Elliott woke up to the sound of his phone pinging. Blinking against the warm light drifting in around the curtains, he reached over and picked up the phone. The first thing he saw was the time. It was later than he thought. On Sundays, he usually heard his mother get up and go downstairs, but not this Sunday. He hadn’t heard anything. They both must have slept later than usual, which was understandable after what had happened yesterday.
As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he saw that the text had come from his mother. He felt a shiver trip down his spine as he read it:
Elliott responded immediately:
In his favorite old t-shirt and boxers, he scrambled out of bed and hurried to his mother’s room. She was propped up against the headboard again, with the sheets pulled up to her midsection. Her hair was dishevelled and she was still wearing the silvery-white chemise, making it evident she hadn’t gotten out of bed yet. But as Elliott looked at her, she looked happy and totally refreshed.
“Did you sleep okay, Mom?”
“Like a stone,” she replied, a broad grin crossing her face. “I don’t think I moved an inch all night. Did you take my shoes off for me?”
“Uh, yes. They’re right there beside the bed.”
“Thanks, baby. I can’t even remember saying goodnight. I must have been really out of it.”
Elliott shrugged, but he was thinking about that last load he’d jerked off onto her pussy after she’d fallen asleep. “You were pretty tired. You kind of had a FULL day.”
They both smiled at the emphasis Elliott put on the word ‘full’. “You can say that again,” his mother replied as she pushed the sheet down and off her toned legs. “I think that’s why I’m still a little bit sore this morning. Do you think you could help Mommy and kiss it better before the boys get here?”
As she finished talking, she drew her legs up and let them drift apart, giving Elliott a perfect view of her pretty peach-like mound. It was already glistening, and he wondered if she’d had her fingers down there getting busy. He simply nodded and crawled onto the bed, taking what he hoped would be his usual position whenever they were together from now on.
Ten minutes later, he’d kissed her better… twice.
“Oh, baby, you make Mommy feel so good. I love the way you do that for me,” Tanya said as she tenderly ran her fingers through her son’s hair. She looked at his young face, which was a sticky mess of her juices. She saw the love and caring in her son’s eyes, but she saw something else there too. “But what about you, sweetheart? Did you jerk off this morning yet? Mommy knows that boys need to do that, even her own baby.”
Elliott shook his head. “No, I uh… I was still sleeping when I got your text.”
“Oh dear. We better figure out some way to take care of that for you. I don’t want my boy getting grumpy. Why don’t you start by taking your boxers off?”
Doing as his mother told him, Elliott shucked off his boxers and tossed them aside. As soon as it came free, his surging prick sprang up at full erection, pointing to the ceiling.
“Oh my, look at how hard you are,” Tanya said as she looked down lasciviously at her son’s throbbing cock, which looked as hot and hard as a branding iron. “Did you get that hard just by giving Mommy those sweet kisses down there?”
Elliott nodded. “Yes. I’m pretty much that hard for as long as I’m doing that.” He paused before deciding to come out with what he was feeling. “I love doing that for you. I could do it all day long.”
“That’s so sweet, but just all day long? What about all night long?” She gave him a teasing wink as she slid one hand down over her toned stomach, one fingertip toying idly just above the top of her slit.
Elliott gulped as he looked at where that finger was heading, his favorite spot in the whole world. “As long as you want Mom. I’ll do that for as long as you want, anywhere or anytime you want.”
“Mmm, that sounds like something I’ll have to remember. Now c’mere, baby, bring that hard cock up close to Mommy.” As she directed him, Elliott crawled up on his knees between her spread thighs. “That’s it, sweetheart. Now wrap your hand around that hard cock of yours and show Mommy how much you love her.” Tanya continued to slide her hand lower, her fingertip diving right inside her gooey slit. She curled it inwards, making her finger disappear from view.
With his heart pounding with excitement and his eyes glued to his mother’s hand as she started to finger herself, Elliott took his throbbing rod in his hand and started jerking it. He saw a nasty smile come over his mother’s face as he vigorously pumped his hand back and forth, precum flipping every which way from the dripping tip of his cock.
“That’s it, baby. Pump that cock for me. Jerk that load off all over Mommy’s pussy.” She was still flexing that finger, sliding it provocatively between her shiny pink labia.
Elliott was so excited that he knew he wouldn’t last long, and he was right. He’d barely been beating his needy cock for more than a minute before he went off, spurts of semen shooting all over her shiny mound, including her hand, since even as he shot, she kept her finger busy twiddling inside her creamy snatch. Elliott came and came, spewing what felt like buckets of cum onto her beautiful pussy. When he was finally done, he continued to kneel there gasping as he started to recover. He looked down at her cum-covered flesh, knowing that, for him, it was a huge load. Even though he felt proud of himself, he knew his loads were nowhere near as big as any of the three bullies, especially Jamal, who seemed to shoot a gallon of the stuff every time he came.
“Does that feel better, baby?” his mother asked as she drew her sticky finger out of her twat, the back of her hand covered in spunk.
“Oh God, yes. That was amazing, Mom,” Elliott replied, his chest heaving as he fought to regain his breath.
“That’s a lot of cum you shot, sweetheart. I think you need to clean that up for me, starting with this.” She held her hand up teasingly in front of his face, one sizable wad of jizz starting to dangle lewdly from her fingertips. She moved her hand, the shimmering strand of semen waving back and forth.
Like a patient getting mesmerized by a hypnotist’s watch, Elliott could only do as she told him. He leaned forward and offered her his mouth. He noticed that sinfully illicit look in her twinkling eyes as she fed him the cum, letting him suck in the dangling wad of cum before making him lick every last drop off her hand.
“That’s my good baby boy. Now you’ve got to clean up the rest of this,” his mother said as she laced her fingers behind his head and drew him down into her lap. He eagerly opened his mouth and pressed the flat of his tongue against her warm mound, gathering up the puddles of cum. “Mmm, that’s good, sweetheart. Take your time and make sure you get it all, and then I want to feel your tongue on Mommy’s clit again. I’ll tell you when to stop.”
Elliott let her guide his head exactly where she wanted it, moving his mouth over her warm needy flesh. When he’d licked up every drop of his spunk, she set him to work on her big throbbing clit, which he was already in love with. She worked his mouth slowly over the fiery little spire, until she pulled his face hard against her as she bucked through another intense orgasm. She absolutely flooded his face with warm cunt-honey. Elliott loved it.
“Mmmm, what a way to start the day,” his mother said, purring like a kitten as she tenderly ran her fingers through his hair as he nursed at her drooling hole. “What do you say, baby, do you think we should start every day like that?”
“I’d love that,” Elliott instantly replied as he looked up into her sweet blue eyes.
“All right then,” she said as she patted him on his shoulder, letting him know she wanted him to move. “I’m gonna take a shower. Can you be a dear and get something started for breakfast?”
“Sure, Mom.” Elliott climbed off the bed, suddenly shy as he pulled on his boxers. “I’ll grab a quick shower too, and then get something ready.”
“Did the boys say what time they were coming over today?”
Elliott noticed how anxious she was at the idea. Not anxious in the nervous way, anxious in the excited way. “I’m pretty sure Jamal said he’d contact us and let us know. I don’t think he said any specific time.”
“Okay, at least I’ve got time for a nice long shower. I’ll be down in a little bit.”
Elliott knew he was dismissed. He left his mother’s room and took a shower in the main bathroom off the second floor hallway. With his mother always using the big glass-walled shower in her en-suite, this was basically his personal bathroom. Not wanting to disappoint his mother, he hurried through his shower and then pulled on a clean t-shirt and underwear, along with a fresh pair of jeans.
He smiled at the bounce in his step as he bopped down the stairs and made his way to the kitchen. He got the coffee pot going, put some croissants to warm in the oven, and then set the table with a choice of jams, marmalade, and jellies, along with a bowl of fresh fruit for each of them. He noticed that glasses of orange juice seemed to be the only thing missing, and he quickly had that problem taken care of. The timer dinged a few minutes later and he was just setting the croissants on a serving dish when his mother came down the stairs, her body wrapped in her fluffy white robe.
“Thanks, sweetie, everything looks wonderful,” she said as she leaned into him and gave him a peck on the cheek.
Elliott caught the scent of her shampoo and body wash, the warm citrus scent hitting him almost as powerfully as her perfume. He knew he’d never lose that feeling of arousal any time he came within sniffing distance of her.
“You’re just wearing your robe?” he asked, happy that she didn’t seem too worried this morning about keeping it tightly knotted. As she sat down at the table, he was treated to nice view of her sumptuous tits as the robe gaped open.
“Yes. Jamal told me he’d usually let us know what he wants me to wear before they come over, so I figured there was no point in getting fully dressed until we hear from them.”
Elliott nodded as he set a cup of coffee in front of each of them. He too wondered what Jamal had in store for her today. He figured having her dress in something sexy would be item number one on Jamal’s list of the day’s activities.
“So, do you have any ideas for those tutoring lessons yet?” his mother asked as she speared a piece of pineapple and stuck it in her mouth.
They talked about Elliott’s plan for the tutoring lessons as they ate their breakfast. He could clearly see how happy his mother was, much happier than normal, and he hoped that what he had done for her with his mouth was at least responsible for some of that joy that seemed to radiate off of her. They were just finishing the last mouthfuls of coffee when Elliott’s phone buzzed, this time indicating a real call, not just a text.