys almost two and half hours ago. I got a good two hours sleep. What about you guys?” I wondered how long Sharon had kept Emma busy working on that steaming little twat of hers.
“About the same, I guess. So what’s the plan now?”
“Well, I’m gonna take a shower and freshen up and put on some clean clothes. You two should probably do the same. When you guys are ready, just knock on the door to let me know. I’ll probably be ready before you two are. Then, we should get some lunch.”
“Okay, good. I feel a little hungry.”
“Eating that pussy of Sharon’s before your nap didn’t fill you up?”
“Wha… what?” she asked incredulously. “Ummmm… how… I mean, why do you say that, Uncle Jeff?” I could tell by the tone of her voice that she was trying to cover up the nature of our conversation from Sharon.
“Just relax, sweetie. I know Sharon is right there beside you so I won’t make you say anything more. Let’s just say I have my ways of knowing. Anyways, I was just kidding. I’m pretty hungry too. You guys go and get ready and I’ll be here when you’re done. Okay?”
“Okay, see you soon,” she said and hung up.
I got up and entered the big glass enclosure of the shower. I experimented with both heads and let the steaming hot water from both of them beat down upon me. It felt good to wash off the miles of air travel. As I tipped my face up into the pelting spray, I started to wake up and feel alive again. Mmm, there was nothing like a nice hot shower to rejuvenate me. Actually, I thought about how much more rejuvenated I would feel if I had those two young girls in the next room in here with me. Hopefully, after tonight, that would be more than just wishful thinking.
As I soaped up and washed my cock, I took a few extra leisurely strokes thinking about Sharon and Emma likely showering together in the next room. I got that nice warm feeling as my cock started to thicken and extend in the sliding corridor of my hand. Oh fuck, that felt good. I absolutely loved jerking off and had almost every day since I was a young teenager. I pushed down on the top a couple of times and then let my rigid soldier snap up to slap noisily against my stomach, the plum-sized head engorged and angry looking. As much as I would have liked to stroke off a load right then and there, I was hoping to save it up for dumping into Sharon later on even more. I turned the water temperature down and rinsed off under the cold spray. It actually worked and I felt my turgid cock start to subside.
I dried off, brushed my teeth and ran a brush through my hair before getting dressed. I set my laptop up on the dining table off the kitchenette in the suite and checked my e-mails. There was nothing too pressing; just a note from my editor and one from Dave and Maria asking if we had arrived okay. I answered both of them and then opened a fresh file and wrote down some initial impressions and information about the hotel for my article. About forty-five minutes after I’d first called them, the girls tapped on the door.
“C’mon in,” I hollered and looked up as they strolled into the room. They looked all scrubbed and squeaky clean and ready to face the world. Emma had on a flowery little sundress that made her long tanned legs look great and Sharon had on a pink polo shirt and a little white cotton miniskirt. Mmmmm, her dark creamy skin sure looked good against the brilliant white of her short skirt. Both girls wore little strappy flat sandals.
“I’m starving, Uncle Jeff,” Emma said with a big smile as she came over and leaned on the table. “When do we eat?”
“Right now. Let’s go,” I said as I shut down my laptop and grabbed my room key. We went down to the main floor of the hotel and had our choice of a few different styles of restaurants. We chose one from the posted menus that seemed more appropriate for lunch. We were all pretty ravenous and downed our lunch in no time flat. Both the food and the service were excellent and I took a few mental notes to include in my article.
After lunch I took the girls on The Tube which they thought was great fun. We got off at Westminster Tube Station and they got to see Big Ben, The Houses of Parliament, the Prime Minister’s residence at 10 Downing Street, and then we walked through the Victoria Tower Gardens. We had a pretty full day and I treated them to a taxi ride back to the hotel. We chose one of the nicer restaurants for dinner and once again, we eagerly dug into our food after our busy afternoon.
“Well, we’ve had a pretty busy day,” I said as we finished up our desserts. “Why don’t we just go back to our rooms and call it a night. I think with the time change and all, we should probably try to get to bed early tonight and catch up.”
“Sure, Uncle Jeff.” I saw the knowing glint in Emma’s eye as she responded.
“Yeah, I’m pretty tired too,” Sharon said but I saw her eyeing up Emma like a sweet little lamb she was leading to slaughter. That look on her face told me she was only too eager to get to the blissful solitude of their room and put Emma back to work on that juicy cunt of hers.
“Okay, let’s go.” I motioned to the waiter and then signed for the bill before we headed back up to our rooms. The girls entered through my room and then we said our good nights before they moved through the connecting door to their own room. I had told Emma to make sure that she didn’t lock the door and I watched as she let Sharon move past her into the room and then turned and gave me a little wink as she quietly closed the door.
I took another shower and once again thoroughly soaped up my cock. I took the usual few extra leisurely strokes to get it feeling loose and heavy before rinsing off. I checked myself in the mirror and then donned one of the big white hotel robes that the girls had shown me earlier.
I went back to the table in the room and booted up my laptop. There was just a message from Dave and Maria happy to hear that we had arrived safe and sound. I shut down the computer, propped up a bunch of pillows against the headboard on the big king-size bed, the left on just the light on the bedside table. I reached into the dresser drawer where I had stashed the listening device, then made my way over to the connecting door. It had been a little over a half an hour since the girls went into their own room and I figured it was time to see what they were up to. I slid the microphone wand under the door, set the earplugs and turned on the little gadget.
“Oh fuck, Emma, that is so good.” I could hear Sharon’s breathy voice clear as a bell. As she paused, I could even hear the wet sloppy sounds of Emma’s ardent licking. “Oh yeah, you really love to lick that pussy don’t you?”
“Mmmmhhhmmmm,” I heard Emma hum her agreement into Sharon’s hot needy flesh as she continued to eat her.
“That’s nice. Just imagine, Emma, a whole week of you bringing me off like this. I couldn’t think of a better way to spend my summer vacation. Now, nice and slow, I want you to lick all around my outer lips… yeah… just like that… make it nice and wet… mmmm… that’s good. It felt a little hot after I shaved it for you earlier. Oh yeah, that’s it… just run your tongue nice and slow like that… oh fuck… that feels so much better now… just keep doing that until I tell you to stop.” I listened intently to Sharon’s soft pants and low moans as Emma continued to softly lick all around Sharon’s hot shaved crotch. For the next few minutes that’s all I heard, but picturing what was going on in the next room had my cock feeling heavy beneath the hotel robe.
“Okay, that’s good, Emma. Now bring the tip of that sweet tongue of yours right down to the base of my slit… that’s it… now just let it slide right between my lips… yeah, just like that… do you taste that cream I have for you?”
“Mmhhhmm,” I heard Emma’s sloppy groan of agreement.
“Yeah, that’s all for you. Get your tongue in there and lick it all up. Mmm, that’s nice. You know just the way I like it. Oh fuck yeah… get that tongue nice and deep. Oh Emma, your tongue is so fucking long… I love it way up inside me like that… oh yeah… swirl it nice and slow like that… oh fuck… now bring your hand up and use your fingers on my clit… mmmm… yeah… roll it nice and slow like that… oh yes… you are so good at that… oh God… that feels so good… not much longer and you’ll have your second mouthful of cream tonight.” Holy shit! Emma must have already brought her off once already before I started listening. It was time to put the next part of my plan into effect.