Busty Mom And The Bullies(Incest Sex):>69

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2025-2-7

Well, you can’t really put it more blatant than that, Elliott thought to himself as he pulled the book closer. He went back to the same place he’s started with Zeke. It only took a few minutes before Elliott realized Gunner was basically dumb as a post. He did listen, and he did try, but he wasn’t all that successful, especially at first. Elliott could see that for Gunner, it was more a pride thing. Like he’d said, “If the other two could do it, he could do it.” It was almost like he was doing it out of spite. Given the choice, Elliott knew Gunner wanted no part of this tutoring business. But Jamal was their unspoken leader, and he knew Gunner didn’t want to cross Jamal, especially when Jamal was letting his pals use Elliott’s mother as their personal cum-bucket whenever they wanted. Elliott guiltily had to admit it was the same reason he himself was going along with the whole tutoring business as well.
Just under a half hour into their session, they both looked up as the incessant thumping and squeaking noise from upstairs stopped. Gunner had been working quietly on a problem Elliott had given him and they both sat there, struck by the roaring silence from above. It only lasted a few minutes before it started up again.
“I guess she wants some more,” Gunner said, a sly smile on his face. He stood up from the table and dropped his pencil on the notebook, the problem half done. “And who am I to deny a lady of what she wants.”
With that nasty lewd smile on his face, Elliott sat there as Gunner turned and walked back up the stairs, once again closing the door behind him once he’d entered the bedroom. Resigned to the fact that the tutoring lessons were over for the day, Elliott stacked up his books and carried them upstairs. He stopped on the way past his mother’s room and listened at the door. The relentless creaking and thumping continued, but he was able to hear his mother’s distinct moans and groans, which definitely sounded more like moans of pleasure than pain. The boy’s voices were reduced to mere mumbles by the solid wood door, but as he listened closely, he did hear Zeke’s voice raise in volume, and Elliott was able to make out what he said: “Fuck yeah, that’s it. Swallow it. Swallow all that shit.”
It wasn’t hard for Elliott to figure out what was happening at that moment. With a sad sigh that he’d been shut out at this point, he went into his room and put his books on his desk. He sat down and booted up his computer. Usually when he was home alone with his mother in the middle of a weekend, he’d pull up some of his Photoshopped pictures of her and jerk off. But today, with his bullies fucking her every which way just down the hall from him, jerking off over pictures of her just didn’t seem like the right thing to do. He wasn’t sure why, but deep down he was hoping that Jamal would call him in, that they’d need their ‘Cleanup Boy’, and make him do his thing. As had happened before when they’d made him do that, they’d let him get off himself by using his mother. He didn’t want to waste a load by jerking off if there was even the slightest chance that might happen in the near future.
So he played his new video game instead. And all the while, the sounds of the relentless fucking continued to seep through the walls from his mother’s bedroom. It made him restless, and he didn’t know what to do with himself. Feeling confused and antsy, he shut off his computer and tramped downstairs. He plopped himself on the couch and turned on the TV, where he eventually found a favorite old movie that had just started.
The movie was almost over when he heard a sound from upstairs and saw Zeke stick his head around the corner of the door. “Hey Elliott,” he yelled down.
“Yeah,” Elliott said as he got up from the couch and looked up at the boy.
“Grab us some cans of Red Bull, would ya?” Zeke said as he gestured towards the fridge.
“Uh, sure, okay.” Elliott stepped over to the fridge and grabbed three cans before turning around.
“No,” Zeke said as he held up his hand, stopping Elliott after he’d only taken a couple of steps. “We need four cans.”
“Four?” Elliott asked, clearly confused.
“Yeah, your mother says she wants one too.” Zeke gave Elliott a crooked smile and shrugged his shoulders, making it obvious that no further explanation was needed.
“Uh, okay.” With his own face flushing with illicit arousal, and some degree of guilt he felt on behalf of his mother, Elliott turned around and grabbed a fourth can. When he got to the top of the stairs he was hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening inside, but Zeke reached around and grabbed the cans from him and closed the door before he’d been able to see anything. The only thing he heard was his mother speaking before the door closed completely, her voice low and breathy, “Oh God, so big, so fucking big…”
With the door shut right in his face, Elliott went back downstairs and watched the rest of the movie. And then found another one that was just starting. And the bed continued to creak and the constant thumping sound went on and on, interrupted with only brief silences every now and again. About an hour after he’d delivered the Red Bull, the door opened again, only this time Jamal stepped out completely naked, his majestic dick hanging heavily between his legs. He came and stood at the top of the stairs as Elliott looked up at him. He leaned against the stair guardrail while he reached down and scratched idly at his shaven groin, just above the root of his dangling phallus. Even from downstairs, Elliott could see his mother’s juices shining nastily on the black youth’s ebony prick.
“Everybody’s getting hungry,” Jamal said. “Your mom said she wants you to take some money from her purse and run down to Robbie’s.” Elliott knew what Robbie’s was, a mom and pop takeout place that made the best burgers and dogs in town. It put McDonalds, Burger King, or any other of those shit chain fast food places to shame. Nobody could compete with Robbie’s. “She said for you to grab some burgers and fries for us. Get some drinks too. Coke’s will be fine this time. And yeah, get something for yourself too.” Jamal paused as Elliott nodded. Elliott felt himself wincing inside at that last comment, as if including him had been an afterthought. “I asked your mother if she wanted one of Robbie’s foot-longs, since she seemed to like ours so much.” The look of surprise on Elliott’s face brought a big smile to Jamal’s. “But I guess she’s happy with ours, since she said a burger would be just fine.”
“Uh, what do you guys want on them,” Elliott asked, again wanting to make sure he didn’t come back with something that would make Jamal upset with him.
“Gunner and I take ’em fully dressed, but that fuck-up Zeke likes his with just ketchup. I don’t know, maybe it’s got something to do with him always wanting to earn his Red Wings.”
“Red Wings?” Elliott asked, his eyebrows arching up questioningly.
“Yeah, it’s a Hells Angels thing. They say you earn your Red Wings if you eat out a girl that’s on the rag.”
“Oh,” Elliott replied, his mind picturing what Jamal had just said.
“Yeah, Zeke’s dad’s in the Angels and I know he’s a got Red Wing patch on his leather vest. Zeke’s probably doing his best to be like his dad. So anyway, he likes ketchup only on his burger, that’s it. Kind of fucked up, eh?”
“Uh well…” Elliott shrugged.
“Yeah, well, get out of here. Your mom wants us to have more fuel, and she wants some too. We’re not done with her yet, and I guess she’s not done with us either.” He winked at Elliott as he reached down and hefted his tumescent dick, his hand starting to slide provocatively back and forth. He turned and went back into the bedroom, closing the door once more.
Having been dismissed once more, but not wanting to miss anything that might happen that would include him, Elliott grabbed some bills out of his mother’s purse and drove to Robbies. He prayed he wouldn’t be pulled over by the cops for speeding, but he made it to the restaurant and back in record time.
Not sure of what to do once he got back home, he put the bags of food and the tray of drinks he’d bought on the dining table. The constant thumping and creaking of the bed was still coming through the floor from upstairs. He looked up at the bedroom door, and then at the bags of food, and then back at the bedroom door again, wondering if he should go up and knock at the door, or if they were going to come down to eat at the table. Finally, he called out loudly, “HELLO? I’M UH… I’M BACK WITH THE FOOD.”
He heard the heavy tread of footsteps on the floor and looked up as Gunner opened the door and poked his blonde head around the corner.
“Uh, I’ve got all the food right here,” Elliott said, gesturing to the table.
“Great,” Gunner replied. “Take your stuff out and bring the rest up here.”
Saddened that they weren’t coming out to eat, and hadn’t even asked him to join them in the bedroom, Elliott did as he was told. He grabbed his own burger and a container of fries and set them on the table before bringing the rest up for them. Gunner was quick to take the bag and tray of drinks once Elliott made it to the top of the stairs.
“Good job, Smelliott. Close the door behind me, will ya?” Gunner said as he took a quick glance over his shoulder before turning back to Elliott, a big grin on his face. “My hands are kinda full, kind of like your mother’s mouth and pussy is right now.”
Elliott obediently closed the door once Gunner had retreated into the room, but not before once again hearing some low rapturous moans from his mother. The sound was partially muffled, and he knew, as Gunner had said, that her mouth must have been full of hard cock. He made his way back downstairs to eat his food. Within a few minutes, that symphonic squeaking and thumping finally stopped. The silence continued for about twenty minutes, and then started up again.