“So Jeff,” my brother said as he swung the car onto the road and started to head towards the airport, “I hear you gave Maria a golf lesson the other day.” Maria turned sideways in her seat and her eyes quickly flicked to mine with a guarded look.
“Yeah, she was a good student.” I gave Maria a secret wink and I saw her turn to look out the side window as her face started to go crimson.
“I’m really glad you took the time to help,” Dave said, “because I well… I…”
“Because you suck,” I said finishing his sentence for him. Everyone laughed, including Maria. She turned back around and I could see the calm smile of happiness on her face. It was very nice to see. She was wearing a red sleeveless turtleneck and a pair of white shorts. The ribbed top nicely hugged the full swells of her mature breasts and the white shorts showed off her tanned and fit legs. Seeing those smooth tanned legs of hers reminded me of how good it had felt to have me cock buried in that warm juicy cunt of hers. The way she looked back over her shoulder at me, with her breasts in full profile, I was pretty sure she had dressed specifically for my benefit.
“Well, to put it bluntly, yeah, I suck,” said Dave. “Maria was telling me she really enjoyed what you were teaching her and she thinks it’ll really help.”
“Is that right, Maria?” I asked as I looked at her with a sly smile. “Do you think you’re ready after that one lesson to get out there and join the LPGA?” Again, everybody in the car had a little laugh at this.
“Not yet,” she said as she looked back at me with a twinkle in her eyes, “I think I need a couple more lessons first. Do you think you’d have some time to show me a few more things once you get back?” I could see the lustful desire in her eyes as she looked back at me with a wide-eyed beckoning pout on her face. I could see where Emma got that teasingly sinful look from.
“Well, Maria, to be honest,” I said as I looked her directly in the eye, “you did okay but I think you’re gonna need more than a couple of lessons. We might need to set it up on a regular basis for awhile.” I could see the hidden smile lurking behind her eyes as she took in what I was saying.
“Well, Maria,” Dave said, “you have to ask yourself, “How bad do I want it?”
“WHAT?” Maria exclaimed and her jaw dropped open in disbelief. I almost burst out laughing. There was my brother again. The guy seemed to have no clue as to what he was saying. Of course to him, it was all innocent and made perfect sense.
“Well, you and Jo-Ann decided to take up golfing. If you want to get good at it, it looks like you’re going to have to put in some time and effort. I guess all I’m saying is that you have to decide whether you’re willing to put some time in with Jeff to get what you want.”
“Oh,” she said as I watched her compose herself and a small smile flickered at the corners of her lips. “Yes, I do want to get good at it,” she said as she looked up at me. “If it takes practicing all summer, I’m willing to do whatever it takes. You’ll just have to show me what you want me to do, Jeff.”
“Okay, good,” I said as I gave her a warm knowing smile. “We’ll start as soon as we get back. For now, I want you to practice all those things I taught you the other day by yourself until I get back, okay?”
“Remember how I said golf was mostly a mental game? Like I showed you the other day, just like those pros do when they’re standing over a putt, I want you to just concentrate and visualize getting it in the hole. It sounds easier than it is. So take your time, think long and hard, and just picture it going into the hole over and over. Can you do that for me, Maria?”
“Yeah, Jeff. I can do that.” I could see she was suppressing a little smirk.
“Good. If you do that, by the time I get back, you should be just itching to get that club back in your hands and show me what you can do with it.”
“Excellent,” said Dave. “That takes some of the pressure off me.” No kidding… I thought to myself. “I’ve just been so dang busy at the office lately, I’ve barely had time to practice myself. Thanks a lot for giving Maria a hand with this, Jeff.” I planned on giving her a lot more than just my hand; but that would be a good place to start, feeling up those nice tits of hers.
“Sure, Dave. No problem.” I looked over at Maria and could see her smiling contentedly as she thought about our future “lessons”. “So Maria, if I’m gonna help you with this, how about you show me some of you talents?”
“What?” Once again, her mouth dropped open in surprise.
“Yeah, I can’t cook worth a darn and we all know how good you are in the kitchen. You could give me some cooking lessons. It could be kind of a tit for tat thing. What do you say?”
“Okay, you’re on. You give me golf lessons and I’ll give you cooking lessons,” she said with a satisfied grin on her face.
We rode the rest of the way to the airport with Dave prattling on about various stuff including his job, the house, and other uninteresting issues. We finally arrived at the airport and Dave opened the back hatch for us to get our stuff out. I was able to get a look at Sharon in that brief little skirt of hers. And man… what a look it was! As she leaned into the back of the car to retrieve her suitcase, the little sky-blue skirt rose up the back of her plump full thighs. She made one longer further reach into the compartment and as the skirt came up even more, I caught just a quick glimpse of her white panties snugly cupping her plump labia. Mmmmmmm, she certainly looked good enough to eat; and I was sure Emma could testify to that. As she pulled her case out and stood upright, I looked at the way that stretchy blue fabric seemed molded to her delightful curvaceous figure. Her full round rump projected majestically outwards from her body that just seemed to beg for you to cup that sumptuous ass in your hands and pound your cock deep into her. Fuck, she looked good!
“Jeff… Jeff,” Dave’s voice broke me out of my reverie and I tore my eyes away from Sharon’s luscious form as he passed me my suitcase and laptop bag. We gathered all our stuff together, and then Dave and Maria gave Emma and Sharon their goodbye hugs and kisses at the drop-off area. As they turned away from the girls, Dave reached out and put his hand on my arm.
“Good luck, brother, you’re going to need it. And if they get out of line, don’t hesitate to take them in hand.”
“I think we’re gonna do just fine. Don’t you, girls?”
“Yes, Uncle Jeff,” they chimed in together again and then started giggling. As Dave stepped back and started to make his way around the car, Maria came up and looked intently into my eyes before throwing her arms around me and giving me a big hug.
“Take care of those girls for me, Jeff,” she whispered into my ear with her head against my shoulder.
“I will, Maria,” I said as my hand slid down her back. She had pressed herself firmly against me and I could feel the warm softness of her full breasts pushing against my chest through my shirt. She moved her upper body slightly to rub those impressive mounds a little more flagrantly against me. She pulled her head slightly and looked up at me with a devilish look of desire in her eyes.
“That’s good. And when you get back, I’ll be looking forward to our next golf lesson. How about you give me an oral exam right away to see how I’ve been doing on my exercises while you’re away?”
“Well,” I said quietly as I looked down into her twinkling eyes, “that sounds perfect. But I just want to warn you, when I give an oral exam, it’s usually really long and really hard. Do you think you’ll be able to finish the whole thing?”
“I think so,” she said as she gave me a quirkly little grin, “but if I don’t, do you think you’d give me second chance for a re-write to see if I can do better?”
“I’ll give you as many oral exams as you need until I’m satisfied. Now, you better get out of here before Dave wonders what we’re up to.”
“Okay, I’ll look forward to it,” she said as she stood on her tiptoes and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before stepping back.
“Goodbye girls,” she said as she slid into the car and waved. “Be good for Uncle Jeff.”
The girls said their final goodbyes and we made our way into the terminal. We had all eaten earlier since we were leaving late at night. We checked our luggage and proceeded to the waiting area for our flight to London. We would be flying overnight and with the time change, we’d be arriving their early Saturday morning. As I flipped through a magazine, the girls chatted constantly, their excitement about the trip obvious from the tone of their voices. Finally they called our flight and we boarded. We had three seats together on one side of the center aisle. Sharon was uncomfortable with the window seat so I took that with Emma to my left and Sharon in the aisle seat.