Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>109

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

This whole time, Elliott’s mother had been licking his cock clean, as Jamal had instructed her to do. Elliott had quickly gotten hard as she’d been licking and sucking his cock. Now, when he swallowed that first load of Jamal’s straight from the source, he felt his cock twitch within seconds and he started to come. His mother saw it happening and plunged her mouth down over his spitting cock, sucking out every drop at the same time as Jamal kept filling his mouth.
Elliott felt himself writhing in pleasure as he came, but he kept sucking as Jamal kept shooting. The black boy was working his cock back and forth in Elliott’s eagerly sucking mouth as he continued to come, dropping a massive load down the young boy’s throat. Elliott swallowed again and again, rope after rope of thick warm jizz filling his mouth as Jamal seemed to come forever, his muscular ass-cheeks flexing as he pumped out every last drop onto Elliott’s waiting tongue. Finally, Jamal stopped coming, but, for some reason he couldn’t comprehend, Elliott kept tenderly nursing at the seeping tip of the big black cock, drawing out every drop of cum that he could. Finally, totally spent, Jamal sat back on his haunches, his long black cock coming out of Elliott’s mouth with an audible POP!
“Oh fuck, sorry about that, man,” Jamal said as he looked down at a gob of cum leaking out of the corner of Elliott’s mouth. “My cock slipped out of your mom and I missed when I was trying to stick it back in. Sorry.”
Elliott noticed where Jamal had been looking and felt the tickling sensation as the boy’s cum started to slide down his cheek. Without even thinking about what he was doing, he reached up with his finger and pushed the warm gob back into his mouth.
“Hmm, I guess that takes care of that, then,” Jamal said. Elliott didn’t even realize what he’d done until he saw the sly smile on Jamal’s face. He felt himself turning red under the boy’s intense gaze and knew he had to get out of there. Feeling Elliott shifting restlessly, Tanya slung her leg off of Elliott’s body as he crawled out from beneath her.
“Uh, that’s okay,” Elliott said as he scrambled off the bed. He could feel himself flushing guiltily, and he was unable to meet Jamal’s eyes. “I… I understand.”
“That’s all good then,” Jamal said as he got up off the bed, his long thick cock hanging heavily between his legs. He stepped over and retrieved the bag he’d brought with him. He took a small box from inside and opened it up. He pulled out two things that looked like walkie-talkies and came back over to the bed.
“What’s that?” Tanya asked.
“This is a baby monitor. I’m not done with you yet, sweetheart, but I think it’s time for Elliott to say goodnight. Don’t you think so, Elliott?”
Elliott thought once again that it was like the black youth could read his thoughts like a book. Elliott’s brain was swirling with what had just happened and he knew he had to get away, had to get his mind wrapped around what he was feeling. “Yes sir,” he replied meekly, still unable to meet Jamal’s gaze.
“Yeah, so I figured there were times when he still might want to hear what’s going on, even if he can’t be here. So, I picked up these babies.” He handed one to Elliott. “Just plug that in in your room, and I’ll plug this one in here, and we’ll be ready to go.” Jamal plugged in the one he had and set it on the bedside table before turning it on, a tiny red light indicating it was ‘ON’. He turned towards Elliott. “How does that sound to you?”
“G… good,” Elliott shakily replied. He got up from the bed and started to gather up his clothes.
“C’mere, sweetheart,” Elliott heard Jamal say as he reached down for his pants. He looked over his shoulder as Jamal pulled his mother up against him and kissed her passionately. As Elliott was tucking his shirt under his arm, he saw Jamal push his mother to her knees before taking her head in his hands again.
“Get workin’ on it, baby. I’ve got a few more loads for you tonight before I’m done. Yeah, that’s it. Take that cock deep into your mouth. You’re a hell of a cocksucker, and I’ll make sure you get all the cock you need, and all the cum you can swallow. ” When Jamal said that, he was looking Elliott right in the eye, with a knowing look in his eye and a lewd smile on his face that sent a shiver of guilt tripping down Elliott’s spine.
Feeling himself flushing even more under Jamal’s leering gaze, Elliott made his way out of the room, closing the door behind him. He hurried to his room and plugged in the baby monitor. He set it on the night table next to his bed and crawled under the covers as he looked at it. He couldn’t resist. He turned it on. As soon as the red light came on, he turned the volume up as far as he could. The first thing he heard were the wet slobbery sounds as his mother sucked Jamal’s cock. The next thing he heard was Jamal’s voice.
“C’mon, baby, get up on the bed and let your head hang over the edge. I want to go all the way down that sweet throat of yours this time. There’s nothing like a hot slick throat to make your cock want to spit.”
Elliott heard a bit of shuffling around, and then he heard those familiar sounds coming from his mother, “Eccckkk… eccckkk… eccckkk…” as Jamal face-fucked her. Elliott had witnessed that first hand, and it didn’t take much to picture Jamal rolling his powerful hips back and forth as he fucked her throat.
“Oh fuck, that’s it, that’s perfect,” was the next thing he heard Jamal say.
As Elliott listened, he was surprised to find that the decadence of the whole baby monitor thing was turning him on. He got out his jar of Vaseline and started working on his cock as Jamal continued to fuck his mother’s throat. Only this time, Elliott found his mind wondering, wondering what it would be like to be in her position, instead of Jamal’s.
“OH FUCK, SWEETHEART, GONNA SHOOT THIS LOAD RIGHT DOWN YOUR THROAT,” Jamal groaned out a few minutes later and, when Jamal came, Elliott did too.
With his own load covering his bare stomach, Elliott felt guilty about what he was feeling, but he couldn’t make himself turn off the baby monitor. He looked down at his milky cum clinging to his skin. Overcome with something he couldn’t describe, he scooped it up with his hand and plunged his fingers into his mouth. He swallowed, and then went back to get more, guiltily swallowing every drop of his own semen.
He continued to listen until the wee hours of morning. Jamal was really giving the old bed a workout, the creaking and squeaking of the bed coming through the monitor clear as a bell. Elliott heard many things, from both Jamal and from his mother.
“So big… so fucking big and hard,” was one of the things his mother said, more than once along with things like, “Deeper… fuck me deeper,” and similar terms of endearment. Mixed in with her comments were her usual squeals and moans of pleasure as she climaxed, something that seemed to come through the monitor every few minutes as Jamal worked her over mercilessly, taking her to one euphoric orgasm after another.
Elliott listened as Jamal continued to give her instructions on what he wanted:
“That’s it, work that ass. Let me see those hips buck…”
“Fuck, that cunt is tight. Work it, work it… work that big black cock and I’ll feed you another big mouthful.”
“That’s it, nice and slow… jerk that cock off nice and slow. Do a good job and I’ll let you lick it all up.”
After another resounding fuck, where Elliott counted that his mother came three times in row before Jamal pulled out and came all over her face, Jamal’s voice came through loud and clear. It was obvious that he was leaning close to the monitor. “Good night, Elliott. Sweet dreams,” followed by a click.
Elliott sat up and checked the monitor, but nothing was coming through. Jamal had turned it off at his end. Elliott turned his light off and lay back in his bed, wondering if Jamal was leaving. It took only a few seconds for the tell-tale sounds of his mother’s creaking old bed to reach his ears through the walls, even without the monitor being on. Obviously Jamal wasn’t done with her yet.
Elliott wondered what position Jamal had his mother in now, and how she was taking that huge black cock. Elliott found himself getting hard again as he pictured the various erotic couplings possibly taking place. When he pictured it ending with Jamal pulling out and shooting another huge load into his mother’s mouth, Elliott came again, making a mess as his load sprayed up against his sheets.
Exhausted, ridden with guilt, and with the sounds of his mother’s bed creaking continuously in the distance, Elliott finally dropped off into a restless sleep.
His room was full of light when he came to, a noise in the house jarring him out of his sleep. He looked around, wondering what time it was.
The voice of his Aunt Lexi, his mother’s younger sister, sent Elliott scrambling. He rushed out of bed, stumbling as he pulled on his sweats and a t-shirt.
“What’s wrong with you, girl?” he heard his aunt continue. “You won’t return my calls, or my texts. I’ve left you a number of messages, but I’ve heard nothing.”
Elliott could hear her coming up the stairs now. His heart was pounding as he made his way quietly to the door of his room.
“We had arranged to go golfing yesterday and you never showed.”
The voice was closer now, and Elliott opened his door a crack and peered out. His aunt had reached the top of the stairs and was reaching for the door of his mother’s room. Elliott held his breath as she opened it and stepped inside, now out of his range of vision.
“I figured I’d better come over and make sure that you’re still-”
There was a noticeable pause before he heard his aunt’s voice again.